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Everything posted by TCP

  1. TCP

    Wii U

    Why not release ONE New Super Mario game that's playable on both 3DS and Wii U? You could download it on both systems, and have cross play inbetween. That would have gotten me excited.
  2. TCP

    Wii U

    Agreed. Paper Mario was the best of the Mario/Luigi games they showed.
  3. TCP

    Wii U

    Man, I still can't believe they fucked it up. I never really cared about Pikmin, kind of burnt out on zombie games, and as much as I love Mario, the "New" games have never been the series strongest points, and having two of them coming up does nothing for me. They could have just killed it this year. Announce a release date, system specs, show some Smash Bros footage, mention a 3D Mario and Zelda are in the works, and show us what Retro is doing. Hell, Sony showed better Nintendo games last night.
  4. Congrats Sony! You managed to screw up your conference slightly less than Microsoft and Nintendo. You win by default! (But that book thing was terrible.)

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Chewblaha


      I don't get why conferences show multiplatform games if all they're going to announce is first-place DLC. Why did MS show Tomb Raider? Why did Sony show AC3 and Farcry 3? To announce a system bundle and timed DLC? Come on, guys.


      Nintendo's was interesting simply because of the Wii U. They had their special thing going with Rayman and all that. It was neat stuff.

    3. Chewblaha


      I gotta end up agreeing with Johnny. I wasn't a fan of Heavy Rain (nor am I really a fan of Ellen Page [at all]) but The Last of Us looked awesome. Though I couldn't find myself interested in any of the other stuff that was shown. The Smash Bros. game looked goofy as far as mechanics go and God of War was showing the same stuff over and over.

    4. RockyRan


      This E3 was truly sad. Yeesh.


      Nintendo's just running around with its head cut off, but MS and Sony's conferences are living proof that this gen needs to die already. Both are running on fumes at this point.

  5. The Vita is a sexy machine, but in white, it almost looks cheap.
  6. TCP

    Wii U

    I suppose it could come out a few weeks before the console.
  7. TCP

    Wii U

    A little disappointing they spent so much time focusing on a game that came out last fall, a party game, and some Ubisoft stuff we saw yesterday. Would have been great to get a price and date. Still wondering if my VC games from Wii will transfer over. What about Smash Bros? They mentioned it last year, and yet have nothing to even show this year? They could have really blown the doors on the Wii U open, talked about how it works, how it integrates with the 3DS. But at least they didn't have Usher on stage.
  8. Hey, speaking of Heavy Rain, how is it with a Move controller??
  9. No Last Guardian AGAIN?! Time for this cowboy poet to RAGE.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      If it's not there we riot. Deal?

    3. TCP




      Till then, here's a haiku expressing my anger:




    4. TheRevanchist
  10. http://youtu.be/oNAvUizytbk Gotta hand it to Ubisoft, how often do you see Native American men and black women star in games? This game looks awesome.
  11. I find it a tad funny that Ellen Page is in this game, yet everyone thought Ellen Page was in The Last of Us with that original trailer. I guess that explains why they redesigned Ellie.
  12. Ohhh man, Ethan! We can dress alike now.
  13. I like the idea This is a smart idea. Make it mandatory!
  14. Yeah shipping was expensive but the hoodie was on clearance for like, 40 bucks or something, so it ended up being pretty reasonable.
  15. Forgot to mention I got one of these: So awesome.
  16. TCP

    Wii U

    It'll be like the 3DS!!
  17. E3 Dream Wish List: New name for Wii U. Retro developed Zelda. Uncharted Vita featuring a young Sully. InFamous for Vita. PS1/PS2 support for Vita. Red Dead sequel. What's yours??

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. VicariousShaner


      Red Dead Re-Redemption.

    3. TCP


      I'm hoping for a prequel, Red Dead Predemption.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      Red Dead Revengeance?

  18. This good be AWESOME, as long as it doesn't end up like the PSP version of AC. Give us a console experience, just with shorter missions (but maybe more of them?). Americans! Would New Orleans have a decent amount of buildings in this era? Maybe it'll be a return to the AC2 - ACR style of games.
  19. TCP

    Wii U

    They have a couple new IP's on the 3DS eShop.
  20. Confirmed as fake, according to Kotaku! If there's any news on Versus to be told, they're probably saving it for TGS.
  21. Yeah, with the 6 month development time, you'd really think they'd have something more substantial than that. What I disliked was switching back to Batman. I've played as Batman, for two games now. Why not have the whole thing as Robin? That was the coolest part of the DLC.
  22. It could be fake. But can someone find that Versus footage then? Square has only released a very little amount of footage for the game, but I honestly can't recall ever seeing that footage before (I could be mistaken). And if it is real, the reason for major sites not picking it up could always be embargos. The part that really makes me suspicious is the Wii U, but that could explain some of the delays, I suppose.
  23. Yeah! I don't think you were going to come across Lightning or anything. But things like those ruined cities near Gran Pulse in XIII, I always sort of figured was the Tokyoesque city in Versus.
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