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Everything posted by TCP

  1. American TV is all about starting it for a month, then taking a month off. Prolongs the season, I suppose.
  2. Just finished season (series) 4. Here are my thoughts (beware 4 year old spoilers): Dean! You were right. Donna was awesome. And The Altor (do people call him that? I watch a lot of Fringe so it fits) and Rose! Oh man, that totally left for the door open for Matt Smith and David Tennant to have some adventures together, that'd be fun. Though I do have a few specials left with Tennant, so we'll have to see if this is explored again. The one thing with season 4 that I thought was peculiar was leaving The Doctor's Daughter alive. It'd be interesting if she ever made a return. Also: I can't believe I didn't like the Daleks at first.
  3. Dear Sony, LittleBigPlanet Karting is what you should have done in 2010. This game actually looks fun to play.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. deanb


      I should get back into MNR, really liked it but need more local co-op with folks.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      ^^^^^Yes. Local co-op while tipsy was the shit. We always knew it was time to go when someone would get too drunk to keep playing.

    4. Chewblaha


      Best drinking/kart game is still the original Mario Kart.

  4. That'd be one ballsy fucking ending, W&S.
  5. I think post-game content was always in the works. Hopefully they don't change the actual ending though.
  6. If I was you, that'd be grounds for divorce!
  7. Ok so I've watched seasons 1-3 and 5-6 plus the first episode of season 4. I will say the second half of season 3 was the best non-Matt Smith who I've seen. Blink was an especially great episode. Besides Amelia Pond, Martha is absolutely the best companion The Doctor has had. Not only is she beautiful, she's also useful. Unlike Rose. Donna, so far... ugh. Just what this show needs, annoying middle aged lady.
  8. Tried getting through that game in October but I got really frustrated....
  9. Just beat Mass Effect 3. Actually really enjoyed the ending. Might take a break and play some PSN titles for the next few weeks. I do have Resistance 3 and Deus Ex: Human Revolution to play through, but neither of those are drawing me in at the moment.
  10. Just finished the game. Seriously? That was the ending that had everyone freaking out? Honestly... some people.
  11. No shoots this weekend... girlfriend has to work... time to get through ME3!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Battra92


      The weather is going to be in the 70s this weekend. Fuck gaming, I'm going outside! (Tonight it's raining so I'll totes be gaming it up)

    3. TheMightyEthan


      What is this "outside" of which you speak? Is it something in meatspace?

    4. TCP


      You're "going outside"? What's wrong with you? CAN WE BAN THIS JERK!?!

      Nah, I still have like 4 feet of snow outside here... but it's melting fast!

  12. I don't know if I'd say it's a step down.... It's just more of the same. The RTS stuff is terrible, but after the tutorial, you don't have to do it again. The ending even had a manly tear roll down my face (just kidding, I don't cry). My advice: give a couple months break between Brotherhood and Revelations.
  13. I was actually just going to ask about Torchwood. I heard it described as a British version of Angel. Ok so I've watched all of the 11th Doctor, really good stuff! I watched the 9th Doctor, which I have to admit, I did not enjoy. I am now part way through the 10th Doctor's first season. The Doctor, I like a lot more. Rose still gets on my nerve... "oh look, Rose wandered off and got in trouble ....again". Nor does she have them legs like Karen Gillan does. Hopefully she leaves soon. Still no one can touch the 11th Doctor... 11th doctors are cool. I'm a little PO'd thoug, Doctor Who always starts in the spring, but this year we have to wait for "late 2012" c'mon!!! c'monn!!!!
  14. Yes. You just can't see the trophies on PS3, but you'll see your level go up.
  15. "The Truth" sounds interesting, but I sincerely doubt all that will be free. This is EA, we're talking about people.
  16. Not really a spoiler but incase anyone doesn't want to know shenanigans on the Normandy.
  17. Oh man, an 80s-comedy (Police Academy?) ending would have been supreme. Maybe end with a freeze frame of Shep and a squadmate high fiving in the air. Then bring in a good 80s rock song and have still frames come up with the facts you mentioned. "Jack stopped being angry after she started dressing like a girl and finally got laid". "Miranda died of what turned out to actually be two tumours growing on her ass." "Legion was melted down to scrap metal, now he's a blender."
  18. Man, I'm so excited to get to this ending and see what all the fuss is about. I hope Shep wakes up on Eden Prime beside the beacon and it's all been a dream! More than likely, I think something vaguely Fringe end of season 3 will happen, with Shep jumping in the ancient machine they're building. Maybe I'll get lucky and he'll get a fun trip to the future first and meet Ashley or Miranda's niece all grown up and hot.
  19. W&S, I think you're right, it is smart for businesses to please fans every once in awhile. But I think the majority people who have beat Mass Effect 3 like the ending. This is just a vocal minority and nothing more. I look at Nintendo giving 3DS owners free games after the price drop as a better example of a business needing to please their customers.
  20. I'm not as critical of IGN as some of you. In fact, I think there's some pretty talented writers there (though, some of the articles they have to write are terrible)... But holy hell, the IGN Nintendo team is bad.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. P4: Gritty Reboot

      P4: Gritty Reboot

      Seriously bad writers. Didn't care for Matt Cassamasina (sp) back in the day either

    3. TCP


      Yeah, Matt Cassamasmasmasmas had some bad articles/reviews back in the day. But I'd take him and/or Craig Harris back in a heart beat.

      Listen to their last podcast, they spent more time talking about how much they hate the Vita and how hilarious it is the 3DS is outselling the Vita. Also they say something along the lines that the Vita launch titles were on par with the 3DS (?!??!?!).

      Why was I listening to their podcast? I guess I have some masochistic tendencies.<...

    4. RockyRan


      I enjoyed Matt Cassammassamassassassamassasa's slow descent into madness, though. I read IGN quite a bit (horrible lack of judgment on my part) back when he was a really big white knight for Nintendo. Then I stopped reading (yay!) and years later I read this extremely bitter editorial about how Nintendo fucking sucks and it's all the fault of the fans. Shortly after, he left. I was like DAYUM.

  21. TCP


    What kind of name is "Royal" anyways?!?!!?!
  22. Yeah, that's what I figured, especially coming off Skyrim, I don't think this game can live up to the standards of the games it's trying to be. I'm expecting something closer to the level of a RPG like Fable 2. I only buy new, but this strikes me as a game that'll reach 39.99 soon. Which I think is a reasonable price to pay for both the quality and the quantity of this game.
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