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Everything posted by TCP

  1. I'm really curious to see how the free running in the trees will work. Can you climb any tree? When you get up there, are their specific paths you have to follow?
  2. Sounds like I'm finally getting that sequel to Red Dead Redemption that I've been asking for. Also: I love how a week ago that poll had 1 vote for Revolutionary America, now it has 4. Cheaters!
  3. I just finished season ("series") 5 and 6. Matt Smith is a delight to watch. Karen Gillan is somehow even more attractive in season 6 (HOW?!!?!). I preferred the overall plot of season 5 to season 6, but I felt on an episode to episode basis, season 6 was stronger. Now, time to watch from the (sort of) beginning with season 1 and the 9th Doctor.
  4. I was just agreeing with you. Seriously?
  5. I never heard of anyone's SNES failing, back in the day. In fact most of them still run today.
  6. Yeah that's a good point, actually. Gamers tend to be better with technology, so they're likely to spend more time on the internet. Which, obviously, brings out the worst of people.
  7. Sexism, racism, homophobia, and just plain douchebaggery is a problem in all of gaming culture. I've seen it on this message board... someone talking about "fags" in Mass Effect, or a prominent poster describing a woman as a "slut/bitch" in his status update. While the majority of us are respectful, thoughtful, and normal intelligent people, there will always be jerks. Sadly, it just seems like there's more of it in gaming. Personally, I think it's a sub-section of people who use gaming as a way to avoid real life, due to a lack of social skills.
  8. SO AWESOME. Who needs buildings, right??? Those look like American settlers. They better watch out!!
  9. Someone can't realize they're gay part way into life?
  10. I'd argue that Brotherhood was the best Assassin's Creed to date. But they've already said that this game was in development as soon as they finished AC2. And we already know they got a lot of development help from other Ubisoft studios on ACR (just watch the credits).
  11. Awe man, I wish I did more gaming when I was a college/high school student. Nothing sounds more relaxing then spending a week on the PlayStation, it'd do wonders for my mental health. Instead I will march slowly into insanity.
  12. No, you're just acting like a jackass. ANYWAYS, it'd be great to ignore the trolls and get this back on topic. I am taking Tuesday off work, I will purchase Mass Effect 3 first thing in the morning, and see how far I can get. It's going to be a good day.
  13. Never had a problem with the combat in UC2, in fact, I quite enjoyed it. But I'm not really a shooter guy.
  14. I think he'll likely be half Native American. Which is undoubtedly cool. In Canada, those with First Nation's blood are called Metis, which essentially translates to "mixed blood". They have a really interesting history, as they were part of both cultures. Maybe not setting it in a compact, urban environment is their way of mixing the series up? A lot of people were a little burnt out by the time Revelations came out. Also, AC2 had large areas of farm/country side, and it worked pretty well. (EDIT: Also sorry for posting that JayZ song and temporarily killing this thread).
  15. Ok that supposed Assassin's Creed 3 posted better not be fake, as it looks AMAZING.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      That pic shows him working with the Americans.

    3. SixTwoSixFour


      That was what I was hoping for as well, Yant, but sadly no.

    4. Mister Jack

      Mister Jack

      I'm just glad they're finally getting out of the god damn middle east.

  16. Thank goodness. "EXTERMINATE!!". Ugh.
  17. ....Ok the 4th and 5th episode with the Weeping Angels were much better.
  18. My girlfriend send this to me. I hadn't seen it before, but it made me LOL.
  19. Watched the first three episodes of the 11th doctor. A few thoughts. Karen Gillan is beautiful. Those legs... those legs! Seriously!! The first episode was real good. The second was alright. The third was terrible. The Daleks are the worst thing I've ever seen. They also happened to be the worst thing I've ever heard. Oh lord, their voices.......
  20. Me too. I knew casino stuff was going to be unlocked with this DLC but that's all there is. There's a video explaining what happened to Sazh (you could just YouTube that though) and then Sazh starts playing cards. I was hoping for some battles. I thought 5 dollars was a little too generous from Square Enix. Especially considering Serah's bikini is 3 dollars.
  21. Do not purchase the Sazh DLC if you don't like cards. Eeeep!
  22. Quick everyone! Go on the PlayStation Store and vote for Dissidia 012 as the PSP GOTY. Not only is it truly amazing and deserves to win, it'll go on sale if it wins! Which means I won't have to fork over 30 dollars again to play it on my Vita.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TCP


      But if you like Final Fantasy, I don't see how you couldn't like Dissidia 012. The battle system is amazing, and everything else is basically a love letter to the series.

    3. Johnny


      I don't like Final Fantasy. I did in the PS1 era, but that was long ago. I'm over the franchise.


      As for Dissidia, my problem with it was that it's controls felt too slow and clunky. If there's something I can't stand, that's it.

    4. TCP


      I played more of that game then any else in 2010, and wouldn't ever describe it as slow and clunky. But if you're not a fan of the franchise, the game really isn't for you.

  23. Miser Jack, I would hold on, either Dissidia 012 or Tactic Ogre will be on sale next week on the PSN via the Gamers Choice Awards.
  24. Uncharted: Golden Abyss. Pretty good Uncharted game, it was lacking the cinematic set pieces of Uncharted 2 and 3, and I could have used a couple different environments (desert, snow, city?) but at the end of the day, it was fun to play and still felt like Uncharted. Also to note: it felt a lot longer than Uncharted 3. Maybe it was because I played it in smaller pieces, or maybe it was just longer.
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