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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Is it just me or is it strange that the newest Pokemon games are for the DS? They'll be released almost a year and a half after the 3DS launch.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      @CowboyPoet. Black and white has plenty of 3D in it, it's just shown from the perspective you're used to. I can see them continuing down this path.

    3. Johnny


      @WaS: Nintendo, out of their comfort zone? Good one :P

    4. WTF


      Actually if you watch the intro of B/W you'll notice it was probably made with 3D in mind but then they scrapped it.

  2. I'm glad DLC is coming day one. It bothers me when developers release DLC months after the game came out, after I've finished it. Assassin's Creed is a good example of this. In the case of ME3, if you don't want it, or can't afford it, no problem as it's not required to finish the game. Everyone wins.
  3. Skoshuke, the PSP has a really good library, that's pretty diverse. If you like the J-RPGs, there's tons of Square Enix games, especially, as I always mention Dissidia 012 (steep learning curve but worth getting into). The Persona games are great too but be prepared to $$$$.
  4. Oh Garrus, I hope you get your own spinoff.
  5. As I've been bragging about for awhile now, I got a wireless Vita. Games (all digital): Uncharted ModNation Racers Super Stardust Delta Escape Plan Lumines If any of you aren't already PSN Friends, feel free to add me, even if it's just to see what I'm playing, compare trophies, send me rude messages, etc. The_Cowboy_Poet.
  6. That makes me wonder if Square would let Eidos Montreal do a Final Fantasy after the success of Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
  7. Yeah, if Mordin does have a different actor, he completely nailed the voice. I listened hard and didn't notice a difference.
  8. Yeah absolutely, they do the same thing X Files did, which is frustrating. I don't know if I'd say that was a filler episode, there was a lot relevant to the main plot, but the "monster of the week" story line didn't get fully fleshed out like it usually does. It just seems like they wrote part of an episode, realized they needed more, so they threw in that story line. So actually, it was fairly Inception like... filler, within filler. :-p
  9. Congrats! 80 hours is not bad at all. I was originally going to platinum it, but then late one night I ready a trophy guide and something that I can't remember made me decide not to. Maybe I'll take another stab at it.
  10. How long has it taken you to (almost) platinum?
  11. W.T.F.!!!! How come no one told me how awesome Lumines is!?!?!?!?!?!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheFlyingGerbil


      I played it on my (non-smart) phone years ago and didn't get the appeal. Would the full blown version be that different?

    3. WTF


      Lumines for the Vita is actually great. It's a proper sequel unlike all the other versions that came out. So after L1 or l2 this is definitely the version to get.

    4. TCP


      I'm playing the Vita version and it is amazing. I don't even really like electronic music, but visually and gameplay wise, it's superb.

  12. This season's really starting to pick up. Last night's episode was great, but I wonder why they even bothered with the case, since so little screen time was devoted to it, it was never really resolved properly, and didn't have much to do with the main plot.
  13. Flying Gerbil, I'm the same way, I noticed that during E3. We were seeing Uncharted, the Vita, Skyrim, and other gorgeous HD games that I was excited for... but when Nintendo had their conference, there's just something special about Zelda and Mario. I just care more. It gives me that warm feeling, probably due to massive nostalgia.
  14. We saw Mordin in the trailer but he didn't look like a squad member, it'd be really great if some of the Mass Effect 2 people were main squad members, maybe a Miranda or Jacob or even Legion, who got frustratingly low screen time. I laughed.
  15. I don't know how I'd explain that to my girlfriend. I do hope the Assassin's Creed outfit for Noel gets released here. I'm excited for the Sazh DLC, hopefully it's as long as one of the games chapters.
  16. I voted no. I got burned in the N64 era and never got over it. I would, however, buy a 360 controller if it looked/felt exactly like DS3. I don't know if there's anything out there, but that might make me turn my 360 on again.
  17. I'm considering trading some of my UMD's in and repurchasing the games digitally. How much does EB Games/Game Stop usually pay for PSP games??

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Saturnine Tenshi
    3. TCP


      It's decided then: I will keep the games and wait for a sale to repurchase Dissidia 012, Persona 3, and The 3rd Birthday.

    4. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      I think (not sure) Best Buy gives you some more slightly reasonable prices.

  18. If it's in New York, we better hear this song: http://youtu.be/0UjsXo9l6I8
  19. I don't think they're confined to Europe. Remember in AC2 when they got all the codex pages together, and a map of the entire world appeared? All of these mysteries seem to date back to "the first people" who weren't just in Europe. Actually, now that I think about it, over the course of AC:R, you hear conversations as they board a plane, back to North America, I think.
  20. I'm not so much opposed to Europe, as I am America. If you read other gaming sites (Kotaku) the general consensus seems to be The American Revolution would be the best place to set AC3. I disagree, if they're going to North America, I think a better setting would be Canada, and I think that's what Ubisoft Montreal would do too. Realistically, it'll probably be in Asia or in modern times. Out of curiousity, the location from the last scene in AC:R, do we know where that was?? SixTwoSixFour, if you want to learn more about Desmond, AC:R has some pretty big sections devoted to him and his past. It's a pretty good game, just maybe a bit too much of "more of the same" but if you liked 2 and Brotherhood, you won't mind Revelations.
  21. What are the other Assassin's Creed games planned? The 3DS one was canceled, but isn't their a Vita game? Because judging from that short film they made last year, obviously asia looks like a possibility. It would be cool if the majority of the game was set in 2012, but there could be segments set in
  22. After the successful games Ubisoft Montreal has released, I'm sure they're allowed to set their games wherever the want. Even if they weren't, Ubisoft, as you pointed out, is based out of France, Canadian history has a lot to do with France, so I can't really see them saying no. Actually, why would they even be told they can't? Canadian history would be a perfect setting for Assassin's Creed. And are you telling me that in 1830's there weren't any buildings to climb in Montreal? Really? Realistically, since the games are going to tie up Desmond's story, and judging on the increase attention on Desmond in the past few games, the game will probably be focused entirely on him (or an ancestor living his memories.. maybe?). Maybe a modern day Montreal or Toronto? Maybe they'll pull a Bioware and set their game in Vancouver, which would be an amazing setting for the free running platforming of Assassin's Creed. Based on the ammount of Canadian games being produced (Mass Effect, Deus Ex, Assassins Creed, Dragon Age, etcetcetc) we'll no doubt start seeing more Canadiana in games.
  23. I voted for other. Since Ubisoft is a Canadian company, and their Assassin's Creed games are developed in Canada, Assassin's Creed 3, if it is in the past, should be in Canadian history. Maybe something with the Red River Rebelion, or during some of the battles between England and France and the rebellions of of 1837. Canada has a very interesting history to play around with, something that's not done often enough.
  24. I agree with Strangelove, nothing wrong with the demo. In fact, it was pretty awesome. There were improvements over Mass Effect 2 just like there was improvements from 1 to 2. I like the way Shepard moves around, and the melee combat is nice. Finally seeing Earth was pretty cool. I didn't notice any frame rate issues on the PS3.
  25. Playing the demo, first thought is, Shepard clearly does live in Vancouver. Does that make him a Canuck's fan? think so.
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