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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Ugh I terribly regret not picking up Transistor when it was on sale via the PSN, a few weeks ago. Curse you, past-me!
  2. Frozen I know what you're thinking "TCP, that's a kids movie! You're the coolest poster on here, how can you watch a kids movie?". Calm down! I was babysitting my niece and put it on for her. It was my first time babysitting, and she started crying about her mom, which made me want to cry cause WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO?! But Frozen was free on VOD so I put it on and BAM it was OK and made her stop crying. UNCLE OF THE YEAR.
  3. I disagree with Dragon Age, it's good, a solid 8/10, but that's just my opinion. And yeah, you're probably right but that still doesn't excuse Ubisoft for not getting Ass Creed's combat fun and fluid.
  4. Well, I think the first great game I played this year was Infamous Second Son. Visually, it was stunning, it had a decent story, and an interesting setting. Maybe it was a cliche that the game set in Washington State has you playing as a First Nations person, but, can something really be cliche when there's only one other game that does that is Assassin's Creed 3? The new powers were very imaginative, but, let's be honest here, neon was the one everyone used. I think what's holding the game back from being my GOTY, is the video boss fight. I understand what Sucker Punch were going for, but it wasn't fun, and in fact, was quite frustrating. The next game that could be my GOTY would be a little nugget called Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor. I was expecting a generic Assassin's Creed clone. What I got was something more. First, they absolutely fucking nailed the combat, Ubisoft TAKE NOTE, you've had eight games to do this, Monolith nailed it on their first time out with one of these types of games. Anyways, yeah, combat was sweet, as was powering up Talion. The story was a little bit so-so, and I'm really fucking sick of Troy Baker in games. But what set this game apart was the nemesis system, something I hope other developers shamelessly rip off. How they managed to give each Orc name it's own chant was a great touch. However, I think what's holding Mordor back from GOTY supremacy is it's setting. In all of Middle-earth to explore, we end up in Mordor. While, eventually there are trees and greenness, there's no towns, no snow, no variety in the world. I like exploring worlds, and Shadow of Mordor gave me just enough of that to realize how boring it's world was. So, I think, my game of the year might just be....... Far Cry 4. I only hesitate because I haven't finished the main campaign (in fact, I've just finally got to the north for the first time). I mentioned previously that I enjoy exploration of open worlds, and, oh doggy, does this game have that. Beautiful mountain tops? Check. Small homesteads you wouldn't discover unless you stumble upon it? Check. Beautiful lakes with treasure at the bottom? Check. I know Far Cry 3 had all of that, but I think it's the beautiful setting that sets this apart, the tropical environment never clicked with me. Or maybe it's that I had a ton of PS3 games to play when Far Cry 3 came out, and not too many PS4 games at this point. Did I mention how great the grappling is? Or the little helicopter vehicles? Jumping off a cliff and hitting L3 to launch your wingsuit? It's all great. Other noteworthy games: South Park: The Stick of Truth Rogue Legacy Assassin's Creed Unity (even though I also hated it) Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes Hahahaha OH DEAN! Overall I do think it was a very weak year. The weakest we've seen since the PS3/360 launched, easily. I don't think any of these games could beat The Last of Us, Journey, Mass Effect 2, Red Dead Redemption, Skyrim, Super Mario Galaxy, for GOTY.
  5. Not for me, you said that originally on page 36, this is page 37.
  6. I HEREBY DECLARE FAR CRY 4... GAME OF THE YEAR!! I wrote that in all caps, so it's official and you can't argue with it.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Vecha


      I have it on PS4...barely played it yet. Need to get on that


    3. TheMightyEthan


      I ever got into Far Cry 3 because it was near enough maxing out my PC that I was constantly fiddling with settings to try to get it to run well.


      That's not a problem with the game, obviously, but with me.

    4. TCP


      Booted up Far Cry 3 on my old PS3 last night. Holy fuck man, did I actually play games that looked/ran like this? Jesus f'n Christ.

  7. Ugh, Squeenix, please, please change the vehicles to left-side drive for the Western release. Please!
  8. You know how many fucks I give, Ethan? Zero. I give zero fucks.
  9. My wife also made me watch Divergent. That movie was the worst. The guy named Four? Stupid. What's-her-name's dumb doe eyes? Stupid. The entire premise? Hella stupid. Uh, yeah, most people would be divergent you fucking dumbasses. Hopefully no sequels get made.
  10. I hope we get another Avatar series (one day soon).
  11. Baconrath YOU GLORIOUS BASTARD! He QUADRUPLED MY STEAM COLLECTION. He got me FTL, Shovel Knight, and this Half Life 2 game I've never played but heard good things about. BACONRATH, YOU'RE THE BEST!
  12. Merry Christmas Wallybrotha! No Santa hats but here they are with Santa!
  13. Fuck this whole 'The Interview' debacle. Fuck it right in the ass. Letting bad movies win.

    1. toxicitizen


      Are you drunk again?

    2. TCP


      No, I'm just a dick :(

  14. Wow! You didn't notice the subtly of the lore in Joe Danger?
  15. I don't know, it looks fine to me. We haven't had a ton of 3rd person cover base shooters (not like on Xbox anyways) on PlayStation, and the setting and general tone of this game, coupled with the amazing visuals, makes up for somewhat generic gameplay, in my opinion anyways.
  16. GOD DAMN I love Christmas time.

  17. In all truthfulness, I am TornadoCreator.
  18. I'm going to quote myself from the status updates here.... But this is coming from a guy who's favourite thing to do in Minecraft, Skyrim, Red Dead, etc was exploration. If you don't have the patience for something like that, or you find that "boring", than No Man's Sky is probably not your thing!
  19. Every day that I can't play No Man's Sky, my soul dies a little.

  20. Like this post if you stopped paying attention a few pages ago!
  21. Wait, they actually fought about.... Sonic? Was it over the series sucking from day 0 or day 1?
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