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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Read that as the pickle gun. Got excited. Now, disappointment.
  3. The UC3 co-op mode was decent, it had it's own story featuring alternate scenario's from the other UC games.
  4. I'm with my French Canadian buddy here. Uncharted games are all about the story and presentation, you can't just drop a second Drake in there. However, the maps in UC4 look REALLY big with multiple routes, so the crumbling platforms would still be able to exist, the other player would just have to find another way. Course, that would force Naughty Dog to have every level be giant open areas with multiple paths, which is also not ideal.
  5. I guess if they wanted to add in co-op for the sections with Sully, Elena, and Baker-Drake that'd be fine, but it would be weird to have them come in and out in the main campaign, since clearly Drake will still have portions where it's just him as we saw in the gameplay demo this weekend.
  6. Dammit Nintendo! You can't put the TV fullscreen and Miyamoto in the corner?
  7. Didn't UC3 have optional co-op missions, separate from the main campaign?
  8. Yeah, this. I don't want to have to wait 3 hours when I decide I want to play a game. Isn't the whole point of digital that it's supposed to be more convenient than physical? Except isn't the install size the same for both digital and physical? My understanding was the blu-rays install the game for you so you don't need to download, but after that you just need the blu-ray in your PS4 to verify you actually own the game. Either way, my harddrive got full earlier this week, so I purged a bunch of games, which is annoying. I wonder what the best internal 2TB drives for PS4 are?
  9. Wait, IDDQD, are you saying... that not everyone wants complex RPG mechanics in games? So when developers DON'T do put htat stuff in, they're not actually betraying us and being cruel, mean, evil people, they're actual making games that will be profitable and allow them to feed their families and produce future games? Woah... In all seriousness, I love that he called the Mass Effect games casual, like Bejeweled or Candy Crush Saga or something!
  10. Yeah, an AC game partially set in Canada is an awesome thing. But my PS3 is set up in the bedroom as a Netflix machine and I'm done playing games on the DS3, and I can't be bothered with the hassle of using the DS4 on PS4, so I'll just hold out for the PS4 version, which I imagine could have some improvements beyond just graphics. I wouldn't be surprised to get a PS4 version of Rogue within the first few months of next year. Really, what Ubisoft should do, is spinoff the boating Ass Creeds into their own series, call it Pirate's Creed or something and alternate between them and traditional Assassins Creed games every autumn.
  11. That is some God tier level game design right there. Seriously, Naughty Dog is in a league of their own.
  12. If they DID do an actual remake of Final Fantasy VII it better have Shuhei Yoshida as a playable character. It's 2014, I'm not interested in playing non-Shuhei games.
  13. That's my whole issue with Microsoft in a nutshell. I mean, all three of them are guilty of this, but Microsoft is the worst for letting their foot off the gas, I think we saw that majorly in the last few years of the 360 lifecycle.
  14. That was a bit of a tease with the Final Fantasy VII reveal, but I think getting a slightly spruced up version is all we're ever going to get, at least anytime soon. However, it would be a lot better on Vita, but I guess the PS1 version is playable there. Lot's of awesome indie games today. Count me excited for: Super Time Force Ultra Bastion Shovel Knight
  15. Reminder: PvZ Garden Warfare, Mirror's Edge, Need for Speed Vita are free this weekend only.

    1. TCP


      On the PSN of course.

  16. So is there suppose to be a big Steam sale soon??
  17. Last Guardian. This weekend. I CAN FEEL IT!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      The Last Guardians of the Galaxy.

    3. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      Last Action Guardian

    4. Mal


      It isn't going to happen, is it? ;_;

  18. So I'm finally watching Twin Peaks. I have about 4 episodes left. The first season, and the first half of the second season are a terrific run. Introducing the weirder elements feels natural and was very well done. However, after we find out who killed Laura Palmer, everything sort of falls apart, but it's still enjoyable though. Is the movie worth watching?
  19. Telltale always discount their season passes on PSN as well. They really should stop doing that until the entire game is out.
  20. I normally would wait but THE HYPE GOT TO ME, IT GOT TO ME!!!! To be fair, I didn't have any issues when I played, and I noticed it seemed to run smoother than Walking Dead Season 2 did on PS4 (which I played just two weeks ago).
  21. It's not like it's the most pirated show of all time or anything.
  22. You definitely don't want to play it. It opens with a huge spoiler from season 3, and then talks about things like The Wall and Essos, and characters like Ramsey Snow and "The Kingslayer", without explaining who/what they are. It introduces the original characters well, but beyond that it acts like another season of the TV show.
  23. Game of Thrones - Episode 1 If you watch the show, this is a must play.
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