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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. I still dont know what the fuck this game is about, but Im getting it. Atlus needs to be encouraged to jump on the current generation.
  2. And yeah, the ending was total blue balls.
  3. Halo 2 felt like playing with actiion figures. It was so soft and clean. Or maybe it was just me. I played Halo 1 way too much to be accepting of any change in the feel of the game. Halo 2 was also the first game i played with regenerating health. For some reason i felt insulted. I hated it. Since every game has it now ive learned to accept it.
  4. It made me buy a fucking 360. Damn. Im sorry, man.
  5. Dammit, I was looking for a "like this" button, but there wasnt one for it. Maybe I shouldnt be on Facebook so often. You could do the little plus-1 in the bottom right corner. It's not the same, dammit!
  6. Dammit, I was looking for a "like this" button, but there wasnt one for it. Maybe I shouldnt be on Facebook so often.
  7. Heres a question that probably doesnt have an answer: why do the mass effect games have an option for film grain? Theres nothing about the series that makes adding film grain artistic sense. I dont get it.
  8. Its funny to think that by the end of the week there will be at least one or two used copies of LA Noire for 55 dollars at Gamestop, yet they bought it for 35. LOL.
  9. I think a lot of people are assuming PSN got hacked again. Its funny. And far from it. I dont think this will have any consequences on getting all the PSN stuff back up.
  10. I never got an email, so im cool. Also, wouldnt using that exploit be so time consuming that it just wouldnt be worth using it?
  11. Im 5 foot 10 inches. Or 9 inches. I forget. I also wear size 9 shoes. Im the shortest of my friends. I hate it. Theyre all over 6 feet tall. I wonder what white people put in their water to be that tall.
  12. Amnesia wouldnt run on my laptop. It came up with a rendering error no matter what settings i had. Ill start Silent Hill 2 today though.
  13. Yeah, i was thinking about Deception. Thanks.
  14. Hmmm. That couldnt have made pc gamers too happy...
  15. I noticed that, WTF? I thought Mass Effect 1 was made for the pc first.
  16. I didnt know this thread existed. COol.
  17. This will show my complete ignorance when it comes to pc graphics and specs, but... Im playing Mass Effect 1 and I also tried Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age 2 and honestly, both those games look better than ME1 on the same low settings. If anything, I have to put the texture details to medium on ME1 to get it to look as good as ME2 and DA2 on low settings. Too bad the game starts stuttering a bit if I do that. Ill take a shot in the dark and guess that this is what they call...optimization?
  18. This is the thread where you remember something vaguely, but dont remember exactly what it is. We help each other out. IE: You dont know enough about something for Google to look it up for you. This isnt a game, this actually happens to me quite a bit, but if you want to make it a game, id be game. So game on. SO here we go.... Does anyone remember a PS1 game where the whole point was to walk around a mansion and set up traps to kill people chasing you? It had a few sequels. Definitely rated M. I also think the name might start with a D...or an E. Maybe.
  19. Yeah, same here. I had a Japanese and UK account. I got a UK account tog et a free Dynamic theme and it also got the Castlevania demo first. Other than that, I think the US one is pretty nifty. Well, itd be nice if it ever caught up to Japan in the PSone classic dept.
  20. I still think Clock Tower is the only scary game. I havent played Silent Hill 2 though. its on my pc. I probably should get to it.
  21. I used a tutorial online to get a Japanese account. It told me what options to pick and stuff. From what I hear though, the account had to be made before April 20th to get the free stuff. Which I think is a good idea. Also, someone on CAG has a list for the PSN store today. Im taking it as a sign that itll be up today in the US. I trust those guys a bit.
  22. I also tried the demo and didnt like it. Im getting this time though. I thought the demo for batman aa was pretty bad too, but the actual game kicked ass. I could be wrong again.
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