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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. I got questions! On my Warlock I got my first blue armor for everything, with light and all. #1 Should I be opening armor engrams for him or saving it for my Hunter and possible Titan? Is there a point to it? Let's say I got Intellect and Discipline already on it. Will I be getting better armor from it (I'm mainly thinking something that holds more light so I can level up) or is it better to just save up on whatever is in the stores and let my alts open them up for them to get better armor? And #2 What do I do with the blue armor/weapons that I don't want? Just break them down for parts after leveling them up? And #3 what are class items for? Are they just for show?
  2. I always remembered Fallout 3 to be more greenish than brown. It's like they had a greenish filter on the whole thing. NV was brown.
  3. Is the nerf THAT bad? I vastly prefer Auto Rifles, and dislike slower firing primary weapons (like hand cannons deal massive damage, but I don't like them at all. I'd use shotguns or sniper rifles if I wanted to do single shots.). Right now I'm using a pulse rifle after accidentally selling my AR and i'm itching to go back. I'd never PVP anyway, and will play with friends most of the time. I think I'd have to re-read this a bit later after getting more game time, I don't understand all of it yet.
  4. Do you guys have any tips for new hunters? Basically just something to avoid doing, like don't spend money on something or don't ever use this skill? Something like that?
  5. So I just learned there was no online. What? Two protagonists and no co-op? And they already had freeroam MP in Unity. Seems to me this is the perfect time to implement a good MP system, they already had something decent to build on.
  6. Like most of you, I never understood the popularity of streams... until I did watch (and participated) one time, and I realized what it was all about. Of course, everyone watches what they watch for their own reasons, but I think the thing that keeps people watching and coming back is the community behind the stream, like Mal said. There are mods, regulars, newbies on chat, and people talk, and post gifs, and post ascii art (hearts, swastikas, dick pics). It's like... going to see a live band or something. The band is there, playing music, that's who you went there to see, but you go there with friends and hang out too, drink beer, talk about stuff and all. You should also participate and not just watch, it'll be better. I was watching this streamer once playing Dark Souls, and she's not that good. People on chat were suggesting things and she was reading it and trying them out. I think she died about 5 times on this 1 boss, you could see the frustration building up, as people were talking about their own experiences and strategies in the game, and when she finally won you could feel the sense of accomplishment. I'm not even interested in Dark Souls one bit, but I found it really fun to watch that (both the chat and the stream). That's one game I'd say I'd rather watch on a stream than play it on my own. I still rarely watch streams, but yeah I get why they're popular. For me, streaming is not about skill, it's just about creating a cool environment one can hang out. It's a show.
  7. I was going to post "But, it's the new Minecraft!", then realized something was wrong. Of course, it's Minesweeper, not Minecraft! I then loaded up Minesweeper on my laptop (Windows 7), and woah. Apparently it had been redesigned for Windows 7. How could I have not seen that before?
  8. Combat looks promising. Reminds me of the quick strikes Batman does in the Arkham games. Hope it combos well. And I expect that launcher to be used in combat as well. It's basically a rope dart. Another playable character, I guess it can keep free-roaming fresh by switching. They should also add a character creator for online. I wonder if the girl dies at the end. Or or maybe it's going to be the guy dying! That'll be shocking! I predict he'll die in heroic fashion to save his sister!
  9. I cried till I got my dad (and had my brothers agree) to buy the Captain America/Avengers NES game. It was the one with Cap and Hawkeye as playable characters. It was a good game, and difficult. Took us a long time to complete. I cried till I got my dad (and had my brothers agree) to buy the Doom II PC game. It was a bad choice, I got scared, but I had to suck it up and play it because I didn't want to admit defeat.
  10. Google+ seems to have resigned itself from "the fight" and even though it seems it has the same amount as Twitter (which is crazy. How come Twitter's numbers are so low?), it's not talked about on the same level as Twitter and Facebook. You barely hear any mention of the service. Personally, I still think it has failed to actually become a social network ("none of my friends are on it!"). But Google+ has found it's niche, and it's what Thursday is talking about. That's a common thing you hear G+ users say when talking about Google+. To me, it seems it's more like a forum than a social network. A forum in the sense that who you interact with are not necessarily IRL friends of yours, but like-minded people in the know of whatever you're following. A social network like Facebook (and myspace before it) was basically an extension of the interaction you do with with your IRL buddies. The focus seems to be different.
  11. I did. I have multiple playlists where I add videos all the time. It hasn't asked me to do anything regarding G+ for a long time now. I never got them from adding to favorites though. Before, it was just a popup when I go to YouTube, or when I login. For the longest time it always asked me if I should login as my YouTube name, or as my real name (the Google account). It stopped now. Might have been some setting in YouTube? And uh I guess you're right Ethan. Strange, I do understand what each face meant when I read them before, but I just considered them to be the same on this post. I guess I can read them, but can't write them!
  12. I have a friend who writes it as DX. And it always confuses me. What's DX got to do with anything? Oh and the Google+ thing I think they've calmed down a bit about that. It used to ask me constantly on YouTube. Then only when I login. Then I think now it doesn't ask me at all. What kinda annoys me now are those that use a Google+ login, instead of a Google login. I'm afraid of clicking it since I don't want to go and delete me G+ account again.
  13. Eleven


    Oh ok. Cool. Was just testing out this chrome extension that darkens everything. The default skin still has a light background when using that so I was looking for another skin that may be more compatible. The default IP board skin worked, but then the status bar was back to it's normal size.
  14. Eleven


    Did we use to have themes? I swear I remember having a theme selector but I can't find it.
  15. The tutorial thing is the one where Lamar picks you up and I think Gerald gives you a mission. The bug with the invite is so annoying that sometimes there is no other way to get people into the same session as you, other than creating a new friend's only instance and them joining through party chat (at least on PS4, not sure how PC handles this). There have been so many times I would have liked to jump in to a random person's mission or heist, but cannot since the game kicks me out (it tells me someone left, or that the host left, but neither has actually happened. The game just bugged out). However, playing with friends is awesome and the only problem I have is that sometimes the game throws you to separate sessions after a mission or heist setup. All loading screens are 10x faster and matchmaking bugs are pretty much nonexistent when playing in a private session with friends.
  16. Any of you guys experience issues with your DS4? My controller's analog keeps going left. Apparently it's a common issue.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      I've got two of them and they both have shortish battery life, I think that's just a design flaw (as is the big stupid LED).

    3. TCP


      Yeah that fucking light is the goddamn worst decision Sony's made since the boomerang controller.

    4. Eleven


      I pressed the reset button at the back and it seems to have fixed it? I don't know. The past week I've been experiencing it within a minute of using that controller. So far it's good, i'll keep testing it.


      The battery is probably my only other complaint. I don't have an issue with the LED per se, But I have a feeling that's the one that keeps draining the battery.

  17. I have a Dead Rising 3 code for Xbox One. For the regulars here, if anyone wants it, it's yours. Sorry about that, newbies!
  18. I approved your request, I think you have to go back and confirm it again though. I'm on PS4 too, and depending on how many people I know play the PC version (or if I can find an good, active PC crew), I might end up with that version too. Heists are the kind of multiplayer gaming I like (co-op with actual objectives!), so if you end up with either version, let me know here, I'd love to play (we still have to find 2 other people though). BTW, I opened the signups, so you can join instantly, but maybe post here so I'll know if I should kick that person or not!
  19. That's good, I think. Just send me an invite when I'm online. That's around 7pm for me, so it's perfect actually. But yeah, I'm pretty much down to play anytime during the weekend (I just wanna play...). Just have to know in like a day early so I could work around it. Hopefully Nexus isn't too far from your timezone so we could play.
  20. I'm on GMT+8, and am online in the evening. Weekends I can pretty much change my schedule (ie. sleep during the day!) to play at any hour, though your timezone is a bit tricky kenshi. I might need to know some time in advance if we want to schedule some game time. I play a lot. A LOT!
  21. So I created the crew, and acting as leader for now. If ANYONE else wants to be leader, all you need to do is ask. Right now, I'll be the one accepting requests to join and setting up all the different information for the crew, like titles/ranks, motto, crew actions, color, etc. Crew link: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/press_x_or_die **Signups are open for now, no approval required, but post here so I'll know that you're not just a random person who accidentally found the crew**. Do you guys have a blown-up PXOD logo? Or have you got a PXOD logo already being used in other clans? Actually, there's an emblem creator there. I tried it and ended up with the current logo but I'm sure other people can do better. Below is our current crew settings. I just picked what I thought was best. The ranks are default btw, and I'd really love to change it but have no idea on what to put in for the 10 ranks. I was thinking we could use forum titles (apparently, I'm a Duck here, I have no idea what that means), with the highest rank being "Admin" or something, just so it relates to the forum. But if you have any better ideas, suggest away. The crew types are: Chatter Box Crews are concerned with social interaction. Thrill Seeker Crews are highly physical and spectacle-oriented Rebels sow the seeds of anarchy Soldiers value teamwork All-Stars strive for perfection in online play
  22. I think we're the only ones playing this on the PS4. I'm actually thinking of getting the PC version if folks here get active doing heists. My friends are rarely on, I've just been playing and leveling up myself.
  23. I think the failure scenario you are talking about is only for heists. Missions have shared lives, but people can go on as long as the minimum players is met. I would say it makes sense for heists. Everyone has their own role to play, so everyone needs to stay alive.
  24. Happy Birthday, TC!!! Hope life is treating you well!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Happy birthday, TC, wherever you may be.

    3. TCP


      TC was actually Ethan.

    4. Vecha


      Happy very late bday!

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