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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. I almost downed that fucking ferelden frostback dragon until it decided to cheat and stunlocked us and then breath fire nonstop. wtf!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. deanb


      Secret Of The Magic Crystals: Inquisition.

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Faffin' about with swords and magic and stuff: Part the 3rd.

    4. TCP


      Ah. I bought it digitally at launch and never really got into, I should give it another go at some point.

  2. I feel like I'm underleveled so right now I'm trying to do some of the sidequests on my journal. Hoping to get to level 10 (before I get bored) and continue with the main quest. I just finished recruiting the mages and the next quest has a suggested level of 8, and I'm level 8 so I kinda want to grind a bit to make things easier. I like talking to my companions, so I'm definitely going to do their stuff, if I can find them! I know of Varic's red lyrium thing and that Hard in Hightown mission on my table but for the others, I'm not sure what to do. I guess i'll have to check my journal, it's in there somewhere. By the way, are the single player dlcs missions that occur after the main quest? And which would you recommend? In my limited reading, Trespasser seems to be the dlc to get. I'm afraid of looking for more info as i feel like i'm gonna get spoiled if i dig in more.
  3. Hmm.. I haven't seen those "Agents" quests yet, I'll keep an eye out for those. I'm still trying to figure out how those kinds of missions help me, but I'm sending them anyway. I'm mostly just capturing the camps or closing rifts that are near the main quest markers, and gaining power from those. So far it's enough and I have excess power, so I guess I'll just keep on doing that. Good to know about the other collectible stuff. I guess I'll make some effort to grab some shards just so there'd be less shards to collect once I get to that temple. Thanks! Once I stopped caring about the little sidequests it's been really enjoyable exploring around. I never had problems with side quests before, I actually love completing them in other games but I guess that first area just gave you too much too soon.
  4. To anyone who has played the game: There's so much boring stuff to do. And they all seem very, very unimportant, and doesn't add much to the game at all, I found, after spending a few hours in the first area. So, my question is, how do I know if something they ask you to do isn't a filler quest? Will I know instantly it isn't? Are the interesting quests only given by "interesting" people, like those who seem to be important to the story? I'm getting turned off with the amount of silly things to do. And shards, should I collect them? What about those constellation thingies? Should I aim to claim all camps and areas in a map? Do they actually add anything in the sense that I won't be able to do things in the main quest if I don't do those silly things? If I just stick to the main quest, will I lose much? I don't particularly care about lore things, but things that add to the story directly (not indirectly, like most lore is) I'd love to do. If it's stuff that leads to more interaction between my characters those are something I like to do.
  5. Have I mentioned this before? I don't know. Do you guys stay in orbit just to keep this song playing? It sounds better in the OST than in the game, and a bit longer too. Actually, I don't really know, maybe it just sounds better from my PC speakers than on my TV.
  6. I already bought 4 of them! I hang around the tower and do the "Safe!" emote when people slide to the cryptarch. I also do the drop down on knees emote on strikes before reviving team mates. Heh.
  7. First things first: NIGHTSTALKER!!! ^ But yes, Nightstalker is great. Court of Oryx and Strike playlists will net you lots of engrams. It doesn't even have to be the heroic playlist. After doing 3 of those, you can go ahead and play the level 36 ones, it'll net you lots of engrams as well. Don't forget to use 3oC for the boss and receive a random engram. For Court of Oryx, walk (not run) to the Hall of souls, and if you see some people in the court, join up. You could just help kill or use your runes if you want (I save T2s and T3s for the calcified fragments), you'll end up with lots of engrams. It's faster than strikes, even. Also got my 296 blue ghost from it. Now if I could just get at least a 291 ghost I could infuse up my legendary ghosts, but oh well. Also, these are the emotes. I will probably buy a lot of these. Hope it's $2 at most though. IDK. FFXIII-2 costumes where 2.99-3.99 and I still bought them. http://imgur.com/a/CqfH6#pL0PqFp
  8. The PS4 has all these different kinds of notifications that popup whenever it wants yet it still can't notify you when your friends go online...

  9. Did the Vex trap you in a time loop? So I tested this, and one public event package gives less experience than a mote of light. I tested it on my Suros Regime. It moved, but barely. I guess if you're already there then might as well do it, if not then it's not really worth pursuing as a daily reward. EDIT: So actually after posting this, I realize they do give 3 motes of light so I guess it gives more XP now. Huh. By the way, I'm noticing that vanguard bounties seem to have less effect on weapon nodes? Maybe they're just giving less XP now (3000 max as opposed to 5000 from before patch 2.0). Only weapons seem to be affected, armor looks like it's progressing fine. But maybe armor just needs less XP overall? I don't know. And yes, motes again give way more weapon XP than bounties.
  10. They don't stack, but the effects get better and better the more times it doesn't work. People are saying you get one at least every 5 coins on average. So far it's been true for me. Got 2 already and I've used 6 or 7.
  11. Rares still turn into legendaries. I've had multiple ones now convert to purples. Just bad luck on your side I suppose. The three of coins can be used in Strikes (I guess that's how Bungie intended it to be used), or in any mission where you have to kill an ultra, like Draksis in Scourge of Winter. You can use them whenever, it doesn't have a time limit, the bonus will just apply to your next ultra kill. I pop one and run Draksis from time to time. And also when I find myself in a strike (heroic playlist, nightfall, etc). They nerfed that so that you can't spam ultra kills in very little time. So for me, just to be sure, I do it in between other things, or every other strike if I'm running a playlist. If you don't get a drop, the chances on your next ultra kill will be higher. So that's pretty cool.
  12. They give you the rewards right after you complete it, so no postmaster packages anymore. I'm not sure about the XP reward, I still have to confirm that. ---- So I'm really satisfied with the look of my gear. It's the New Monarchy set, with a Bog Wild helm. They're all 290+ and with Int/Disc. Although I just found this squid cloak, it's black and IMO looks really cool with the Surf Breaker shader (blue white black). Too bad the cloak is blue, and is 265 . They should really remove stats on class items so we can use all these cool cloaks! Other set is mostly the same gear with Imogen's Fire, my other favorite shader. Looks great with the Sixth Reign cloak from Petra.
  13. Exotic Sniper at the daily. https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/3m1syo/spoilerlost_to_light_todays_daily_has_a_special/ I tried it and it's hard! You definitely need 3 people and even then we couldn't beat it. Killing stuff is fine but a 10 min window with 3 rooms and a boss? It's brutal. Edit: Apparently that area is 290 Recommended light. I haven't noticed, but people are saying that's what shows up when you get killed. Then the boss is 300 light (So 300 recommended light overall i guess). I'll probably just skip this for now and avoid further frustration. It's kinda awesome though that people are losing their shit over this difficult mission.
  14. Isn't that supposed to be Sniper Rifle parts? Or is that a later step?
  15. My INT/DISC boots still seems to be a bad roll though. But nobody is selling INT/DISC boots in the tower so I guess it'll have to do.
  16. My alt's been getting hand me downs to wear or to infuse, now she's sitting at 260 light with minimal effort. She also got lucky, now having a legendary chest piece (from a blue engram), legendary boots (from a faction reward). Xur sold a nice Stormcaller exotic gloves as well. So yeah, lucked out with that one. Not that I need to play an alt. I'm just trying to get as much Legendary Marks for now so I ended up running her to do those quests. But my main can pretty much handle everything else. Sitting at 270+ light now. Oh and I finally got 150 marks to buy Monte Carlo's year 2 version. It's the best gun ever! I can go with a full discipline/intellect build,, and still get virtually unlimited smoke bombs. It's like having your cake, and then throwing it on your friend's face because you know you have unlimited cake anyway and you can eat it whenever you want. ---- Out of the new strikes, I think my favorite is the Echo Chamber strike. Is this the PS exclusive strike?. I love the mechanics for the boss fight in this one. I guess you could call it "basketball". That's probably how a fast break feels like. I haven't played the mind-flayer reworked strike yet, not sure how that's gonna change.
  17. I'm enjoying it. I'm only a few hours in, maybe 3-4 hours total, and I've only really done the first 3 quests. I'm doing bounties and the gunsmith tests as well, so there's a lot keeping me busy. Not to mention, having to manage equipment again. I'm currently wielding green armor, except for the chest piece, which is a legendary level 40 with some solar protection, I think it's from New Monarchy, but I haven't unlocked the perks yet. I got to 40 quickly with saved public event packages. I decided to get to 40 at once so I could skip some item management, as it overwhelms me whenever I get back to the Tower and check the new gear I found. Now at least I can scrap most of them, and the greens I've been getting now are level 38-39. My Nightstalker class isn't fully leveled though, and I plan on unlocking it slowly so I could force myself to get a feel for the different skills. I got Monte Carlo from the guaranteed exotic engram. So that's really cool. It's fully leveled (Attack 170), and so far I could still use it effectively. I'm thinking once enemies get to level 32-34 I'm gonna notice it getting weaker, but so far, it does the same damage as a level 38 white auto-rifle (from Banshee) with the same impact stat. I don't have Legendary Marks yet. But I'm going to save up 150 of them and buy the Year 2 version of the Monte Carlo. I'm really excited for that. Edit: Oh and also, Mayhem is awesome. And Nolanbot is growing on me.
  18. Why are windows that are in focus not have colored title bars anymore? Only a thin (very thin!) blue outline. I want to hate this, but it looks like on Windows 7, this is basically the case, and it's differentiated only by shadows from the in-focus window. It works when windows aren't maximized (but less so than having colored title bars). When windows are maximized, its a guess to see if they are focused or not so you have to get that extra click in to make sure. Windows 8's flat design I guess addressed this by having different colored title bars. Windows XP and older (classic) I believe have grey/blue title bars as well for out of focus/in focus windows. I guess it's to keep with the modern app look, but it's so annoying. It should only take a quick glance to see which window is in focus, or even if any of the windows have focus at all.
  19. The important question is: Are you on #TeamDinklebot (aka monotone robot) or #TeamNolanbot (aka whiny child)? I ordered the Digital Collector's Edition and got the exotic class items. It sucks that you can't wear them and wear an exotic armor piece. So I imagine even though the thing looks cool and special (since I bought it with real money!!!), I won't even be wearing it at all. The titan class item even gives you a burning hammerhead-like thing, which is cool. The class items decisions they made are quite baffling. I really want to know the reason behind those two issues: 1) Exotic Class Items considered an armor piece, and 2) class items having stats. It's weird.
  20. Eleven


    LOL. So much contempt in that post, Dean. They're just announcing whatever their latest version is the Apple way. They announce their products without any regard to whatever else exists in the market, it's nothing new. It's an "innovation" if you're using Apple, and that's really all their customers want and need.
  21. Double Post time!!! Lord Shaxx apparently couldn't contain himself any longer in the crucible. (Grabbed from the destiny reddit!)
  22. I like that the game icon, intro screen, and music is updated for the Taken King. And hell yeah I finally have Thorn, thanks 2.0! Even my elder ciphers are complete. Now I just need to find that Monte Carlo...
  23. The only thing I didn't like about the ending was
  24. I believe not all iPhone app shows on the iPad even if you say "iPhone" on the iPad's app store. Probably has to do with the developer allowing app downloads on iPad for iPhone only apps. I've come across some apps like that. Whatsapp makes sense as you need a phone number. Theoretically you can put any phone number in there, but they probably just didn't want to support iPads at all to make things easier for them. For Whatsapp web, don't you need a matching phone anyway? Like, it's somehow still tethered to your phone but there's a web interface (like how Messages work with a Mac and an iPhone, or Pushbullet)? I believe that's why initially web was for Android only, with the app limitations on iPhones and all. Maybe try a browser you can switch the (i forgot what it's actually called) browser string thing, so it says it's Firefox or something instead of Safari on iPad. Mercury browser, maybe?
  25. I'm in a dilemma. I'm having issues with my internet for the past week now, it's frustrating. I have a friend who works for the phone company, I want to ask for help but we haven't talked in such a long time, and I don't really feel like catching up...

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    2. Pojodin
    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      @Eleven what expected speeds are you getting? Have you tried using a Cat5e or better cable for this direct connection test and making sure your wifi is off for the test?

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Also test more than one machine.

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