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Everything posted by Showmeyomoves!

  1. Hmm yeah, sorry... Would be nice if we got the Edit function back, Dean. In any case, the URL is: http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.nl/
  2. Same idea as raine's thread, with some minor differences: I will only post part of a screenshot, and if you get it right you simply get one point. I have about 200 of these ready to go. I actually made these for a comic book forum I used to visit, so they shouldn't be too hard for you gamers. Let's start off with an easy one.
  3. You've been doing the Dutch character for a while now, though.
  4. But then we would have to play as Old Desmond or his off-spring. (Also, somehow 2012 still sounds futuristic to me... Weird.)
  5. @Chew: If you liked any of the 2D Metroid games, you can't go wrong with this (unless you expect a great story).
  6. How is it not a Metroid game? The only difference between this and other Metroid games is this one has an (admittedly crappy) story. Gameplay wise, this is even more of a Metroid game than any of the Metroid Prime games.
  7. @D-K: Heh, that's not what I meant, though. I meant they could set everything inside the Animus in 1700 or something, and give you the option to leave the Animus and explore the 2012 cityscape. Like they do with AC:B (only you would be able to go outside of Monteriggioni).
  8. We're playing tonight/today, I think. I'll be on @ 20:00 GMT.
  9. Futuristic settings would be cool. But if AC:B is any indication, there's no reason why we couldn't have a futuristic setting as well as a historical one.
  10. Supposedly you also get TAY points every time someone responds to a thread you made... So yeah, that adds up quickly in your case.
  11. Two very common ones: Spiders and heights. Nothing I can't overcome, but I'm not a big fan of either. I guess a more peculiar "fear" of mine is... small groups of school girls. They're always whispering and giggling. I never know what they're talking about and I'm always CONVINCED they're looking at and talking about me... This especially bothers me when they're young (like 15-17). It doesn't bother me when they're my age. But I guess groups of 26 year-old girls don't really whisper and giggle anyway...?
  12. I think hatch was kidding when he said he wanted to vote up his own posts. He's a joker, you see. B)
  13. I wasn't near my PS3 in the Christmas weekend and I won't be during the NYE weekend either. So that's why. After that we can play all weekend again.
  14. Let's just say I run a high risk of getting carpal tunnel syndrome... What? I just spend a lot of time behind the computer.
  15. Dean, will you be on tomorrow then? Or will you still be at your parents' place? raine and me are about to start our first game. Gotta go!
  16. I just realized I didn't eat any chocolate letters this year. Strange... I never missed them before.
  17. *starts drinking cream soda like crazy* Maybe if I drink enough of it...
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