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Everything posted by Showmeyomoves!

  1. I'm a Jehovah's Witness, I DON'T CELEBRATE HOLIDAYS.
  2. Good question. I was actually thinking of making up a rule that other people can't introduce new characters. Is that too strict? The other times we did this, pretty much every post would contain the introduction of a new character and/or accompanying sub-plot, so things got cluttered pretty fast. Then again, I don't want to stifle anyone's creativity. What about imposing a limit? Every poster can introduce no more than one (1) character throughout the story. That way everyone would have to put some thought into what role their character has in the story before introducing them. Would that work for everyone?
  3. "Joysticks are like... penises... or something." *awkward silence* "Look, do you want to have sex or not?"
  4. I was thinking: 1901.... A small town on the Western frontier... Ruled with an iron fist by its notorious Sherrif... Ethan "Tali-ho" Deans. If I throw pirates in there, I'm also adding some ninjas (because they are better). And we want aliens as well? Might as well go for broke and add some zombies and robots then. I will make this work... What Pheer said. Just write "I GOT NEXT!" or something equally childish and then write at your leisure. Also keep in mind I'm editing the story as we go, so should this still happen somehow, I'm sure I'll find a way to incorporate both story segments. (Or maybe I'll just go with whoever posted first.) If you look at the suggestions made so far, I think it's safe to say we're writing the next great American novel here. "But you're not even American." That's racist. (It really depends on the poster. I'll just set up the story and maybe try to nudge it in a certain direction from time to time, but it's all up to you guys. If you feel one of the characters needs to be fleshed out, by all means do so. In fact, that would be incredibly awesome if you ask me.)
  5. Haha, still reading the MOWE script. I'm at the Seinfeld reference. Not sure if it's too on-the-nose, but it made me chuckle. That's what I meant earlier in the chat, when I was talking about Bendis' Avengers books. He does that type of dialogue, but he uses it constantly to the point where it's really not funny anymore. It's like he's too busy too come up with witty dialogues, so he just has the characters repeating each others lines. But I digress.
  6. But that's why we love you, Dave. Gregg, I'm reading the MOWE script and I have to ask: WTF is a "Polo"? That won't fly over here in the mainland. I guess the Americans would call them Lifesavers (oh, ironic!), but we don't have those here either.
  7. DOUBLE FEATURE! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJTMNaDukAE I love beats like these.
  8. He charges $120 per page. He can't afford that. (Have you not been reading the thread?!)
  9. That's the only reason I even know who Mads Mikkelsen is... He was a pretty good villain, though. Actually, Casino Royale was a great movie overall. All of you should watch it. (Sorry, the English versions are all blocked by MGM.)
  10. Oh, I forgot to add a more obvious place he also mentioned: DeviantArt. You might even find someone who will do it for less than $70-100. Also: the TAY Story thread is now taking suggestions. The Terribly Trivial Tales of TAY - Gappoi! Edition
  11. We've done this before in Ye Olde Country. It kept me entertained, so let's do it again. Here's the idea: I will write the first part of a story, setting up characters, setting and whatnot. Then you or someone else writes the next part of the story (anything between 1 and 3000 words will do). I will then add that person's part to the story. Please note I might make a few tweaks for continuity (it's easy to lose track of things if everyone keeps adding characters and sub-plots), but other than that I'm not going to force the story in any direction. If you're feeling creative, drawings are also welcome! They'll help future writers keep track of what characters, props and locations look like. Now, what kind of story do we want to see? Just yell out whatever comes to mind.
  12. Hey, no problem. And yeah, it's per page (as far as I understand it). I'm wondering if there are cheaper artists out there. On the other hand, I don't know a whole lot about drawing, but planning and drawing even one page seems like it would be a lot of work, so I can see why someone would ask that kind of money. Also, I should probably make a new TAY story thread - the way I mentioned in the Old Republic Country (having the entire story in the OP).
  13. Listening to 151 by Tha Liks right now, but seeing as how I can't find that track on YouTube, here's a different song:
  14. I just sent my bro-in-law a message. I'll let you know. So apparently there's no such thing as a Utopian database of comic book artists looking for a writer. But he did link me to a forum: http://www.digitalwebbing.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=67 Looks like they're all people who are looking for artists, letterers, colorists, etc. Might be a good place to start? He also gave me a link to a couple that apparently does comic book commissions: http://www.hebsandfish.com/ My B-i-L was writing a noir story, so I don't know if this is the style you're looking for for a superhero comic. Still, it's worth a look. Oh, he also said getting a commission would cost about $70-$100. So if you decide to go through with this, make really sure the artist you choose meets your standards! It's not a bad idea to ask for a test page first. It's not cheap (especially with a 30 page book), but at least you know it will get done. And I really think there are more people out there who would pay to read this. I don't know anything about distribution, though. Though that does remind me... I know a guy from another forum (Newsarama.com) who actually set up his own digital distribution company (iPhone, PSP, etc.) for original creator-owned comics. Haven't spoken to him in a while, but I could contact him if you'd like. Here's his website: http://www.robotmedia.net/
  15. Yeah, I always cut those off with Photoshop or hide it by pulling up my taskbar.
  16. Huh? Oh, I was just trying out that emoticon.
  17. No. Actually, you would be surprised by the type of girls who drop by comic book stores in California. You'll see women who look like super models going into places to buy comics for a husband or boyfriend (since Hollywood movies made comics "vogue"). It's more that I'm embarrassed to be buying a comic book based on a Disney franchise. It would be like going to E3 to play some girly dress-up game by Capcom and having to stand in the same line for the booth as a bunch of guys anxious to play the next Street Fighter. Oh wow. I didn't notice the Disney logo until you pointed it out to me. I feel the same way, too, whenever I buy manga from my local book store. I mean, it's sort of OK (or at least, the embarrassment ignorable) if I buy it along with a ton of books or if I buy something "mainstream/acceptable" such as Fist of the North Star or Bleach… but honestly, anything that gets into moé territory makes my cheeks red. Hehe, reminds me of the times I used to work at a CD/DVD store. Whenever someone bought porn, they didn't just buy porn, they would always buy a whole stack of other things with the porn at the bottom or in the middle. So when you're going through all the items, you're like "Transformers... 2 Fast 2 Furious... Spider-Man... Spider-Man 2... Lord of the Strings... Privates of the Caribbean-- WTF?"
  18. Booo! Title nazi's... Anyway, mine should be obvious. But if it's not: F-Zero is my favorite game. In this game there is a character called Captain Falcon. In the Super Smash Bros. games, "Show me yo moves!" is a taunt used by Captain Falcon.
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