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Everything posted by Battra92

  1. If you have a membership (or know someone who does) to BJ's Wholesale they have generic versions of this for $15 for 300 pills.
  2. Spent a bit of money thanks to a few sales and a 50% off coupon to Barnes and Noble.
  3. I don't have a problem with there being girls in Little League World Series 2010, I do have a problem with them having boobs ...

    1. Harri


      I'd hit that.

  4. Everyone tells me it's a rent from Netflix first. So that's what we're doing.
  5. I love how the news keeps saying that the 6-12 inches of snow we're expecting is not an early April Fools joke. Gotta love New England weather ...

  6. Clearance bin at Target for less than $10. It's worth that, I've heard.
  7. Well we watched it and it was good; it's certainly not the best but it's miles above the crap Dreamworks puts out. Now I'm finishing out the night with Buster Keaton in Our Hospitality.
  8. I have to admit it... I loved that movie. Prolly ordering it later this week from Amazon. I've never seen it. My fiancee and my sisters went and saw it in the theater without me so tonight will be my first viewing of it.
  9. Well today I picked up Tangled (the Blu Ray + DVD set) at Worst Buy and got the free plush toy for my fiancee. So we're planning on watching it tonight ... but TCM is showing Jean Harlow movies tonight. Good thing I hooked up that old DVD recorder.
  10. You wouldn't believe how difficult it is to find an old free IDE DVD drive. You'd think people would just give them away ...

    1. WTF


      It's like that with certain things. Try purchasing DDR2 RAM or something like that. Since they don't manufacture them anymore parts like that always go up in price so long as there are users or there's need for them.

    2. Battra92


      I just want to repair an old Region free PAL-NTSC DVD player for my brother. I got it working yesterday with an old IDE drive and the motor decided it was that time to die. :-/

    3. Johnny


      @WTF: What.

      DDR2 is REALLY cheap in Sweden.

  11. English vs English territory here but a forest can be lush but to say a person is "lush" would be to say they are a dirty stinking drunk.
  12. So it's Friday but why does Rebecca Black need to catch her bus when her friends are giving her a ride? Oh wait, it's because 13 year olds can't drive!

    1. excel_excel



    2. CorgiShinobi



    3. excel_excel
  13. I want to hang out at Dee's house. She looks to have a pretty cool DVD collection.
  14. The fiancee put in Kate & Leopold the other night. Seriously, why would anyone ever put Meg Ryan in a movie. Regardless of that, I'm more wondering how going back in time and taking the inventor of the elevator back to the present time would make all elevators stop working. Wouldn't they just disappear. Romantic comedies are written by idiots.
  15. Last night I finished the needlessly difficult Arkanoid/Breakout clone: Thunder and Lightning. I've been playing this game on and off since I was a kid. It also has the most unsatisfying ending to a game ever.
  16. Mr. UPS man is going to hate me. I have 30 packages out for delivery today. Can't wait!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Battra92


      Gives you business ...

    3. Mal


      Eh? The guy is fine with it, as long as everything is there. Else they will be running their asses off at 7 PM to get you the missing part since you bulk sign for the packages.


      Now pickup is another thing. The guy has to scan every single box.


      Also, Toshi, time travel back in time to tell UPS SCS to eat a dick.

    4. Toshi


      Not my job anymore sirs, not my job.


      Still suck.

  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsoa1wHJT2E These miners? or did you mean minors?
  18. My fiancee is walking down the aisle to that very theme on our wedding day. I watched the Disney classic, Pinocchio. I forgot just how dark that film gets at times, especially the scene where the donkeys are rounded up. I know the book takes it a step further but damn! I remember that scaring the crap out of me as a kid and it's still disturbing now. Good way to scare the little kids into doing good.
  19. I still say this and Return of the Joker are the best Batman movies made in any medium. For me: Borders had a 50% off sale this weekend and I got a bonus at work. I now own all the classic Disney animated films currently out on Blu-Ray. Here's hoping that they continue the stream of the classics as I didn't buy most of them on DVD. I now own this film on Laserdisc, DVD and Blu-Ray. My brother owns it on Selectavision (CED) and Betamax and my father owns it on VHS and colorized on VHS. Crazy? Maybe a little but it is a great, great film in my top 10 films of all time.
  20. Nintendo Exec: You can't have any old Pokemon in B/W so make Pidgeys into Pidoves and Zubats into Woobats and those little bastards will never know the difference.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. deanb


      I'll give you the Woobat, but they've always redesigned Pidgey

    3. CorgiShinobi


      Yeah, there's always a different bird for each region. I always thought it kinda symbolized the locality of it all.

    4. Baconrath


      Nintendo's Madden

  21. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8727552817849141561# The ending of this film was almost lost forever but was discovered in a Russian archive. The final gag is said to have been the finest of Keaton's silents and that the people of the test audience were reportedly walking out of the theater afterwards still laughing as they got into their cars.
  22. Yeah ... so I just bought some gas, Pepsi and wiper fluid. Hope I'm drinking the right one ...
  23. Everything I needed to know about British Law I learned from Thomas. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPRTuRdQaOo Specifically around 2:10-2:30.
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