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Everything posted by Battra92

  1. my mother, and she loses some awesome points because she made me buy my own presents. or maybe she gains them in some people's eyes, but i prefer to be surprised and delighted by how thoughtful someone was when shopping for me. i bought myself howl's moving castle too. it's my favorite miyazaki film and i somehow never owned it. Awesome, AWESOME movie. I actually was playing the soundtrack on my iPod on the way to work. We do lists in my family. It takes a lot of the fun out of it but they were good and surprised me by finding my Amazon Wish List.
  2. Who was so awesome to buy you Demon's Souls and 3D Dot Game Heroes? That person deserves a medal.
  3. No, but I win now http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Np5nJTz9m5I Anyone recognize that kid at the beginning?
  4. Hey! Your head looks like mine's going to in about three years! *fistbump* I shave my head because it's thinning. Why thank you. I didn't realize that people were that interested in me. The sunglasses are actually prescription.
  5. Pretzel and Cheese Combos. They are so horrible but I'm eating them anyway.
  6. Well looks like a reason to dig out HG/SS Free shiny versions of the three Pokemon (also with special moves) will be available in the new year at GameStop. Raikou from Jan 3-9, Entei from Jan 17-23, and Suicune from Jan 31-Feb 6. In addition, Toys R Us will be distributing Ash's Pikachu from Jan 30-Feb 6. http://www.pokemongoldsilver.com/us/#/news/trio/
  7. Oh snap, I didn't even notice that this was a modified controller. But yeah, the dogbone controller from the toploader. Best NES controller outside of the Advantage. The Max would be awesome if the D-Pad didn't suck.
  8. Did people really complain about that? Most of the complaints I heard were centered around the fact that Samus wasn't supposed to talk and that her boobs were all Team Ninja could get right. Oh and people bitched because she had short hair in the flashbacks. I thought that was kind of a sexy look for Samus...
  9. I think you mentioned getting the third one for Christmas. Get ready for some more difficult puzzles. ;-)
  10. Cool Spot may have been Advergaming (is that even a word?) but it was an awesome game. This on the other hand, makes no sense nor is it worthy of existing. I'm surprised no one mentioned Shaq-Fu ...
  11. Coincidence... or inspiration? Well they are two great compilation albums for two crappy movies.
  12. I suppose I can post my picture because I'm not as fat and ugly as all you people. :-P
  13. *Shrug* I liked it! I had a lot of fun with the game and the story wasn't all that bad but if you've played Metroid Fusion you already know the story. The gameplay was fun and a little cryptic and tricky at times. Either way it was really fun and I enjoyed it a lot. That said, I'm glad I only paid $30 for it.
  14. I totally forgot that I beat Tatsunoku vs Capcom with every character earlier this year. Another on the Wii fanboy list?
  15. For those not in the know, Beef Jerky is never cooked!
  16. Today two middle aged women at work were talking about playing this game. They were saying how hard it was at points. I guess Nintendo is selling more than Wii Fits.
  17. YUM! I saw the episode of Good Eats where Alton Brown made his own. So cool ..
  18. Your hands will hurt for the rest of your life. Au Contraire
  19. So you're given a choice of just one console and one handheld from a previous generation to play for the rest of your life. What would you choose? The console is a no-brainer for me and would be the NES. While I do love my Wii/PS3/360 combo I keep going back to the NES. The SNES is a close second, though. Handheld would be a DS or Gameboy Advance SP. Probably will lean towards the latter for its awesome backwards compatibility.
  20. Because I didn't get them for Christmas and I got $50 to spend on me: The latter is more for my fiancee but I am a bit of a Disney whore (at least for classic Walt-era stuff)
  21. Yeah, totally leaving that one alone ... o_O but Cream Soda is pretty gross. Right now I'm eating a Clementine. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GceKnYK1VsE and yes, this is related.
  22. Most of the time I play single player because my fiancee and I have different ideas over what games we like to play. I don't like online multiplayer but I do like good local Multiplayer.
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