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Cyber Rat

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Everything posted by Cyber Rat

  1. >Play Sonic CD and get to the water level.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yantelope V2

      Yantelope V2

      That's not every videogame water level?

    3. Battra92


      It's alright, take a chance, 'cause there is no circumstance that you can't handle.

    4. Maritan


      Dat drowning music... I still hear it in my nightmares.

  2. Because humans deal in absolutes? Not everyone can or wants to start a business. Not every charity cause is something people would agree with. This is for people in-between. There is obviously an interest since people keep successfully starting projects. I mean, seriously, fuck your argument. We got Wasteland 2 thanks to this.
  3. I think most of you are missing the point. It's not asking $250 for Horse Armour, it's just a way to give people who spent more than others a little more than a plain old thanks. I doubt that people who donated $250 did so for the actual pledge reward, rather, they can afford churning out $250.
  4. I was never genuinely scared by Silent Hill games, but they are really unsettling at times. Silent Hill 2 is often quite disturbing, but SH3 also had some shit moments (the latter topping any scene in SH2 IMO).
  5. No, it's not. Games are an untangible form of creative media with the purpose to entertain or engage you. A steak dinner is food. Your face is an untangible form of creative media! Awww, you flatterer!
  6. No, it's not. Games are an untangible form of creative media with the purpose to entertain or engage you. A steak dinner is food.
  7. God Hand lost. You guys know nothing of games.
  8. Got into CS:GO Beta. Haven't touched a CS game in 10 years. I suck bigtime, but there's some satisfying irritation when you go "HOW THE HELL DID HE KILL ME?!"

  9. My nomination is God Hand, obviously. I mean, it's cleary the best game ever. If it doesn't win, means this forum doesn't know their games.
  10. This is stupid and pointless. We all know God Hand is the best game ever.
  11. This isn't the death of creative integrity in video games. Fallout 3 had a shitty ending, people called Bethesda out on it, it was subsequently changed. Left 4 Dead 1 had all maps be stand alone because the playtesters said it was better that way, but people complained about it post-release. What did we get? L4D2 didn't have that issue and DLC was released to offer some sort of unified story to L4D1. Heck, Portal 1s ending was changed in preparation for Portal 2. These things happen more often than people may think.
  12. Why did the scarecrow get promoted? Why do cows need bells? What do you call a Mexican who lost his car? What did the buffalo say to his son when he left for college? What do you call an alligator in a vest? How do you make holy water?
  13. Lori was always a bitch. I'm actually very fond of Daryl. He's one of the rare reasonable characters in the show. And glad the certain character appeared as well.
  14. Bethesda already changed Fallout 3's ending for the better with DLC. Nobody was fucked over it. Nagging how the ending is awful is fine. But filing legal complaints is just plain silly.
  15. Finished Corpse Party on the PSP. Great story, godawful requirements to avoid bad endings...
  16. Silent Hill never had an HUD... It only warned you if your HP was dangerously low, but otherwise, everything else was detailed in menus.
  17. I'll help if I manage to find a job soon :/ Unemployment sucks...
  18. I'm pretty sure you could play Borderlands online with a cracked copy.
  19. "I don't need luck. I have ammo."
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