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Cyber Rat

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Everything posted by Cyber Rat

  1. Alright, thanks for all the recommendations so far, keep 'em coming! Are there or games on the DS? Or anything similar?
  2. I'm getting a second-hand Nintendo DS tomorrow, primarily because I need it for some kanji education software. However, I can still play games on it! So, recommendations for "must play" titles, please. Aside from Phoenix Wright, since I'm definitely playing that.
  3. So, I argued with Serbian Facebook feminists and got accuesed of being the same mentality as American rednecks and that I should go hang out with homosexuals. What.

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Mister Jack

      Mister Jack

      Kinda hard to sympathize with a feminist group that picks on another group that people hate more. "Oh, you don't support our struggle against inequality and stereotypes? You must be one of those god damn fags."

    3. Vecha


      My wife and mother in law are both feminists.


      However...my Wife is more of the "Equality" feminist and my mother in law says shit like, "Men had their time."


      My wife likes high heels.


      My MIL feels high heels are degrading to women.


      With that said...I feel trying to "group" people into groups is part of the problem.


      Not every feminist is the same...just like not every woman/man is the same.


      Bottom lin...

    4. Vecha


      Bottom line...have a discussion without belittling the other person.

  4. Send me your display name and I'll add you when I jump in-game next time.
  5. Wait... what? AAA are already on Steam in large numbers. Anyways, if we ditch the $100 entrance fee, then what is a viable solution for weeding out all of the bullshit from the real games? You misunderstood. I meant if people get to choose which indie games get on Steam, then why don't people get to choose which AAA games get on Steam? Greenlight looks more like a hindrance than anything for indies right now. And honestly, $25 would achieve the same effect as $100. It's still stupid, though. Would be best if Valve just got a good team to review submissions.
  6. $100 to just get a chance at getting on Steam is ridiculous. Like Ethan said, devs can probably scrape that much, but I'd be more comfortable if that money went towards the actual game. I don't even agree with it all going to charity. I'm more for a variant of it going to improve Greenlight or maybe help fund games that get chosen? I don't think Valve thought Greenlight through. Having the masses vote for indie submissions seems unfair if AAA titles aren't getting the same treatment. The system is also shitty if you are forced to sell the game before it's even made. That's precisely one of the reasons a good deal of indies don't choose publishers. Greenlight so far isn't doing much to make submitting games easier or smoother. It's just one retarded popularity contest. I want games that most people won't like. Those games often implement mechanics or ideas that are noteworthy.
  7. I'm the one in the straw hat.
  8. I miss WTF and his posts :(

    1. TCP


      I miss posts in general :(

    2. TheFlyingGerbil


      what's he up to? Is he coming back?

    3. excel_excel


      I do too, WTF is great

  9. Bought this when it was on sale. Played through it during the weekend. Good stuff, just shame it renders your choices meaningless on a mechanical level (and to some extent on a narrative level).
  10. Here is the Seal Clubbers' Clubbing Club logo (monochrome version): Anyone who wants to join in from either the EU or US, we're on Gunnar's Hold (officially EU server)
  11. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=92985806&searchtext= Routine. This needs to happen. It's the bee's knees.
  12. I suggest you ask around for some good private trackers (ask people who torrent, since finding them on google can be difficult at times). I'd send you an invite for the one I used, but I think my account got closed due to inactivity It's a shame, really, because I used it for some rare and obscure stuff you can't find anymore, like Cosmology of Kyoto.
  13. Sony is doing it with their All-Stars game. Buy it on the PS3 and you can play it on your Vita. Steam also does it with plenty of games, letting you own both the Mac and PC version when you buy it. But like I said, we're at a point where it's the exception rather than the norm in the industry.
  14. I agree with this wholeheartedly. Most of the cost is in creating the game, the art the physics, the audio. Sending it down pipes or putting it in boxes is a tiny fraction of the cost. So you should pay for the content, like Amazon does with Kindle. Same book on iPad, Kindle hardware, PC, Android etc. You pay for the content. Of course the problem is the "platform". For Amazon, "Kindle" is the platform, the platform exists on various types of hardware. For games, the platform and the hardware are synonymous. Much as everyone likes to rag on EA (not always without good cause), they would actually like Origin to become Kindle for videogames. You buy your game direct from Origin, and it gets delivered to whatever you want wherever you want it. There's a few obstacles to that of course (namely Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo). You have to start somewhere, so would be nice if it was at least "Buy on console > get free PC version" for now, since there are fewer hurdles there. Heck, you don't even have to give people a Steam or Origin code if you're not into either of those. The GOG version of the Witcher 2 is DRM-free and is basically given to you if you bought it anywhere else (like Steam). Maybe as we go farther into the digital age, console manufacturers will be forced to resort to this, but right now, they have the luxury of going "No deal." Heck, we can't even get cross-platform gameplay working properly because of these disputes...
  15. I am going to flip every single goddamn table ever

    1. Baconrath



  16. I actually believe things like Sony's cross-buy and Steam's "own it on both PC and Mac" should be the rule rather than the exception. If you own it one on platform, you should own it on all viable platforms. Of course, that ain't happening any time soon for a multitude of reasons. Still, I don't see anything wrong with pirating an Xbox360 version of a game you've already paid for on the PS3.
  17. All ASW games are chalk-full of fetishes and sexualization. When you read too much into it, GG is actually worse than BB in that regard, but BB is much more straightforward in its presentation.
  18. Buy it for the platform you can play it on and pirate it on a different platform? I'm not really sure myself, to be honest...
  19. I'll need more time with the game before I can give you a reliable estimate, but since it's not subscription-based, I think you can allocate your play time in such a way to avoid burnout.
  20. So, um... I had to articles make it into RPS's Sunday Papers this week. Did not expect that.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Luftwaffles


      But... you used the wrong two! What kind of a writer are you!?


      Congrats, though. They love you over there.

    3. Cyber Rat

      Cyber Rat

      Only noticed the type... I meant "two" instead of "to"... I blame posting right after waking up

    4. fuchikoma


      Cool! Climb the ladder of games journalism! (Or beanstalk? Coins over clouds, etc?)

  21. Just an FYI, we've moved servers to Gunnar's Hold
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