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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Mal

    Black Friday

    Dunno why I did it (Hey, I'm being retarded with my money) but I got another year. Yeah I could of waited till next year for this deal to show up but eh... I got it out of the way. Who knows... I could even raffle it off...
  2. I'm finding that out the hard way since tons of people had similar ideas. Trying to find the trifecta might be a challenge in the Bay Area. If I'm stuck buying only one game used then I might as well buy new. Amazon got me covered in that regard.
  3. I feel bad for the devs, thats all... but yeah. Back to used games for me. With the b2g1 at GS, I can save about $25 for the games I want... if I can find them all at the same place.
  4. I never said anything about morality. I was merely jabbing at Nintendo. I really much prefer new so the devs and pubs can get their money. It wouldn't kill them to do a simple 20% to 33% on titles older than say one year or so. Though I suppose I'm trending some brick and mortar relationship minefield. Also my PCness is showing. Having predictable sales is really nice. I just feel with Nintendo and perhaps the others consoles it is harder.
  5. Mal

    Black Friday

    Okay. I got the PS+ deal from Amazon. You cannot use mobile app to get it or on the mobile site. Unless you go to the full website. I got it from my brother's desktop. Odd to say the least. Maybe to stop people who get it in the brick and mortar stores from double dipping. Anyways. Holding pattern before I use it. I'll wait til the store has something I want. Hell, I can even wait til I get the PS4 to use it.
  6. They even patched out 2 GB of it and still they were way over what is to be expected for the quality we see. At this point the devs are being really sloppy since they know they can be with so much more RAM to play with. Hopefully it won't be a trend.
  7. Flight sticks, any recommendations?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      The Logitech doesn't seem very fun since there isn't a second controller for throttle.

    3. Mal


      That was my thought. I guess I'll save up since I feel that might come in handy. Keyboard inputs seems to change it a bunch.

    4. Luftwaffles


      The Logitech is really the only not HOTAS (hands on throttle and stick) controller I'd recommend simply because it's got tons of base buttons you can use as modifiers.

  8. From the dev/pub view, I'm an actual lost sale. Pirating is a maybe. Quite sure this was gone over in the pirating thread.
  9. He can't. I got one wild game ready. I can make it two wild games and Wally will like them.
  10. So I took a gander at the email that Nintendo sent out about the sales. I know they were terrible but damn. Why so reserved on the software sales? I don't like to buy used since that is seriously worst than pirating the games but I just can't work with a big maybe that the games I want will go on sale by my flight time on December 18th. Oh sure I can buy one new game but in the holiday season, it is kind of odd to get a game with no discount.
  11. i7 950, 1366 socket. When I got it I was under the impression that it'll last me till the day it died.
  12. Yeah? At the level I want to play at, it has been running piss poor (>30 FPS to 20 FPS). Besides, 3-4 years for a GPU seems about right. Looking into it some more, I can get away with just a new GPU. The PCI-E thing wasn't as a big deal as I thought it was. Maybe <5% performance hit, if even. A GTX 760 could go for $250, so not too bad. Or I could just roll with my GPU, console style, and roll with it for 7-8 years.
  13. Arma 3 just crashed which makes me think I should upgrade too but since my mobo PCI Express slots are only 2.0 and all newer cards are running off 3.0, I feel like its not worth it unless I upgrade my entire computer. Oh bother. So much for a cheap upgrade since I'll have to replace my CPU, Mobo and GPU. Not sure whats the story with my RAM and I've been eying modular PSU as well so there is another pretty penny. I like my case and I have the parts to repair the stupid shit I've done to it but it would feel wrong to have all these good parts laying to waste... I guess I could sell it to my friend. It would be a hefty upgrade for him I think. In short... I have a PC build inbound. Good thing PS4 has no gaems. Planning a June build date. In the mean time, I'll just lower my settings to standard or something. Edit: Aiming for this build with some modifications. Cheaper mobo, GTX 760 will drop it by maybe $200. Since I don't need HDD/SSD or a disk drive, it'll be a further ~$200. Of course I could always go to AMD CPUs which will drop the price waaay down but I'm not sure if I want to go that route (It would in essence give me something like this). Tough call.
  14. PXOD folks, don't lose your way.
  15. I don't think the Life servers have those keys enabled. Kind of like how the stances are much more limited. I'm also game for the group but I for sure got to get a better handle on the gun play before I hop in.
  16. I ripped mines out a week or two ago since it just wasn't worth it anymore since the fruits were pretty bland compared to their peak. It also gave me a chance to try green tomatoes... I can't do them. At least how I am making them. Right now I'm just growing my mints and rosemary. I should also mention the green manure crop I am doing. Its a legume mix that my department didn't want anymore so I scored that and am using. Its a beaut to see. I'm going to turn them in sometime in late Jan to early Feb and let them decompose for about a week. I'll then cover with more compose and mulch. I'll then plant whatever on the compost and have the plants punch through to the mineral soil underneath. The compose/mulch combo is a test to see if I can bury the powdery mildew that really wrecked me this year. Main reason is I want to grow watermelons and I know they'll get hammered if I am not careful. I'm gunning for a June/July harvest. August is pushing it since I'm planning on being out of SLO by then.
  17. What are the late adopters? Ents?
  18. I rarely heard anything bad about EVGA cards.
  19. You see this sort of shit all the time. At least these guys are up front about it. Still nobody should take this job if they have a brain.
  20. I was trying this with Contrast yesterday and it wasn't working. They could have fixed it. Can you give it a shot and report back by Turkey Day? It for sure playing a role in me getting a PS+ sub now than later. Though I suppose I could get away with it if I trust one of you to load up my profile on your PS4 (Hurhur)?
  21. Mal

    Black Friday

    All I want is either Fire Emblem or one of the Etrian Odyssey games... I guess I could do the Gamestop B2G1 used games thing and potentially grab them all since I will be there for the PS+ thing. It'll be around $60 for three games which truth be told isn't that bad but I'm not planning on spending that much (And it would be ill advised).
  22. So I'm starting to feel bad for having Adblock Plus for Youtube for my favorite channels. There as to be a way to automate the disabling of ABP for the channels I like... right?

    1. Vecha


      It would be nice if there was(and if someone knows, let's me know) but I've been just doing it myself.


      Can you add specific urls to an OK list?

    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Do they get paid because of page hits or because someone actually watched the ad?

    3. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      As far as I know, youtube gets paid for people actually seeing ads, they get paid for page views

  23. Mal

    Black Friday

    Where are the 3DS games at?
  24. Just to make sure, I can get PS+ and get whatever games that is up for grabs till I get my PS4/Vita? Not to mention the thigns I can play on my PS3. Kind of hard to pass up on the Black Friday deal. Hopefully it'll appear on Amazon or something so I don't have to go out.
  25. In and chances are I got my wildcard game picked out.
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