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Everything posted by Mal

  1. A look at the game through the years. When you think about it, a lot of the time was spent retooling the game from the PS3 to the current gen consoles and their refreshes. No small feat considering the unique PS3 hardware. Besides the hardware limitations on graphical/performance, the only problem I'm seeing is the frame timing issues on the PS4 versions (See DF's PS4, PS4 Pro and Xbone performance reports; Scorpio whenever it comes out). I believe I've read/heard that a 60 fps version is in the works. Once that drops I think a PC version won't be far behind. Hoping for a hint at E3 since I want to play.
  2. Going back to the distraction thing.
  3. I still have my copy but since it is an update to build a foundation for future updates, I'll wait for further updates to jump back in. The changes are for sure great but it's coming from one of the deepest pits so that's not saying much. As for the ASA ruling, you said all that needs to be said. Hello Games should get a legal smack in the face but since it is just based on the Steam page: eh.
  4. While wondering how Noctis is as a main character, I think back to Tidus and his laugh. God damn it internet. I got to run this mod with some fucked up visuals and filters. At least his English VA is a cool dude. AH HA HA HA HA HA HA
  5. I never said it would distract people who really are evaluating/critical of Trump. It's for his base and people who don't like him who don't know the meaning of picking your battles.
  6. For such a small case, I would worry about overheating but damn if that form factor isn't sweet. You can carry it with one hand! Edit: I have a 850W PSU. At this point I'm totally over multi-GPU setups since it's so poorly supported so all that power is kind of moot. I'm not sure how much power I'm using but it should be rather small compared to it's full potential.
  7. Stardew Valley console version will release in mid December. PS4 and Xbone. Wii U version (RIP) is cancelled but development is moving to the Switch. Not word on handhelds. I also believe controller support on PC will improve as well.
  8. At this point, when he's only President-elect, I think Trump is just stirring shit up to distract from the very real issues he has (e.g., tons of points of conflict of interests, not fulfilling promises like draining the swamp). He's just going to get louder and more erratic.
  9. Mal

    Your Rig

    This is about three months old now. 980TI is from last year for MGSV (the most love/hate game of all time). Mobo: ASUS Z170-P CPU: Intel Core i7-6700K Fan: Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo RAM: 4 x 4GB GeIL EVO POTENZA DRR4 2400 GPU: MSI GeForce GTX 980TI GAMING 6G LE This should last me a long while. Everything but the GPU should last me probably four years before I even think about upgrading them (very similar to my previous build). Next in line is a 1440p, 144 hz, G-Sync monitor.
  10. The Tale of the Princess Kaguya Absolutely pretty film with a great score. Simple yet very effective facial expressions. It really surprised me how well they done that. EDIT: I also got to mention the running scene. You want to display emotion through simple moving lines and shapes? That is how you do it. I'm just not sure if Sutemaru (the peasant boy), as presented, needed to be there. That storyline would've worked better if he didn't have a family or if his part was spread out to all of Kaguya's childhood friends. Yes, he's her love but it's presented in such an odd way. Perhaps this storyline would fit better in the eyes of feudal/ancient Japan. The rest of the story, however, is solid. It is one of the oldest Japanese folktales. Anyhow, best supporting character right here:
  11. Some people are saying the villain rivals the best that FF offers. Let's say that I am intrigued. As for the game itself, it seems to be doing really good considering the development hell it went through. It'll be interesting to see how it is viewed after its honeymoon period.
  12. Rogue One get. The 15th can't come soon enough.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. danielpholt


      I agree that it had its fair share of that, but I still thought it was a pretty enjoyable ride.

    3. deanb


      I thought it was fairly well acknowledged it was a riff on New Hope, and it worked well in its favour.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      The only part I didn't like was being able to see the planets getting destroyed from the other planet. Same problem as in Star Trek 2009.

  13. Mal

    World Politics

    Castro is dead. He nearly lived forever.
  14. And another JRPG franchise is coming to PC as well as the other PS platforms. I believe it'll be Gust's first PC port so be wary. I wonder if they have the drive, if sales are good, to port over the some of the rest.
  15. I should've updated: The AaL concert was visually and musically great however it was missing a certain "umph" that the Blind Guardian concert had. I think it was audience participation and wanting to play way longer than intended. Then again they did finish their set around 11 or so which is about right. Anyhow... Westworld is the tits.
  16. 2016, the year where a good deal of us upgraded our PCs. And Goh, I have that mobo and 4x4GB of that brand of RAM (it was on sale). The only things really different is our CPU (I have the 6700k) and GPU (980ti). We could practically benchmark each other. I think the mobo lacks one or two more USB and SATA ports but otherwise it's solid.
  17. From what I've heard, the CRYORIG H7 is a better CPU cooler if you are in the market for one. Runs cooler, quieter and the fan isn't as large (like in fitting RAM under the fan) as the Cooler Master one that Ethan and I have. I might give the H7 a spin once I have a really spare $35+ to spend. @FLD I was afraid for a second that you bought Roller Coaster Tycoon World...
  18. Indeed it would make some kid near me sad over Christmas since their parent couldn't find a Switch with either Pokemon, Zelda or Mario. Poor kid, poorer me if I don't have a job by then...
  19. Speak of the devil, you can't cheese anymore.
  20. Genital Jousting. I have no words.
  21. If I wasn't broke, I would play Planet Coaster right now.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mal


      Well, you just got an i7 6700k so no more tears.

    3. toxicitizen


      I was joking but holy shit, lol. Kind of obvious now that I think about it, though.

    4. deanb


      FFXIV, ESO n Hitman all on sale this weekend :/ Kinda wish FFXIV was on sale at start of month.

  22. We'd all just cheese each other to death.
  23. People should work with him if goals align. If the goals don't align then expect a fierce fight. That's how I'm taking it. Everything points to a very rocky first 100 days though.
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