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Everything posted by Pirandello

  1. Not really. [citation needed]
  2. On top of that, the menus aren't even usable with the thumbstick anymore post-1.1 patch. Now I'm stuck using the damn d-pad to select things. It's freaking annoying when I try to switch between signs because pre-patch, I just used the thumbstick to do it. Using the d-pad for menu navigation is annoying.
  3. Biggest qualm: At least put the important stuff inside the game. Like knowing which button the "whirl" skill attack is supposed to be, in Witcher 2. T_T
  4. The Internet: Streamlining the activity of wasting time.

    1. Johnny


      The Internet: Revolutionizing procrastination.

  5. Have the world experience the end of the world for the next 15 minutes. Since everybody keeps getting their panties in a bunch about it, nothing like a 15-minute practice run to prepare for the real thing, right?
  6. So, I started watching Ano Hana, in addition to my current list of Hanasaku, TWGOK, and Hidan no Aria. Surprisingly good.
  7. I'm allergic to a variety of fruits and vegetables. Don't know how to take that.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. McBeeferton


      No Cantaloupe? You poor, poor bastard.

    3. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      I would rather be dead than being unable to eat choco-dipped strawberries. Apples and bananas man...

    4. Enervation


      I got it too.


      And to be honest, I hate bananas anyways. The only thing I miss is watermelon.

  8. I installed the patch and did not notice any performance increase. The loading times still take as long as 5 minutes to finish, though. Nice to see that hasn't changed.
  9. Damn. Been playing Uplink and just am currently getting my ass handed to me by proxy securities and ellipse encryption! *shakes fist*

  10. I want to see a futuristic Full Spectrum Warrior with a more fluid movement and control, variety of equipment, more squad roles/larger squads, and better AI. FSW was pretty good. A futuristic setting allows for integrated HUDs a-la Dead Space which would match well with the game.
  11. Playing Uplink makes me feel so giddy and awesome. The demo in itself is definitely more than enough motivation for me to buy it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Connorrrr


      Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure I got Defcon too, while it was free on Green Man Gaming :3

    3. deanb


      I got the Introversion Pack for a fiver. Good deal, nice studio.

    4. Pirandello


      I have DEFCON, and I love it. I wish they could turn the game's demo into a rolling screensaver because that would be AWESOME.

  12. Pirandello

    Windows 8

    So, bumping this baby back up: "Windows 8 launch next year will be first real push into PC gaming," says Microsoft. Microsoft just really needs to butt out now. They've been going on about this crap for months now and haven't done crap to make things better. Fixing the mess that is GFWL would be a good start.
  13. Ghost Recon is being turned into a free-to-play TPS by Ubisoft. If it's anything to expect from a free-to-play shooter, hackers and whiny kids abound.

    1. Baconrath


      If its anything like Battlefield Heroes, expect microtransactions, too.

  14. It might be, not entirely sure. I doubt it's experience points because in the video (in the inner city with the rain), they had a 8k experience point limit until the next level and the player was getting numbers as high as 700 per kill. I think it's damage.
  15. Pirandello


    Prince of Persia complete pack on sale for $15!
  16. I thought those were damage points. Or maybe they were experience points.
  17. I'm sure the early discussions of it suggested it was an RPG. I see numbers flying off when you hit zombies. That counts, doesn't it?
  18. Lol. Beat the game on Easy first. You get through 1/2 of the plot and you learn a hell of a lot about the combat. Start a new game and revel in how much better you can actually fight. Given, the starting dodge sucks ass.
  19. Yeah, just realized that. My bad. I like how equipment names are Diablo/Torchlight-style. "Powerless Knife of Concussion."
  20. Dead Island Gameplay Trailer I gotta say, it doesn't look bad.
  21. I might want to get in on that. But I don't have a mic. Perhaps in the future. P.S. Maybe perhaps we can have an anime edition with me, Saturnine, Toshi, Sindo, and other fellow animu watchers/mango readers on this forum. When I get my mic, that is. EDIT: And for the record, I have bought Brink.
  22. Anybody know a good mod manager for Minecraft? I'm currently using Minecrafter with TooManyItems but it always ends up giving me black screens. And I lose progress when it does.
  23. What summary? The ending did not feel like a "big summary" of everything I'd did. And then again they have to pull the goddamn Yennefer crap. She's so much damn trouble that I would easily would have dropped her in favor of Triss (which I did). Yep, pretty much all that. Especially the first point. I'm not sure if they were trying to go with the flow of the novels or something, but they definitely screwed up at the end there. It just felt empty and unsatisfying for an ending. Even DA2 had some sort of closure at the end.
  24. I heard Ubisoft was putting six of their international teams to work on Revelations. Must be one hell of a big project.
  25. Elaborate on this. Also, I'd suggest actually playing through the game on Easy first so you can unlock all the skills and get a feel for how they work. I started a new game on Normal and the combat seems much more easier once you understand how it works. Doesn't change the fact that it hurts like hell when you mess up, though.
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