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Everything posted by Pirandello

  1. Well, I have absolutely nothing that comes to mind when it comes to advice. Sorry. On another note, I've picked up: Kami-sama no Meme-chou Kamisama Dolls Mayo Chiki As new series that I'm watching out of boredom, in addition to Idolmaster.
  2. IGN review of it is up. If you're too lazy to watch:
  3. New trailer is up. It certainly feels like a movie trailer when I watch it.
  4. Perhaps they just wrote various amounts of generally incriminating scenarios, threw them into a hat, and drew from it.
  5. That is hilarious. Perhaps making up a list of imaginary "things" that Crecente has accused you of would be nice, as well. So I'm taking it as a "no", then. Among other things: I was under the impression that all you needed to post was an account. And the following part afterwards having absolutely ZERO to do with the current conversation at hand. Figures, y'know? Come forward with a serious topic towards them and receive an "equally"-serious response of "DURRRRRRRRRRRRR".
  6. For those of you with the Facebook plugin installed on Plus: http://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/ikymu/googlefacebook_allows_you_to_view_your_facebook/c24mfci
  7. Pirandello


    I think Blood Money would be the best. I've heard that the first game is brutally hard because there are no saves or checkpoints during missions, so if you mess up, you'll have to start all over again. Blood Money at least has the option of letting you save mid-mission.
  8. Mine's gplus.to/Pirandello I added you, staySICK.
  9. I'll take an invite, Dean. I think admins already have access to my email, but if otherwise, just PM me.
  10. I saw the GTTV demo. It seems that the player has a greater involvement in the story this time around as opposed to being a bystander in the previous Bioshock games.
  11. Summer anime season is... mostly... bad. Except for Idolmaster, which I'm watching purely based upon fanservice (which I expect it to be).
  12. Thanks, just added you. Your profile name is a mouthful. Perhaps we can have many a discussion on animus through Steam now. On another note, I just happened on nirnroot today. Strange. You'd figure that it would be one of the first and easiest thing to remember. I hear they're making a comeback in Skyrim, too. p.s. glass armor is ghey.
  13. I'd like to see them, but I don't recall ever inviting you on Steam, and a search for your steam name doesn't come up with anything...
  14. Oh, jeez. That inventory UI. Go download the DarnifiedUI or something; you have huge blocks of inventory space just taken up by the horrible UI system. Erg. Naked characters aren't really much to be surprised about in Oblivion. After all, my character is a Blade/Sneak/Restoration/Athletics master that runs around half-naked wearing nothing but white linen pants, patched shoes, 2 rings, and a necklace, on top of his standard combat loadout of a Daedric claymore and dagger. Literally nothing can stand in my way. He's also proficient in Light Armor, but I like running around being a demigod with no shirt on.
  15. Bought the game, haven't created an online account yet. Been playing the singleplayer. So many buttons, and I'm still in the process of getting the hang of how the whole system works. I did have a good run in campaign with my 4 shotgun commandos against the enemy's 5 riflemen. Small corridors and rooms give my boomsticks the advantage against their rifles. Even pulled an awesome victory with a feign-flank by making it appear like one of my guys was attacking (which they responded to), then duped them and stormed in through the back door guns blazing. Fun stuff.
  16. Concept art from Deus Ex: Human Revolution in glorious widescreen high-res. You can't see any of the icons because I'm using Fences now.
  17. I thought people were joking when they were talking about it, but they are actually selling Star Wars: Battlefront 2 on Steam for $3. Holy crap.

    1. VicariousShaner


      Protip: If something on the main page says "franchise sale" more games than the one you see are on sale. If you clicked on Kotor you would have seen that sale.

  18. He, literally, cleaned up his act in time; thus he was not evicted. I'll be moving out in about a month since my contract will expire, and he never made good on his word on moving out last month. Oh, thank goodness. When you do, don't hesitate in not bothering to say good-bye to him.
  19. You're still living with him? ಠ_ಠ
  20. Yeah, Minecraft 1.7! Steam summer sales! Today's a good day!

    1. excel_excel


      The sale is fucking GLORIOUS

    2. Bizzenya
  21. For anyone who's interested, Hellgate F2P is opening its doors today. Though, from what I see from it, they're literally cutting out half the content from the original game and charging players in order to access it. I assume the general consensus from original Hellgate owners will be mostly negative. Paying yet again to get access to the same game definitely does not float my boat (I'm an original owner, thankfully wasn't dumb enough to buy the exorbitant MP fee the first time it came around).
  22. I honestly think SC: Conviction is a good game (DRM not counted here). If they could keep it updated with content like new guns, uniforms, maps, and/or gamemodes and campaigns, I think it would be great. Of course, perhaps the game shouldn't have had the SC title on it in the first place, but that's another discussion for another time.

    1. toxicitizen


      Yeah, it's a pretty good action game. I just think it sucks that they felt the need to dumb down Splinter Cell like that.


      I think the only reason why the game gets so much shit is because it's a Splinter Cell game. Fans of that series expect something much slower-paced and more tactical.

    2. Chewblaha


      It's not a stealth game anymore. There's a difference between dumbing down and switching genres.


      Awesome co-op.

    3. toxicitizen


      It didn't switch genre. It's still very much a stealth game, albeit a more action-oriented one.


      But you're still meant to act covertly and kill silently. They just traded in the slow and tactical gameplay for a less punishing, faster-paced one.


      That's the definition of dumbing down to me. Reduction of complexity and difficulty to appeal to a wider audience.

  23. Wow, that really sucks. Makes me glad I live here, though now I have an urge to hide all of my animu pictures of questionable nature. On another note, is it wrong if I already have certain ideas as to what manga they might have found on his laptop?
  24. So, uh... I finished AnoHana (yes, I made sure I'm talking about the right anime this time).
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