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Everything posted by Pirandello

  1. Splash Damage said they were going to roll out a patch next week that fixes a number of gameplay and performance issues with the game next week. Looking forward to it. Playing a match without sound makes you feel like you're deaf.
  2. WIBBLY WOBBLY TIMEY WIMEY STUFF. The raptors are coming for us. Be ready. Remember, they can open door handles, but not doorknobs!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CorgiShinobi


      I feel bad for the people with door handles on the first floor of my complex. :'(

    3. Enervation



    4. Battra92
  3. You don't need to embed. Just get the YouTube link and use the Insert Media button on the far right of the reply toolbar. EDIT: By the way, second video was an awesome match. I like how your dude at the end just ran past the red guy and then turned around. Boom.
  4. I hear guns and spells are literally overpowered in Fable 3, and that melee is a joke as every enemy just simply blocks you into oblivion. Oh, and I hear the "Sanctuary" was pretty annoying as well.
  5. I didn't have mine for long, either. Mostly I just imported my Xfire information (used it a lot back in the day).
  6. The Rapture is tomorrow. How 'bout that. *sips tea*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RockyRan


      Well, pretty much every Christian in the US pictures God as a blue eyed Caucasian. You know, despite being born and raised in the middle east.

    3. Vargras


      The guy who said May 21st was the Rapture said it would be at 6 PM EST.


      Then again, the last time he said it was gonna be the Rapture was in September of 1994.

    4. Enervation


      If I had a dollar for every time I heard this, I would have 89 cents. /hillbilly_accent

  7. According to my Raptr, the top 4 out of 5 games I had invested the most time in are all MMORPGs (amounting to over 1100+ hours total). Those were back in the days where I was more impressionable and the lack of content didn't bother me all that much.
  8. It looks pretty nice actually. Pretty heavy on the strategy and tactics, and mostly in reading your opponent and his optimal points of contact as well.
  9. So make your own list. What? You thought this list was made for you? Beg pardon, sorry for not liking what you like. Oh, and I'm the guy you bothered enough to respond to. Care to bother some more?
  10. I thought the film grain was annoying. It was like a million pixel amoebas running across my screen and fuzzing out everything I can see.
  11. Works especially well against a higher-tier enemy. Like knights. With their damn plate armor and greatswords. Even worse are the guys who have spears since it seems like my blocks don't work against their heavy swings (unless I manage to counter them in time).
  12. No there aren't. Yes, there is, I'm just choosing to be like a spoiled little kid instead because I think it has greater dramatic effect. Just stating the obvious. I don't agree with all the choices on the list either, but I still respect their spots in the list because I think that even if they don't hold much value for me, there are others who think the game has merits worth mentioning.
  13. Yeah, you're right; this list completely sucks because it doesn't fit my extremely specific peculiar tastes in certain genres of games. /sarcasm
  14. I hear Ciri's name mentioned once or twice. Who's Ciri? o_o
  15. Hmm. KOTOR. I agree. I wonder if they'd be up for an HD remake for it. I'd like an HD remake, yeah. That, and the original version does not play well with my modern system.
  16. Personally, I use between PC Gamer, RockPaperShotgun, and reddit's gaming section. Sure, reddit isn't perfectly, but it's filled with reflexive-OCD people who feel the need to have their finger literally on the pulse of gaming news, so there's always news posts to look out for.
  17. So, uh, I just beat the game. What happened in my endgame is at the bottom. Anyways, I found the story to be a lot shorter than expected. I thought it would go as far as finding and saving Yennefer, but you never really get that far. Shame. Still though, looking forward to the next game.
  18. Aw, what? I have an assload of mutagens taking up space in my inventory and I'd like to be rid of them, but don't know which ones to toss. I've yet to use them, though. Is that so? That's incredibly interesting to hear and definitely makes it worth replaying. What exactly do you mean by that, though? You end up starting the chapter under different factions or situations?
  19. Minecraft is getting SKY DIMENSIONS! *hyperventilates*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. deanb


      Excel I've heard it described as a sky version of The Nether. But some also describe it as it's own map type. I guess we can wait n see. Also 1.6 is next week.

    3. excel_excel


      Hell yeah! 1.6 woo!

    4. SkyGriever


      So... They're adding me? Not exactly new huh?

  20. Yeah, I realized that part after I took a gander at the Swordsmanship skill tree. 200% damage from behind. Ouch. Thankfully I've gotten the ability to parry in all directions and counterattack as well.
  21. I just got the AoE attack (Whirl, I think it was called). How the heck do I use it? Is it automatic? Or is it somewhere in the description for the skill (which it should be) and I somehow missed it?
  22. Yeah, I managed to destroy them. Then I finished up on the Edrega (sic) eggs and their queens. Quite the fun fight.
  23. I'm assuming a bomb that uses fire and/or shrapnel, right? I tried throwing bombs at it and it didn't work until I realized I was using ice bombs.
  24. I think it has a on-off button-press toggle with Alt. Only turns on when you need it to. Helpful for scoping out things. On another note, how the hell do you destroy nekker nests around Flotsam?
  25. The sale lasts until the 24th. Anyways, is anyone else receiving any lag? I turned down the resolution (the detail was already at low) and I'm getting quite the lag. People said it's specific to Nvidia cards (I have a GTX460), and they recommended uninstalling the Nvidia 3D Vision drivers, but I don't have any installed. Other than that, the game runs great. And you can use a controller with it, you say?
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