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Everything posted by Pirandello

  1. What's wrong with RO? It's a game with a very esoteric fanbase. Having played it myself for 4 years now, I think of it as much. And the art style makes it a gold mine for rule 34 stuff.
  2. I play strictly casually. I have a life-sub from the day the game launched but I still haven't hit level cap (burned out on it pretty casually). I'll probably grind my way to 40 this summer though with all the changes they've implemented. Also, you've been awarded 30 ZTFunBucks! Spend them at any of our convenient giftshops! Wow, early life sub? I've actually been contemplating about a subscription (or a life sub, but it's $300 which is quite costly as a bulk sum at the moment). Mostly, I want to unlock all the costume options and get full reign to the freeform skill tree. I really want to make a Power Armor character.
  3. I notice Melty Blood and an RO private server on there. You also have Cosplay Fetish Academy on there (along with Cat Girl Alliance). Rawr. Say, how's the Champions Online going? My Behemoth is level 32 and in Lemuria (deep-sea area) at the moment.
  4. My desktop as it was on June 2nd, 2010. My desktop as it is now:
  5. What sorts of games do they play? When do they play them? Do they have a lot of time to play them? Do they ever host their own tournaments? Is there inter-ranking rivalry of the sort between the soldiers sorted by rank, detachment, etc? What are some of the most popular games they have? Do they usually stick with what games they have or request new ones close to launch day.
  6. Hey, don't diss him. He's making a purely rational and objective opinion of the trailer based upon the 3 seconds he spent watching it.
  7. I almost forgot what the name was but it came back to me at the last moment.
  8. The only "game" that ever made me cry was the visual novel for Clannad. I suppose games in particular aren't really good at eliciting sadness from me. Most of the time, it's pity, not sadness.
  9. I thought that was a sentiment shared by many of us here. I just find them very strange.
  10. I never understood the argument of "power corrupts". To me, it's the same sentiment as "the gun is at fault for killing someone".

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      Guns and Power are not really fair comparisons. It's impossible for a child to accidentally wield Power to end the life of another, on the other hand, children have all too often accidentally shot and killed people.

    3. slatz_grobnik


      It's a question of how you care to define the term "fault."

    4. Johnny


      People kill people, but I reckon the gun helps.

  11. Disregard price. Look for coupon codes.
  12. Wonder how many people read the URL address. That is what the URL address is, right?
  13. Dang, I wanted to see that trailer. Oh, well. I honestly don't put Rage up to Borderlands. They may look similar, but they play differently. And I think I'd rather prefer Rage's simple FPS mechanics to Borderlands' RPG-style numbers-damage game.
  14. This week just can't go by fast enough. I want to try that demo.
  15. Last I recall, they were having a series tie-in on the SyFy channel. I think it was a movie.
  16. The trailer was fantastic. Though, zombies + focus on melee combat + first person + night-time brings back some very bad STALKER memories that I'm sure, if done right, will be reciprocated in this game. But, Dead State is also on my watch list, I first checked them out when RPS put up an article on it and the game definitely tickled my fancy. Cool stuff, though. Destructoid's preview was also interesting.
  17. Oh, great. This with the Crysis 2 MP demo sounds fantastic. Now devs should start making more PC demos.
  18. Wait, just making sure again, the demo is also PC, yes?
  19. Then couldn't this be applied to cases in which the perpetrator is so ostensibly obvious that it'd be plain stupid to not know who did it?
  20. I always found that strange. Why is it that there's so much red tape associated with death penalties that it costs more to put a bullet through their head than to keep them locked up and squandering taxpayer money for the rest of their lives?
  21. This is why we teach the Gammas that "ending is better than mending". /sarcasm But in all seriousness, that is pretty overboard. Over a PS3 of all things, and even that, murder, too. People sure have strange priorities. Yes, that was a Brave New World reference.
  22. It comes with complementary innuendo numbers, too! Oh, those guys!
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