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Everything posted by Pirandello

  1. For those of you who don't like playing singleplayer to survive (like me), and would rather just skip the the epic building moments with unlimited resources, this will be of very much interest to you. VOILA! An in-game inventory editor. Enjoy. TooManyItems mod - Minecraft
  2. I can't help but wonder if this'll actually play like a Resident Evil game or just turn into a third-person Left4Dead.
  3. As far as I can see, nope. And I can vouch that it's definitely plausible, too, since config editing was present even in the original Crysis. I wanted to go perma-Predator mode and stalk my prey so I edited out energy consumption of all suit modes and pumped up suit regen.
  4. Hey, guys, I heard some of you like this game. So I think I'll screw over your day and show you how simple config changes allow you to "hack" in multiplayer. Crytek: The Seal of Quality.
  5. Yeah, I'm holding out until the prices drop as well. I assume it'll go the Dead Space 2 route and drop down to $40 in a week or two.
  6. Yeah, I think I'll pass on Retribution as well. Hopefully they'll toss in the Tau in the future. I love Tau. Not so much on their lack of stationary defense, though. By the way, dean, that's the Inquisitor, and she's part of the Imperial Guard faction in the campaign.
  7. Chinese BBQ pork. Can't go wrong with it.
  8. Walk in with a different opinion despite the topic's name clearly providing a literal bias that you should have read before you posted with a different opinion? MINUS!
  9. So much for "PC is our main platform, hurr durr lol", Crytek.
  10. YouTube has a new "lights off" function for Earth Day. I think they should keep it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pirandello


      Is the plug-in available for Chrome?

    3. deanb


      Lucky day, my houseamte is a huge youtube fan and Chrome user: http://goo.gl/yK5xX http://goo.gl/r6nHN He asked a few hours back.

    4. Gigawings


      Me too, do they have the plug in for Opera?

  11. Anyone got an old Nvidia card laying around? Check this out: http://www.evga.com/articles/00623/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pirandello


      My oldest is a GeForce 4 series that I bought for CnC: Generals. :P Of course, as fate would have it, I seem to have misplaced it somewhere.

    3. toxicitizen


      Somehow I really doubt that my GTX 295 would get me the win :(

    4. Johnny


      I have a broken 8800GTS from Gigabyte...

  12. I'd say it was poorly optimized. At it's launch, it was unplayable for the most part and required actual text file editing in order to get it playable (not smoothly playable, but still), resulting in a massive sh**storm on the Steam forums until they patched it. Though they have "fixed" it mostly, the problem still persists, and is especially noticeable in multiplayer, where a single screen stutter could mean the difference between life and death. Still, though, best to upgrade anyways, it never hurt to have a beefier system. Keep your eye out for good deals on high-end graphics cards or otherwise invest in a cheap-but-decent card. I heard Nvidia was rolling out a high-end $150 card soon, though I could be mistaken. For me, personally, I have not even beaten the singleplayer because the lag, even now, is still pretty damn annoying, which leads me to Dex's quote: That's the point. There was no way in hell they could have messed up graphics or optimization, but they overcame odds and decided to show the world who's boss.
  13. So now the time has come when my Core 2 Duo is now minimum spec instead of recommended.
  14. I got rolled on Easy. About, like, 12 turns in playing as the Chosokabe (was that the name? I think it's the name), and I overextended myself and ended up in a slightly outmatched battle. We won, but both of us sustained massive casualties. Four turns later and we met on the battlefield with equally matched armies again. Seems like a never-ending circle.
  15. That's the part I'm worried about. Their ports were nothing outstanding, and certainly nothing to be praised about. To me, it can easily go down either path. EDIT: Also, if they go the Crysis route with the "Press Start to continue" crap, then it's off my buy list. PC games shouldn't even NEED that crap.
  16. We need a new poll.

    1. Gigawings


      Yeah, second that, make it weekly?

  17. Are you using an ATI card by any chance? I've read some reports that people with 11.x ATI drivers were having problems with starting the game but rolling back to 10.x drivers seemed to be the solution. That said, I'vegot an ATI card myself and I'm using the 11.2 drivers and it's working fine. I felt it was worth mentioning all the same. Nope, I'm using an Nvidia card, actually; a GTX 460. I've tried every single solution that they posted and none of them have worked for me.
  18. Hey, I can vouch that it isn't my fault in this case. The game always crashes to desktop after the copyright/loading screen. I only got it to work on only one occasion but it seemed that was the exception because it just went right back to being broken afterwards.
  19. No way, man! See those serrated edges? Somebody could, like, fall, and, like, hurt or kill themselves on those!
  20. Shogun 2 is being a female dog and refusing to work.

    1. Johnny


      None of the recent Total War games have run on my PC. All of them crash on startup.

    2. Pirandello


      Yep, that's exactly what's happening with mine. :P

  21. Join the TAY clan! Help spread the glory! Mind telling me how that can be done? EDIT: On hold, the game crashes at the loading screen after my cursor turns into the sword. Still can't figure out what's causing it. Tried a multitude of solutions now and it's being a real bitch and refusing to work.
  22. So it would appear that I've won myself a copy from PC Gamer magazine. By the gods, I'm so ecstatic. I'm installing right now.
  23. I'm personally planning to convert to Scientology. Hope you have lots of money then, because that's how Scientology works.
  24. Somebody on Reddit put it best for me in terms of the plot. Those specific points in question had mega-eyebrow-raising antics from me.
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