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Everything posted by Pirandello

  1. The game does look nice. Was watching what leaked footage there was and multiplayer/singleplayer were higher than what I expected them to be. Especially considering multiplayer, the guy playing it was running it at lowest possible settings (but moderate widescreen resolution) and it still looked something impressive.
  2. The key is space. In this case, I gave it two lines' worth. Enough to prevent their awareness of each other. Quotes are fickle creatures indeed. Anyways, the day is progressing along smoothly.
  3. Maybe it's time for a change of gift? And perhaps something not so destructive on the wallet. Which brings me to this quote about the girl: Shallow, yes?
  4. Here is the link. It's kind of odd, though, I thought they were in the business of making games, not charity. Who told them otherwise? On the other hand, I just hope that it's been "put on hold" and not canned. Would really like to see DICE finish it up after they complete Battlefield 3. Of course, EA is still scrapping the game on basis of a prototype made from a small team split off from DICE's already-dedicated manpower to making BF3. So maybe they just need more hands.
  5. I'll worry about relationships when I'm actually in one. Until then, midterms are this week, so now's not really a good time to start bawling.
  6. Reinstalled Dead Space 1 on PC. Played for 2 minutes and can already feel the motion sickness returning in droves.

  7. Damn. The promo code they had in the stream doesn't work anymore. Either that, or I typed it in wrong. 'da2livechat', was it not?
  8. I think if I do get this game, I'll probably play it purely for the singleplayer. =\
  9. I agree with this - I don't comment much on Kotaku anymore, but that's because this place - I don't really give a shit about the crappy new design. Thing is though, with all the users they're losing, they'll probably get a bunch of new users from wherever who don't know the old design and don't know what they're missing out on. That's just how these turnovers tend to work on the web, as I've seen. Well, for the most part, Kotaku is already regarded generally as a bad gaming site from what I understand. I doubt there's going to be a large turnover when there's already so many other sites out there who can do the same, and some even better. Unless we get another equivalent of the Gerstmann incident which results in the rage-quit of hundreds of users of another site, anyways.
  10. Life can't go that high, sorry. It stays around the 30 FPS range, last I recall. Partially relevant, I remember an old multiplayer bug in the 1998 remake of Battlezone that a player could exploit resulting in them running the game at 120 FPS while the opponent ran at the normal 30. Suffice to say, you move and do things a LOT faster with 120 FPS, since this is a standard multiplayer match, everything else ran normally while you see this tank zooming across the landscape. It was that kind of effect. To say that anything above 60 would be a bit overkill, and makes things happen faster than you'd like them to. Like when I tried to play Quake on DOSBox and it ran at 200 FPS. Man, that was crazy. tl;dr: High FPS = take everything you see and making it variably faster. Could be wrong, though. Not to say anything, but don't games have FPS caps these days? And I'm sure a game like Dead Space would have one for sure. 90 FPS is like... wow.
  11. I started using Pandora Radio and was thoroughly confused by how it works. Back to Grooveshark I go.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pirandello


      Yeah, I noticed. The one thing that Grooveshark lacks is recommendations for the same type of music.

    3. Sindo


      I'd use Grooveshark, but I find that most of the time the tags for songs aren't correct. I'm not going to spend my time finding correctly tagged songs to put in playlists when I've already got them on my computer. Plus you have to pay for the mobile app. I can't really complain about that though because Last.fm is adding that now. They've just given me 3 free months because I've been there so long.

    4. Johnny


      Grooveshark + Last.FM

      Or rather, YouTube + Torrents + Last.FM

  12. Cosplay articles are guaranteed 40k+ hits and 1k+ comments. Period.
  13. I know PC gaming isn't dead yet. Why? Because I'm still playing PC games. And so long as I still play PC games, even if I am the last PC gamer on the planet, it isn't dead. That's as plainly direct as I can put it.
  14. I think I'd rather be piloting Battlemechs anyways.
  15. To prevent is better than to cure. I never smoked, as it reminds me of my father's bad habits, and as such, I have a naturally intense aversion to it.
  16. Hmm, I think I'm rather fine with how it is. I look forward to playing the game. I'm usually one that leans towards more faster and brutal style melee combat in my games, so playing a warrior is definitely a must for me in this one.
  17. They can only sustain so many workers before they'll have to build more pylons.
  18. I never understood that argument. I've met my fair share of people who despise having to pay monthly subscriptions for MMOs, but are more than happy enough to front up the cash for XBL subscriptions and overpriced DLC.
  19. What? How the heck can you confuse TERA with Rift? Or vice versa? They look nothing alike. Still, though, it's something that I'm willing to try once I get my part-time. I like the way my Cleric looks. And another beta testing session starts tomorrow.
  20. I heard Anderson Cooper got whacked on the head 10 times. And still was jotting down notes on his notepad like a boss while being so.
  21. You know aborigines use boomerangs for hunting right? But that's because it's a hunting craft honed down to perfection by the Aborigines through passing it down through generations of hunters. Everywhere else (even in videogames), not so much.
  22. Only ones I'm even remotely interested in are TWGOK season 2, that one anime by Navel, and Steins;Gate. But, I suppose it's good that there are only a few I like. Gives me more time to watch them.
  23. Far Cry 2. Had so much potential and they just butchered it with menial gameplay mechanics. Can't drive a freaking meter in the damn game without a jeep showing up on your ass firing at you. And the voice actors for the game sounded like they were trying to break the world record for trying to utter a sentence as fast as possible. And the malaria pills sucked. The game's engine is damn good, though, just about the only saving grace for it.
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