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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Basically Atomsk, if you don't buy the Vita, I'm going to find out what country you live in, find out what province/state you're in, the city, and finally your neighbourhood. Then I'm going to egg your house. And if you don't ave a house to egg, I'll sleep with your girlfriend. And if you don't have a girlfriend to bang, I'll kidnap your family. And if you don't have a family, I'll feel pity on your Vitaless, houseless, girlfriendless, familyless life, and I'll buy you a Vita. I have this theory that if everyone who owns a Vita got 3 others to buy Vitas, we'd have more AAA high quality games.
  2. The Vita's been doing pretty well lately. Guacamelee! as mentioned, is great, as is Thomas Was Alone. Soul Sacrifice is coming out, I remain optimistic for that game, though I haven't tried the demo yet. I say, get it, BUT set some money aside and get yourself a large memory card. PS+ fills up quickly!
  3. Every time I see "The Last of Us" under neath the status updates I get all excited... and then I remember...... no :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TheMightyEthan
    3. toxicitizen
    4. TCP


      Thanks Ethan... maybe now my heart will stop aching....

  4. Oh hahhahahahahahaha hahahahaha.......... I CUT U!!!
  5. TCP

    Wii U

    Yeah if only they had another hugely successful console in recent years................. hmm....... Considering Nintendo doesn't sell consoles at a loss (they can say whatever they like, I call BS on the Wii U being sold at a loss), their games rarely go down in price (I was at Future Shop on the weekend and Super Mario 64 DS... from 2004... was still 40 dollars, as was Mario Kart DS, and the original New Super Mario Bros), and the success of the Wii and DS, I'd wager to say Nintendo is OK for at least a few more years. Though if I was an investor, I'd be a little concerned over the 3DS and Wii U.
  6. Where's the dislike button?
  7. TCP

    Xbox One

    Wasn't there an Xbox Infinity rumour a year or two ago? Also "Xbox" has never looked write right to me.
  8. TCP

    Wii U

    Ok, true, but even so, in June 2011 when game journalists and the hardcore gaming community couldn't figure if it was a new console or not, that should have been a concern for Nintendo at that point.
  9. Downloaded this cool cross buy game: Platforming sort of like Sound Shapes but you control multiple shapes. Also has some pretty neat narration... feels right at home on the Vita.
  10. I'd be interested in picking up that box set but why no blu-ray and only available in the UK?! Seriously?!? Lame. Hmm wonder who's shoes these are......
  11. TCP

    Wii U

    Exactly. When you announce a console 18 months before it's released, and everyone, universally, tells you the name is bad, and you don't change it, you have no one to blame but yourself. I understand wanting to keep the Wii brand, but Wii 2/Wii HD/etc would have worked so much better. Skipping out of E3, when the rest of your competitors are showing off new consoles, is a bad idea. Especially when you have a struggling console. Prepare to be forgotten about!!
  12. All this talk is making me excited... hurry up GRRM
  13. I'll explain it for Hot Heart without spoiling much Jon Snowisms: Personally, I think Robert's Rebellion would make a more interesting prequel than the novella's GRRM has written, if prequel TV show rumours are true.
  14. Yeah bastards are bad people, remember? Fortunately Jon Snow isn't actually a bastard, supposedly.
  15. That guy released him and got the confession out of him that Bran/Rickon are still alive. Now the Boltons know. This could be important.
  16. So if I can talk about Dany getting the Unsullied without spoiler tags? But if I'm talking about A Storm of Sword I have to spoiler like so?:
  17. TCP

    Xbox One

    New Xbox event coming up on May 21st. As a consumer, it's in my best interest to see Microsoft knock it out of the park. But what I want from my gaming consoles, and the direction they seem to be heading in.... I'm not going to get too excited. I forsee a PS4 and maybe a PC or a Steam Box sitting under my TV for the next 6-7 years. Prove me wrong, Xbox!
  18. TCP

    Wii U

    Nintendo hopes to sell 9 million Wii U's this year? lololol ok then
  19. You're dead to me, Ethan.
  20. Damn, I can be a miserable bastard in the morning if I don't eat breakfast..

    1. Strangelove


      Pfft. Eat a butt.

    2. TheRevanchist


      Not when it's full.

    3. TCP


      Shut your mouth you filthy Strangelove!

  21. What? Actually I'll let The Doctor say it:
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