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Everything posted by TCP

  1. I've never been too into X-Men but All New X-Men is not only the best X book I've read, but one of the best Marvel Now books. I'd recommend that. I think the first TPB just came out.
  3. FUCK BIOSHOCK INFINITE! I'm going to play Tales of Graces f

    1. TCP


      jk I don't hate myself that much.

    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      By the Grace F of the lord!

    3. Saturnine Tenshi
  4. Oh right. GTA5 is still coming....

  5. That doesn't explain how terrible Ashley was in ME1 and 2.
  6. After playing through all three games with Ashley, I can say, fuck her. She's useless and awful. Seriously, she's a terrible humanbeing. When I played through ME1 recently, I went with my boy Kaiden and never looked back.
  7. Man, Bioshock Infinite is getting some amazing review scores.

  8. I here ya. 64 or even 128 would be nice. The PS3 launched with 60GB didn't it? The Vita's games are bordering console size. Not to mention all the PS1, PS2, and PSP downloads that we didn't have on PS3 in 2006.
  9. SORRY. I have a bunch, and some Vines too. To tide you over, here's a photo of Parker, thinking it's totally cool to sit on my shoulders and bite my ear.
  10. Doesnt XII have a crappy DS sequel? Maybe that could be Vita'd. But yeah, I guess you're right. I'll probably just pick it up on the Vita because fuck using TVs.
  11. IGN says The Walking Dead is coming to Vita. Which means one more platinum trophy for old TCP.
  12. That would have been a good idea at launch. At this point, thanks but no thanks.
  13. I know these are big games but it's too bad XII isn't on this, as XII is the game I'd really, really, love on Vita. I'm sure it'll come eventually though. These games better be fucking crossbuy though, or I'm going to lose my fucking shit.
  14. Hmm selling them separately on Vita makes me nervous that this won't be a cross-buy game. Which is probably a safe bet because this is Square Enix we're talking about.
  15. Is that from something? My mind. Unless I subconsciously stole it. That's totally possible.
  16. Jason Molina passed away. You might remember his band Magnolia Electric Co or even Songs: Ohia. One of my all time favourite song writers, and I was very privileged to see him live in 2007. Breaks my heart to know I won't see him again, but fortunately he left a dozen+ amazing records.
  17. I'm not actually a cowboy... or a poet. But on March 29 I will officially be a home owner! AND YOU'RE ALL INVITED OVER!!!

    1. TheMightyEthan
    2. TCP


      Not the first time ;)

    3. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler


  18. Anyone with the Marvel Comics or Comixology apps, you can get pretty much any #1 issue Marvel has EVER done, for free, until 8pm PST tomorrow.

    1. TCP


      I recommend Hawkeye #1.

  19. Maybe they're only planning on having the new companion stick around for a season or so, like Martha and Donna?
  20. Jaguars are cool guitars, I've always wanted one ever since I was really into Nirvana when I was younger. Good job!
  21. On sale, figured why not! Except this means it will probably soon be free on PS+... :-\
  22. I hope I can harpoon a narwhal, those majestic douchbags.
  23. 600K for a system with that small of an instal base is about as good as any game could do, I think.
  24. The Nintendo commenters on Kotaku losing their shit because one of the developers claims to have never played Wind Waker, has been hilarious. If there's small little islands that you randomly come across that need exploring, count me as excited. I'm also excited because some of the Far Cry 3 team moved over to this. Overall I thought AC3 was a better game, but there were somethings FC3 did better. Plus they do know their jungles! Now, Ubisoft, how about another Vita game? Since the last one sold so well! Maybe one with a fully fleshed out storyline and character development, instead of just throwing us into this and expecting us to read the codec entries.
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