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Everything posted by TCP

  1. I posted a comment on Kotaku. I was critical of video game novels and those who read them. I got 35 replies, mostly people saying comparing the Dragon Age novels favourably to Lord of the Rings. My question: do any of you read video game novels? If so why??

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. CorgiShinobi


      I've read two of the Splinter Cell novels. The first was actually pretty good. The second was horrendous. I mean, the quarter of the book had far too many spelling and grammatical errors!

    3. FMW


      I do not read video game based novels. I'm not opposed to the idea I guess. I simply haven't found a novel set in a video game universe that really grabbed me.

    4. MasterDex


      The Witcher books don't really count but I'm reading those and I've read an EVE Online book. But seriously, even if you do read videogame novels, comparing a Dragon Age novel to Tolkien is absolutely retarded.

  2. TCP


    I'm looking forward to picking it up, the DS/3DS has never been comfortable for my ogre hands, this looks like it'll help. What I'm really waiting for a 3DSiXL with dual circle pads, the extra triggers, and a bigger size. One day...
  3. TCP


    $6 is a reasonable price for a 15-20ish hour adventure like Link's Awakening.... especially considering the quality of that adventure.
  4. TCP

    Wii U

    I think it just causes you to not have to give them your credit card number, which after the PSN debacle of 2011, is probably a good thing. Also those retail downloadable games may be coming to 3DS too!
  5. I had originally planned on purchasing FFXIII again, this time on the PS3, to complete it before XIII-2 but then came Skyrim....... now I have no time. Currently, I am replaying Mass Effect 2, this time on PS3, in preperation for Mass Effect 3, which I am getting very excited for.
  6. The only way this would work is if Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo all got on board. If it's just Microsoft, I think this would end up hurting them more than helping.
  7. That's a great deal for you Europeans. I'd easily buy digital copies (already have physical) of Dissidia 012, IV Complete Collection, and maybe the first two Final Fantasy's again, just so I can play them on my Vita in 4 weeks.
  8. 20 FPS? I'll believe it when I see it. In fact, since the game has been out for weeks now in Japan, if it's true we would have heard more about this. But even if it is, hey Skyrim was GOTY for 2011 and would go down to 0 FPS after you played it for 30 - 60 minutes.... Anyways, the biggest mistake Square Enix is doing, that I can see, is how open they're talking about DLC. You're going to be able to have Lightning join your party, and there will be a story mode, but it'll be DLC. Sahz and his son will be in DLC. In fact, apparently the game's story mode will be resolved in DLC. I have no problem with DLC at all, but I think they need to be tactful, because right now it just looks like they're not putting things on the disc (or worse, just not unlocking it) and are going to make us pay after.
  9. I actually didn't really like Nier, it got a little stale. Something about the old woman and the light house... I don't know, it's been awhile. I did like the music, and the art style of the 2D sections. Also no one seemed surprised to see a flying talking book.
  10. Well gents, I don't know. I liked the game a lot, I don't see how people could NOT like it, but that's just me. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. EDIT: Just kidding, anyone who doesn't like Final Fantasy XIII is a dirty SOB, especially you, Excel. You're dead to me now.
  11. The story was one of the best parts (and the music). But maybe it was just a bit too much for some players? With all the God of Wars and the Halos these days, maybe it had just a bit too much depth.
  12. That was one of the first games I bought as I was getting back into gaming in 08/09. I purchased it at Walmart for $65 dollars. Weeks later it was 40. I learned my lesson.
  13. Kotaku posted a slew of articles about "The Best" games for each platform. No Dissidia for PSP or Mass Effect for 360. What changes would you gentlemen/ladies make?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. excel_excel


      Hmm, I like Mario Bros DS but its not in my DS top 10, or even top 20. Mario Kart DS should be up there for sure though.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      The DS version sucked. Too damn easy.

    4. TCP


      It still sold like 10000000 bizillion copies. I know sales don't say everything, but sales like that says something, don't it?

      Plus as someone who sucks at platformers but loves them, I appreciated the easiness :)

  14. MasterDex, a lot of that, is obviously your opinion, which I respect. And those things you liked about the older games are things I enjoyed when I played through I and IV. To me, there's nothing that "Final Fantasy was all about", that's the whole purpose of Final Fantasy, you can have a fairly traditional Final Fantasy like X and then follow it up with a game like XII. I think you overly simplified XIII, it's not about walking from point A to point B, then fighting the boss, then a cut scene. I never looked at the game like that. I liked the mythology of the world, the story, and I enjoyed most of the characters. And that's what made me pour 60 hours of my time into. I don't mind the game being linear if that means it can offer a stronger story. I don't need side quests, most of the time I don't even do that shit anymore. This isn't 1998 when the only game I got all year was a 80 dollar Ocarina of Time cart that I plunked hundreds of hours into. These days, I play the main quest, try to get as much out of as I can, then move on (the noteable exception being my recent adventures in Skyrim). I loved the battle system, it might be my favourite in the series... I loved the way characters leveled up too. I loved it because it was so different from what came before it, and that's why it felt like a Final Fantasy.
  15. Have I never posted in here before? No?!!? Well here's me and my home dog Archie.
  16. Good read, thanks for posting that article Dean. However, I'm really turned off with people constantly ragging on Final Fantasy XIII. Don't like the level design? Go play Mass Effect, because that's not linear at all. Anyways, I think it's time I sit down and seriously play through either VI, VII, or IX on my PSP/Vita (next month!). I'm part way into VII and IX, but I think I'll work through VI first.
  17. Well guys, I did it... My official time was 121 hours, 30 minutes, and 52 seconds. Though I did encounter a game breaking glitch and had to load an old save, so I lost about 7 hours. Either way, that's the most amount of time I've spent on a console game since at least Ocarina of Time (spent 100ish hours on Dissidia 012 last year). I feel a sense of accomplishment. For now, I am done with Skyrim... till they release some DLC. Soon, I hope, soon......
  18. Ha! Yeah, that's probably a bit of it too Anyways, yeah Naughty Dog might not develop it, but considering what a formula Sony has Uncharted down to, I can definitely see another this console cycle... whether or not we actually need one. But hopefully we'll see another Vita one before. Ideally with multiplayer. Anyways, sorry for hijacking this thread!!!!!!
  19. Maybe if you're looking at it from a European perspective, but in North America, I think people have moved on.
  20. I still don't think Gran Turismo is as popular as Uncharted. 4 million copies, Dean, in it's first day alone! Gran Turismo did 7 million (only 1.8 million in North America!!) in over a year.
  21. How much did Uncharted 3 sell in NA? You'd think at this point it'd be past 1.8 million. Also, that link says 3.8 million on it's first day in stores.
  22. Is Gran Tursimo really a bigger franchise than Uncharted nowadays? The reception to GT5 was lackluster to say the least, that game came and went and no one has really spoken of it since. On the other hand, Uncharted 3 was released over 3 months ago and there's still a ton of buzz for that game. I'd say Uncharted, followed by something like God of War and LittleBigPlanet or Infamous maybe.
  23. I didn't get the feeling that Uncharted 3 will be the last Uncharted at all. In fact I can guarantee that we will see at least one more Uncharted, on a console, in the next 24 months. It is Sony's biggest exclusive by far, no way they're going to not milk that cash cow. Now what's interesting is whether or not it'll be developed by Naughty Dog or not. I am guessing yes, since they're split into two teams it looks like they'll be able to release a game a year.
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