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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Holy shit Wonder Trades are the greatest. Just last night I got a ton of staters, an Aerodactyl, some shinys, some level 100s.
  2. This time next week I'll be in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Strangelove


      Just do whatever the wallet inspector says. It may seem weird to you, but that's just how things are here.

      You might also look into obtaining some kind of firearm while you're here. You never know.

    3. TCP


      Man I hope I don't get shot by the cops :(

    4. deanb


      As long as you're not black you should be okay. Though while over there, you could always burn down the whitehouse, as a reminder not to fuck with the Commonwealth.

  3. You're only seeing Hot Fuzz now? The hell were you doing in 2007??
    1. deanb


      Could already use a DS4 with PC.

    2. Eleven


      Does the adapter just make it look like a 360 pad as well?


      Because I hope you can use that dongle to play 360pad games, not just PS Now.

  4. Anyone with thoughts on the Pokebank? I just caught a shitload of Pokes in HeartGold and wouldn't mind bringing them into the new games. Course I'll have to transfer them 6 at a time (with a minigame apparently?) into Black and White first, which kind of sucks.
  5. Pokemon HeartGold Version Holy shit. This is the pinacle of the Pokefranchise. First, you explore a new area with 250ish Pokemon, most of which aren't horrible. Then!!! You beat the gym leaders and beat the Elite 4 (who are actually 5). Ok game over you think. NOPE. Now you hop on a boat and go to the area from the first game!!!!!!!! And beat those gyms. Then face Red, the character you played as in Red/Blue, ON TOP OF A SNOWY MOUNTAIN. Jesus fucking shit. For a baby game, it was pretty intense.
  6. I get so happy when I see this thread return!
  7. Wait, who the fuck is voicing Cindy??!!?!??!!?!!
  8. Damn, Gawker got bamboozled.

  9. Undead Nightmare wasn't a 4 player co-op game.
  10. I always have my finger on the jet pack button when I hop out of my ship for that very reason!
  12. Holy shit the FFXV subreddit is incredible. This is better than the NMS meltdown. So many salty anime fans.
  13. Anyone know a reliable place to get Pokemon Uranium from? And while I'm at it the Metroid 2 remake as well? Both seem to have vanished.
  14. Um, what? Sure, obviously there's more than one alien race and solar systems tend to be dominated by more than one race but for instance, I've run into the Gek a couple times now. My relationship is really good with them now and I can make out a lot of what they're saying.
  15. Might be best to stick to the PS4 version, folks. #ps4masterrace
  16. Goh, stop and ask yourself, do you like a game where the biggest rewards are exploring beautiful planets, taking in incredible vistas, searching caves, caverns, lake beds? If yes, then this is the game for you. If you require new things to constantly be doing to hold your attention, then probably not.
  17. So this is legit. At one point the tutorial for me just stuck on "refuel hyper drive" with no way to do it. I restarted last night, fortunately I hadn't put in a lot of time, and everything makes so much more sense. The first time it was guiding me into building a hyper drive and then the game urged me to use my hyper drive, even though it was telling me it was broken (but it wasn't). It was all so confusing. Sean Murray, you dun goofed ...but I still love you.
  18. Didn't a Civ game come out last year or something? It was in space IIRC. TLG and Final Fantasy Versus 13 are the reasons I bought a PS3 back in 2009. I'm a little less excited for FFXV now that I'm old but my anticipation for TLG has only grown.
  19. The Killing Joke I couldn't even believe it. The first 30 minutes has NOTHING to do with the rest of the film. It's boring, uninspired, and fairly offensive. Batgirl has a crush on Batman, she has a stereotypical gay friend who gives her advice, and she ends up No, I am not making that up. Then she gets shot and paralyzed only to upset her dad because at that point of the story, Barbara no longer matters as a character she is just a plot device.
  20. I can happily report that NMS is pretty goddamn great.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      It is pretty great.

    3. TCP


      ^^^ This guy knows what's up.

    4. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      You can feed the animals. My mind is blown.

  21. Let's just say their name rhymes with TomServo.
  22. I see one of us is already earning trophies in NMS. I want that person to know, I hate their goddamn guts.
  23. I didn't say exclusively! I mean, come on. I realize there are people other than Cowboy that are interested in the game.
  24. All hail the Snyderverse!!!
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