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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Yeah, I think it comes down to not feeling like I got my money's worth out of the Wii U. I'd wager to bet a lot of other Wii U owners feel the same. For me the final straw was delaying Breath of the Wild to time it out with the NX. When you have a small base of customers, and you make a lot of them upset, I don't see how you can possibly move ahead.
  2. Great episode. But they need to stop having battles be saved by another army unexpectedly coming in. It happened at Blackwater, it happened at The Wall, and now it happened at Winterfell.
  3. Fuck that man, this is the internet. Make rash declarations you eventually go back on and deny.
  4. ^^^^ This is how I feel. I'm not sure I'll even buy an NX, nevermind at launch.
  5. The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone -It was cool, I guess. I don't know, I just didn't give a fuck about some of the new characters. Shani though, she was cool.
  6. I also partook in the E3 20% off deal, preordering some newly announced games and some games I missed last go around. Skywim PS4 God of War Final Fantasy XII HD Spider-Man Dragon Quest Builders South Park: Fractured Butthole
  7. Good, left handed freaks DISGUST ME!! I have to be honest, this looks great. Kudos to Nintendo. It always felt weird that Zelda was so insular, when it's inspired so many other games... it's going to be good for the franchise to take some inspiration from other non-Nintendo games, I think.
  8. The triforce is represented by two men and a woman. For that reason we can't have Link be a woman since it will upset that balance. WHAT!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      Yeah, just own it and say, "Link has always and will always be a boy.". They should however, make Zelda a co-lead you can choose to be and not have her as the damsel in distress which is as tired a trope as you can get. Then again, this would require original thought from the franchise that hasn't had one since Ocarina of Time. *shrug*

    3. CorgiShinobi


      Breath of the Wild is changing a lot of the Zelda formula. I'm not sure if I'm excited or a little scared at how much will be changing.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      I am definitely both. Though having been watching the streams I'm much more excited than scared.

  9. Congratulations to Nintendo for finally making a modern video game!

    1. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Far Skyrim's Creed: Hyrule, you mean?

    2. TCP


      Better than Skyward Wagglefest with text instead of dialog.

  10. I have watched that Spider-Man trailer too many times.

  11. It seems exclusive, I wonder if it was part of the Spider-Man -> Marvel deal??
  13. Man. Sony knows how to throw a press conference.
  14. Damn Sony is firing on all cylinders.
  15. So this will make nicer textures?!??!
  16. Scorpio seems cool. 6 teraflops! I don't know what a teraflop is but I want at least 5 of them.
  17. Stardew Valley coming to consoles! RIP PC gaming.

    1. Mal


      Just to let you know, I'm still at 10 hearts with you. <3

    2. TCP


      <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

  18. Skyrim Special Edition is beautiful. I want to cry.
  19. Holy fuck, America. Just ban guns already.

    1. SomTervo


      Total heartbreaking tragedy - but yeah, man. Ban.

    2. toxicitizen


      At first I thought this was about that poor girl who was murdered after her show. It blew my fucking mind when I found out it was actually about something else. Ugh...

  20. Did you kind of, almost, sort of... cry??
  21. NERDS! What's that new Square game that's suppose to be like Chrono Trigger in all but name?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mal


      Oh hey, it's coming to Steam. Color me interested.

    3. FMW


      I'm a JRPG guy but I'm... not. Zero inspiration here beyond "We've given up on new ideas, here's an old one you liked a lot"

    4. toxicitizen


      @FMW: Considering what their new ideas are generally like, this seems like a potentially massive improvement. They're finally going back to what they used be good at. IIRC, the studio making it was founded specifically to make these types of classic-style JRPGs.

  22. Yeah the PS4 version launched like a year before.
  23. Well I bought it on PS4 before anyone knew how shitty it was. And then it was super cheap for Vita and I really wanted Tetris on it. I HAVE NO IMPULSE CONTROL, OK!?!?!?
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