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Everything posted by TCP

  1. The Hobbit Battle of the Five Armies It was pretty good compared to the other two, though I really think they'd have been better going to two movies rather than three. I'm honestly surprised PJ didn't drag the ending out a bit, he would have been forgiven in wrapping things up a little more, I think. I'm sort of sad there won't be another one, the first one came out when I was a freshman in highschool, it's almost a yearly tradition now (except for all those years in-between Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit).
  2. Just finished all the Microsoft Excel formulas, and here's the result, a pie chart representing the platforms I played on in 2014.
  3. No, Agent Carter is taking Agent's of SHIELD's timeslot for the next couple months. Likely part of the reason was to prolong SHIELD so they can have it run directly into Age of Ultron in May. The Netflix series are all leading up to The Defenders, so it'll start with Daredevil. Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and Jessica Jones will follow, and then a Defenders miniseries.
  4. Yeah that's what I figured, but, if there was someone who'd just drop a game out of nowhere, it'd be Kojima. But you're probably right, this is all Konami has besides their action figures.
  5. Wasn't there a leak for like... February or March? Not sure if that was ever confirmed/denied.
  6. Pretty clever, Marvel... pretty clever.
  7. I know it's only 10:40 but seriously...

  8. I'm pretty sure FDS is being sarcastic. At least, I really hope he is.
  9. You got the 20th anniversary PS4? Pojodin, I hate your guts.
  10. It's a gig but you get one gig for each platform (PS3/4/V).
  11. Maybe not a direct sequel, but something else in Middle-earth with similar mechanics. And please have a quest where I can slaughter filthy hobitses.
  12. I got really bored today so I purchased GTA V for PS4, since I have another week off work and not much to do. The download file is small but it's taking for-fucking-ever to install (which I'm imagining is actually downloading the rest of the game).
  13. Why?! Why wouldn't I? It was a pretty easy platinum, and it was a cross-buy title, once you transfered your world over it was pretty easy to hammer out the platinum. I'd feel bad but lots of people have 3 Sound Shapes platinums and that's a cross-save title. Also, yeah I've wanted to go back and do UC2/3 but I still haven't gotten around to it. Some of my procrastination might have to do with the frustrating parts, like the shipyard sequence in UC3. That sucked on normal, I'm sure it'll suck even more on extreme.
  14. I've been playing Far Cry 4 even after beating the main campaign. Today... this happened: That would be my 7th platinum of the year. Woo! Next up: The Wolf Among Us.
  15. Good call, staySICK. I was playing Shovel Knight on Steam last night (THX AGAIN BACONRATH). If I had more time with that game it could be a GOTY contender. One of the best balances of difficult but fair I've seen. I'm looking forward to Super Time Force Ultra on PS4 and tweeting at some dino's as YOSP.
  16. Wait, how has GOH! played Destiny? It's console only and he thinks consoles are for babies. IS GOH! A BABY?!
  17. PSN... I have trophies to sync.... please PSN please :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      Woo! Managed to get it done through the PS4!

    3. TCP


      No luck for me yet :'(

    4. TheMightyEthan


      Status page says it should be up for everyone now, with limited intermittent disruptions possible to some services.

  18. Far Cry 4 - Pretty good, I wish I didn't burn through it so quickly, hopefully it gets some substantial DLC like Blood Dragon.
  19. I'm one of the biggest AC3 defenders around these parts, but King Washington DLC is bullshit. If you put Freedom Cry on the highend of Ass Creed DLC, and the missing sequences from AC2 as the low end, then King Washington would be somewhere around Final Fantasy XIII-2's DLC ("what that doesn't even make any sense, TCP!" I KNOW!) EDIT: Do you like running through 18th century New York getting chased by guards CONSTANTLY? Guards who can keep up with you? Do you like shoehorned in magical powers? Do you like everything all being a dream?! THEN YOU ARE IN FOR A TREAT, FLD. DOUBLE EDIT: I should mention that these guards can also keep up with you, unless you use your magical (somewhat offensive) Native American powers, which don't really work properly.
  20. Happy Boxing Day! The most magical of holidays.

  21. PS4 games in development: Super Time Force Ultra Moon Hunters No Man's Sky Bastion Shovel Knight Titan Souls The Witness Axiom Verge
  22. Yeah I don't know what's going on with these sales, they were so good last year, maybe it's the switch to a new system and there not being THAT many games so no pressure to drastically slash prices. TWD for 6 dollars is a great deal, almost tempted to pick up season 1 again and go for the triple platinum.
  23. Somewhat decent PS Flash Sale (given how crappy they've been lately).
  24. I know! At first I was like "what?" and then I was like
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