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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. Re: Launch Bundle, Is that bundle a good deal? Seems like you could get an eye and 2 move controllers for less than $99 on Amazon (why the hell is the PS eye selling for 4.99???). And I would have thought a move controller costs more than the Dualshock 4. But I guess it makes sense due to it's limited use, but still, the tech inside I had assumed should have dragged the cost up.
  2. I agree but it probably wouldn't be a hit like it is. I wanna see the twitter follower count though of at least 3 people in that documentary! And Yelp reviews! Feels a bit surreal that these are real people.
  3. Making a Murderer Anyone else find it curious or odd that the prosecution is so soft spoken and it was the defense who is forceful? That's not what years of TV has taught me! It's kind of annoying me a bit. But that Kachinsky lawyer though. Wow. I can't remember the last time I really really wanted to punch somebody in the face! I do acknowledge the cuts in the documentary might be biased. They did a good job though of evoking emotion.
  4. The Reuters Apple TV app is pretty cool! Someone should copy that idea with a different focus like tech, apps & the web, and entertainment.

  5. The symbol just means it's updating an app. Sometimes apps get stuck updating for some reason. I wonder if it's due to low disk space? Had that happen to me recently when I was running low. I usually just delete and re-download. You could also try plugging in to a PC/Mac running iTunes and download the app from there, then sync it.
  6. But see, (and again, sorry about not actually doing the research), those things only tell me that the background info is pretty shallow (for lack of a better word), and not terribly interesting. So that alien race is good at science, another might be advanced in agricultural techniques, another might be good at other things... But those are all the same things. I'm thinking of something like that pyramid or sphere you find in one of the planets in ME1. I believe it basically showed that aliens were watching cavemen on earth. That's the thing about having a limited scope, you could write more compelling stuff. Maybe some planet just contains ruins, and you find alien tech that does not seem to belong there. Later on, you can make the connection that "Hey! Those were Reapers!". That makes the planet a lot more interesting (to me), than just finding random stuff/species that doesn't necessarily tell a story. So yeah, we could find planets with little tidbits like that that reference the overarching story. But how much "history" can they write for a game with seemingly unlimited scope? As far as I'm concerned, the universe is only as big as how many unique stories they can write. It's like choosing to "Continue playing" after finishing a game. You can play in the world, but nothing compelling will ever happen again and will eventually feel empty. The game might actually have all of these, but that's not the impression I get from the info I have come across in this game. Or maybe the game isn't really about that and more like a "create your own story" kind of thing. Anyway, those things are what I'm going to look for in a game whose theme is exploration.
  7. Having seen that thumbnail, but not actually watching the video, I wonder if places like that will have an interesting backstory at all, like who wrote those things? What do they mean? What happened to the people here?. Isn't that what's cool about exploring things? That could be cool if the game had it, but someone has to write all of those, so it's not going to be as unlimited as the universe they've built. (Maybe I should watch the video to know, but I'm really not interested in this game right now, just wondering out loud)
  8. Slightly related: So I recently installed Office 2016 again and started seeing this tips when you start it up. I ran Excel and the first thing it said was "Due to popular demand, we now have a dark mode!". So, cool, I said, and went into the options and chose dark mode. Well, the menus were dark but each of the cells that use about 85% of the screen is still blindingly white... It actually hurts my eyes more having such contrasting colors in 1 window.
  9. It does, but I tested it without plugging it in.
  10. Power. Some early 2.0 USB external drive enclosures required a cable with 2 USB connectors on the other end, since 1 port couldn't supply enough power for it. So I kinda assumed that a port could only really power a single 2.5" drive (with 3.5" drives always requiring external power).
  11. So just a follow-up on my USB concern. Seems like (on my laptop at least), it can power 2 USB 3.0 external drives, and even transfer files (full write speed even), plus a mouse, so 2 demanding and 1 low power device. Just to see what would happen, I added a 3rd USB 3.0 drive. And it popped up on explorer, and it seems I can browse them all. So I copied files from the 1st drive to the 2nd, did the same for the 2nd drive to the 3rd, and did the same for the 3rd drive to the first. I guess it lost power since it kind of fucked up the third drive. Luckily no permanent damage and it just needed to be checked for errors by windows. Still wondering how the single port can power 2 drives and a mouse. I guess the maximum power it can output is greater than what 1 drive usually requires. Pretty handy since my laptop only has 1 USB 3 port (seriously though it's been years every port should be USB 3).
  12. Ok. It's just me using the internet, but I already blew past the 250GB cap, and it's only been 3 weeks. I wonder how 3 people (dad, mom, kid) could keep their monthly usage under 250GB. I haven't even downloaded any digital games.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      How in the world did you go over 250GB just using the internet? My wife and I never go over 100 without me downloading games or something.

    3. Eleven


      Hmm... I think there's about 60-70 GB from my backup on OneDrive, but that still puts me over 200 with 1 week left.


      I don't have cable though, so everything I do to entertain myself is going to use the internet. I stream music and videos. Oh and some iPhone apps (and their updates) are 500 MB to 1GB.


      I wonder if there's some program I can use to keep track of my usage per website.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      We don't have cable either, so we watch Netflix and Hulu all the time.

  13. This is what I used to move my steam games from the SSD to HDD (since I wanted to install steam on my SSD). http://www.traynier.com/software/steammover If I just wanted to make specific folders "appear" to be in the SSD but is actually on an HDD, I used junction, but only because that's what I used before. Win 7-10 should have the ability to make symbolic links by default. It's all manual work though through the command line. http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/16226/complete-guide-to-symbolic-links-symlinks-on-windows-or-linux/ steammover is just a program that automatically uses junctions or symbolic links for your steam games. If you're moving to an external HDD (since I assume you don't want to fill up your laptop's SSD), then I'd be careful of running steam while the external HDD is not plugged in. I'm guessing steam might think the game is missing files and update, and might redownload to your SSD.
  14. What do you mean? Isn't copy/paste enough? In any case, when I want to copy or transfer a large number of files, I use TeraCopy. Just makes it easier to deal with copy errors like file too long, etc. I can see exactly which files failed and deal with them manually.
  15. Had a dream I was able to run Witcher 3 on my laptop, woke up in a good mood cause of that, even though I wasn't really thinking about it (just something in the back of my mind). In the middle of the day I remembered the dream and figured that was impossible, which made me sad the rest of the day...

    1. Eleven


      In other news though, I was able to replace my HDD with my spare SSD. First time I ever tinkered with laptops. Pretty cool although a bit scary. So many little parts.

    2. Pojodin


      Nice job on the swap. But those dashed dreams... :(

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      I can run the Witcher 3 on my laptop. In fact, I played through a good chunk of it that way. It was glorious.


  16. Is there a point to USB 3.0 hubs? I mean, if you plug in a hub with 3.0 ports (say 4-port with external power), into a USB 3.0 port, will you get the full speed on all devices attached to the hub? I mean, it's still using just 1 port... If I want to move files from 1 USB 3.0 external drive to another (also USB 3), and I plug them both into a hub, would both run at full speed?
  17. Eleven

    Your Rig

    That Madcatz one is a weird looking mouse. And it looks huge! The G500 has that hyper scrolling thing, which I don't like. You can switch it to "click to click" mode but what ends up happening is that the click to click mode is also too sensitive, you can barely feel the click. At least that's what I've noticed with my previous logitech mice. (Also, kinda obnoxious scrolling sound though (especially when you scroll fast). I was using 1 for a year at my last job but I always had earphones on, so I didn't even notice. I might have annoyed a few seatmates but no one ever really complained. Still felt like a bit of a douche though when I realized it.) I never really paid attention to microsoft mice! The only one that I'm aware of was the thin foldable one. But it seems too small for me, even though people kind of rave about it. Has anyone tried those vertical mice things?
  18. Eleven

    Your Rig

    Any of you have a mouse that you just love? Or do you just use a cheap generic one? I'm currently using a cheap one. It has a double click button though! But I'm looking for a 2nd one for home and (soon) gaming use. Probably the most comfortable mouse I used was the Logitech M500. It's corded, because the wireless one uses AA batteries which makes the mouse heavier, which I find annoying. This is probably what I'm going to get again. Functionally though, I really like the Razer Naga, with the 12 buttons/numpad on the side. I bind play/pause, back/forward, volume up/down/mute on the side buttons, freeing up the F-keys for actual F-key functions. I've had 2 (actually, I think I've had 3 since 2011) of these and they all developed problems with clicking after a year though, so I don't really want to get another one. I also tried this thing, a cheaper alternative. but the shape plus the force needed to click the middle wheel feels weird (it actually made me actively avoid using the middle click) and makes my wrist hurt after a while. I've heard good things about the Steelseries alternative, but at this point I want to try 1 in person first before buying one. So, any mouse suggestions (and do we have a US amazon link yet?)
  19. Any others who have tried this? Specifically on the PS Vita?
  20. I just wandered into this thread, and now my playlist tomorrow will be composed of gin blossom songs. But this one is the best and this is what you guys should have posted!!!
  21. I just got a new laptop as well (it's not a gaming one), since I really needed to stop putting personal crap on my work laptop. And maaaaybe because I really couldn't stand the screen of that thing (1366x768 matte display??). It's a Lenovo Edge 15. It's has an i3 processor (what?), Intel HD 5500, 8GB ram. 512 HDD, but I have a 512 SSD that I can put on it when I get the time (and some screwdrivers). I'm feeling the i3 "speed", but I guess when I put an SDD on it it'll get a bit snappier. In any case, I don't mind. But of course, I'm gonna try low-end gaming Fallout 4 on it and see how far I can go. The processor would probably be my main concern, since I was able to get FO4 to run on a Intel 4000 with a few tweaks. It has a touch screen too, but I just don't feel like smudging my finger prints all over that pretty display. Oh, and it can do this: Can your laptop do that huh Mister Jack? Can it? No, sir, it cannot! Although I did find a use for it, since I'm actually using an external keyboard and mouse, the stand mode puts my display closer to me, which is nice.
  22. I love this song ever since it came out but it's really only relevant (to me) now. Its actually on my current playlist now.
  23. Huh... I would have said the VaultTec one is (edit:) more subtle. It looks just like a brand. Although it's kind of dull. The NCR one, well, being in California I'm thinking it'll weird people out with the two bear heads.
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