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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. We got Betrayal at Krondor in one of Computer Gaming World's discs once. Also, Legacy of Kain. Also, Incubation. Those old PC magazines and their discs are the best.
  2. Are PS3 players getting screwed again? I hate these events not coming to the PS3, due to some technical issues re PSN apparently.
  3. I was thinking of getting this, so I watched the video review from IGN. I found it funny that he says the combat is great, yet they just show the same sword swings, just repeating it one after the other, like a bad hack&slash game. Using the same weapon. Why?!?
  4. Shank 2 is the kind of game that should be on the Vita. One of my favorite PSP games was Ikki Tousen, actually, both of them.

    1. Strangelove


      Ive never played it, but its going to be free for us PS Plus guys.

    2. Eleven


      Yeah that's why I have it! It's great! I'd buy it on Vita if they did release it though, but probably would never happen.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Since there's no co-op story anymore... I highly agree. The first shank was a blast to play through with a buddy. It's not as fun on a run by yourself.

  5. AAAARGH! Tired of playing anything and Witcher 2 is still a week away! :(

    1. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      I'm in a similar boat. I've read everything I need to read about the 5 novels and the short story books, saw the walkthrough of the first game, and now I have nothing to do and gotta wait another week for this game to come out

  6. No, you're not. It's free. How dare they not charge me for a DLC this good!? These guys are scum!
  7. Geth? Krogan Vanguard? And we finally get to see Batarians in action again? I'm buying!
  8. That's cool. I wonder what RME's response would be. I know how the "real fans" will react, they'll continue to want a new ending. The fans who like the ending i don't see complaining obviously. The fans who just wanted things explained will get what they want. I'm not sure really what RME's stance is. Do they want a better ending, or an expansion of the ending?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Eleven
    3. Chewblaha


      You all are weaklings. Just pick infiltrator and snipe snipe snipe snipe snipe snipe snipe snipe.

    4. CorgiShinobi


      Sentinel is my favorite class, both SP and MP. Second is infiltrator, and yeah, it's always good to be the one who saves everyone's bleeding pile of flesh. Quarian is great, but 95% of the time you'll have teammate who can't tell the difference between a geth and a HACKED geth.

  10. So, did you get a PS3 for this, Sporkwaffles?
  11. I don't understand! Why the secrecy? I don't get it!? Do you work for amazon?
  12. What was it? I can't see the picture and I'm curious what you are all talking about.
  13. Just finished the renegade run of Tuchanka. My god.
  14. Anyone have ME3 for the PS3? The amount if freezing during multiplayer that I'm experiencing is ridiculous. Does it freeze on your copy? What about on your xbox/pc version? I have the PSN download version by the way.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. CorgiShinobi


      Froze twice near the end of the SP, but probably because I had been on my PS3 non-stop. The MP only bugged out on me once, not necessarily froze. Retail copy, etc.

    3. Vargras


      Never frozen on me on PC.

    4. Eleven


      Thanks. I wonder if its just my PS3. Or my hard drive. I'm gonna upgrade it anyway. I hope it gets resolved by then.

  15. what? and i was just about to pick this up
  16. HDMI carries both. Are you using windows 7 or xp? On 7, if you right click on the volume control thingy on the lower right and select "Playback Devices" you can see where it outputs your sound.
  17. Is anyone playing this on the PS3?
  18. So I started my renegade run...
  19. I don't understand this bit. I mean they knew who they came from, so what discussion was required in deciding in what context they were sent the cakes? Also is the subtle difference mentioned here, the subtle difference in "We think the ending sucked" versus "we think your game is great", or "here's some cupcakes" instead of "here's a forum post"? Seriously, they should be grateful. If the fans really love you they don't send you cakes. They send you potatoes. I think the cupcakes are a way to mock Bioware for the "shit they've done".
  20. Been contemplating buying Shank 2 for weeks. Now it's free on April for PS+! Thanks PS+!

    1. excel_excel


      I was constipated, but now with the help of PS+ I'm feeling regular like I always have! Thanks PS+!

    2. Luftwaffles


      PS+ apply directly to the forehead!

  21. They should only charge $0.99 for these costumes The mass effect costumes cost $6 (i think) if you buy them together! what!? But hey, I already bought 1 costume for Serah and 1 for Noel. Who am I to complain?
  22. Exactly. Yes, the mac & cheese is already available. It makes no sense to not offer it with the steak. I'm not going to buy an incomplete steak unless you add the mac & cheese for free.
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