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Everything posted by Yantelope

  1. Beat Starship Defense. No ending at all, not even a credit roll
  2. I'm gonna file this under "not news" or "not surprising". Screw you EA for making a sequel to Dead Space but canning Mirror's Edge 2.
  3. Hahahah, you were actually offended by how they handled the christian kids in that movie? Good lord (no pun intended.) It just seemed like the director got bit by a christian as a kid and made this movie as a result. Didn't find it charming or witty or even very believable. I was mostly just insulted about the fan service to John Hughes. This movie is no John Hughes movie.
  4. Ordered this on Sunday: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102914&cm_re=6950-_-14-102-914-_-Product Will post benchmarks when it gets in.
  5. "They're seeing their business as a content business, where the content is the thing that has value. This is not the case. The games industry, like all the arts, is about finding and interacting with fans, so that value comes from a relationship. " The problem with this is that slow sales of a game very often lead to closures of studios. How can you build a relationship if your doors are closed when you can't pay rent? Also, I don't see why you can't put DRM on your game and still try to provide a very active community. Let's not forget that Valve uses DRM on everything on Steam but people don't hate them for it. I just don't think that removing DRM makes you sell more copies of a game unless the DRM is unusually strong like Spore or Assassin's Creed 2. Did we ever find out if those games sales were bad as a result of the DRM?
  6. I kinda thought the exact opposite of Easy A. Seemed like the film was made by someone who hates christians but has never actually met a christian.
  7. Well, Crytech pointed it out on their twitter as well so... The only thing I'm happy about is maybe we can get some early benchmarks so I can order a new graphics card.
  8. I feel like the only one who passed on WaW. Maybe that's why I'm not as burned out on COD as others.
  9. I see this so much and just don't get it. The games aren't that dissimilar to have such a bipolar assessment.
  10. Yeah, but as guitar hero has proved, brand loyalty can dissolve quickly.
  11. I was kind of assuming there wouldn't be any COD this year after the mass exodus from IW. If Activision still tries to push out a COD game this year I would think that it'd be garbage.
  12. Who would have thought that rereleasing the same game forever was an unsustainable business model?
  13. So, lets see here. Guitar Hero is dead, DJ hero is dead. Probably Tony Hawk will be the next on the chopping block given the failure of his last two games. That leaves them with Call of Duty. The series isn't losing steam just yet but the future death of Infinity Ward could quickly lead to the demise of Call of Duty. So what happens at that point? Surely Activision can't live off of Blizzard releasing a single new game every 5 years.
  14. Yes, but Colonel Klink was Homer's conscience. Homer: Colonel Klink! Why have you forsaken me!? (A "ghost" in the form of Colonel Klink appears in front of Homer.) Colonel Klink: What is it! Homer: (Chuckles) Did you know Kinch had a radio in the coffee pot? Colonel Klink: He did?
  15. Super Mario 64 DS hasn't even dropped in price. We're talking about a launch title DS game that was a remake of an N64 game.
  16. If the NGP was really $300 I'd seriously consider getting one. I'm thinking about getting an iPod touch right now but if the NGP can play MP3s and DivX movies then I'd much rather have the NGP.
  17. Probably totally unreliable: http://hardocp.com/news/2011/02/09/gamestop_leaks_ngp_date_price63
  18. Yeah, the I understand why all games launch at $60. It's to maximize profits and some people are willing to buy the game for that much. After everyone who's willing to pay $60 has paid it they drop the price. Apparently people are willing to pay $50 for mario games until the end of time because they never drop in price.
  19. It has a lot of new tech in it and the facial mapping is actually pretty impressive if you watch the trailer all about it. Sure it doesn't look photo perfect but it's far more expressive than RDR was and way ahead of the stone cold Mass Effect Characters.
  20. I made it to a level 55 Gold Cross on COD4. I thought that was kinda cool even though lots of other people did it too.
  21. This is the #1 game on my radar this year. I hope it's every bit as good as RDR. Not only does it look like tons of fun but it looks like one of the most technically impressive games of the year. Shame it's not being released on the PC.
  22. Even your buddy Jim Sterling agrees. http://www.destructoid.com/boy-spends-over-1000-on-xbox-live-mother-blames-ms-193616.phtml Also, he calls it the Daily Fail.
  23. http://hardocp.com/news/2011/02/09/makers_lsquothe_expendablesrsquo_sue_6500_bittorrent_users looks like the suing is still going on.
  24. I bet they do, they sell more copies that way. Also, Medal of Honor isn't bad. It's surprisingly violent. The control does feel a little sluggish though and it seems like I miss a lot of shots which looked like they were headshots.
  25. I bet my total completion is crap because I play a ton of games but rarely go for 100% and I almost never do online achievements.
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