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Everything posted by Battra92

  1. Don't worry, that delicious cleavage will soon be yours.
  2. I think a big part of that depends on the kid. I know people who were home schooled who are far more social than I am. Besides, there are other venues for socialization (church, town sports, that sort of thing)
  3. Which is why I don't get the hate on Fox News except for the fact that they are the one solitary news outlet out there that leans to the right. So unless you also hate, CBS (remember Dan Rather's forged documents?) CNN, NBC, ABC, The New York Times, The New York Post, The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, NPR etc. Fox's actual news reporting is actually quite fair. Brit Hume, who just retired, was in my opinion the most unbiased news caster that I can remember (I will admit that Tim Russert, despite working for Jimmy Carter, was quite fair) with Chris Wallace being right up there as well. The thing with Fox News (same with CNN et. all) is that the majority of programming shown are opinion shows. People tend to judge the network based on the opinion shows. People also forget that before Glenn Beck's 15 minutes of fame on Fox, he was on CNN making money for them. Fox News on Sirius XM has some left leaning shows (Alan Colmes for one) so there is a mixture but a lot of it comes down to what Americans want to watch. If you want Liberal opinion you have dozens of outlets: Conservative you pretty much have just Fox and Rush Limbaugh. If I had to pick one news source I could trust, I'd probably go with the Wall Street Journal.
  4. What, may I ask, does a state employee making a retarded decision based on a misreading of a state regulation have to do with Michelle Obama? Or the Federal government more generally, for that matter? Michelle Obama is the one pushing the whole healthy lunch initiatives. Federal money is withheld from the states if they don't meet these ridiculous standards set up by the Department of Agriculture (a department that could stand to be downsized) Really, is it any business of the federal orstate government what kids bring to school in their lunch boxes? My wife and I have already all but decided to homeschool our kids or send them to a private school. Public schools are worthless these days.
  5. Oh but Media Matters is a totally trustworthy source and Fox is run by rednecks. The sad thing is, this isn't surprising. Neither is this with Michelle Antoinette as First lady http://www.carolinajournal.com/exclusives/display_exclusive.html?id=8762
  6. May your day be filled with love!
  7. I love how Jizzmodo's review of the Vita is "It's not an iPhone. So don't buy it."

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Battra92


      I also liked how they dismissed the 3DS as a failure and said there was no reason to own a PSP. Quite frankly, I find no reason to own a smartphone. Different strokes for different folks. Maybe what they want is an updated N-Gage?

    3. deanb


      I would highly recommend a PSP, especialyl this day n age. A used, cheap 1000 or 2000. Hack it open, boom, worlds second greatest emulator machine. (1st been PC since it can emulate more)

    4. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      To be fair, that's all the review gizzies really need to make a purchasing decision.

  8. I need to pick up Last Specter but I haven't seen it in any stores around me. I hope that Layton isn't losing its appeal. It's a great series and I can't wait to play the 3DS game if/when it's released. As an FYI, the British and US releases have different dubs.
  9. Battra92


    Animals hate me. My wife is sick and asked if I could let the landlord's dog back in for her (she lets him out and takes him back in) and so I figure it's easy enough to just open a door and let the stupid mongrel in. Nope, this boxer decides he doesn't like me and jumps at me then back then forward then back. I decided at that point that the stupid animal can freeze for all I can and I go to leave. At that point he lunges at me and I whack my head on part of the house and fall flat on my ass (in Buster Keaton fashion.) I hate dogs.
  10. Kind of reminds me of Fujiko Mine. I approve!
  11. Okay, now that I'm done with Sonic Colors and VVVVVV I need to figure out what to play next. I guess I should get back to Skyward Sword ...

  12. Wow, big today today. I just beat VVVVVV. It was ... okay. Not great but not bad. I'm glad I only paid like $1 for it (I got it in a Humble Bundle)
  13. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Oh man, that is totally the kind of thing I would do. I used to work at a shop that sold sterling silver flatware. Long story short, until silver went up so high that it was worth scrapping things en masse, I had very little work to do some days. My boss (the owner) was deathly ill for a time before passing on (don't chain smoke and drink like a fish, btw) and so I would be there all by myself with no customers and no orders coming in. I used to spend hours with the super high magnification jeweler's loupe looking at stuff up close: markings on silver, bits of dirt, crumbs from my lunch etc.
  14. Fucking AMAZING film! Seriously, I can't think of any other horror film that is so genuinely creepy as this one without being disgusting. It's just a great film!
  15. It does, I don't plan on using the light on the side. That's more for when I'm being weird and looking at the end of a pencil or something.
  16. After one majorly insane level prior to the final boss I have beat SONIC COLORS. All in all, a decent game and it feels good to complete a good modern Sonic game.
  17. Nice! Need to do this sometime soon but gotta get the cash first.
  18. Slides as in E-6 transparencies, not slides of like insect wings or anything.
  19. I've never seen combining the ΙΧΘΥΣ with the family stickers. Plenty of families around us have the ones showing off their family number or various ribbon causes. The ΙΧΘΥΣ is quite common around here as well.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      Yeah, I had a hell of a time with pointers in that game until I figured out that it always assumes you're pointing at the center of the screen when the cursor appears. Once I figured that out it wasn't a problem anymore cause I just made sure to actually be pointing there.

    3. TCP


      For what it's worth: I loved the Skyward Sword controls. There's no way that game would work with a traditional 2 stick controller.

    4. excel_excel


      Eh there's loads of games that work fine with the Wiimote, some don't even use motion controls

  20. Basically it's a loupe. I plan on looking at slides with it since I'm like that.
  21. For less than a third the cost of a new PS3 controller I got this one. It's wired but that's not a big deal, plus I can use it on my PC. Sadly I dropped my Nyko one and broke the trigger so I thought I'd give this a shot. I'm not a fan of paying $55 for a controller just because it's wireless and uses SIXAXIS technology that is used on exactly zero games that I play.
  22. So my mother in law is pissed we're probably moving an hour away from them. What do I care? She'll be an hour away from us!

    1. Mal


      An hour drive? That is nothing... if when I have kids then they get married and want to get away from me. They better be well over six hours out. An hour is nothing...

    2. Battra92


      Yeah, well actually my in-laws never come to see us as it is so I don't know what her issue is.

  23. EDIT: You know what, you're not worth my time ...
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