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Everything posted by Battra92

  1. It's three years shy of its hundredth birthday and it's still the most controversial film ever made. The fact that it still stirs emotions 97 years later shows the incredible power of film as a medium. More DW Griffith although a later work. Because, FUCK YEAH!!! Godzilla in my Criterion?
  2. Ahh, I just figured with the long brown hair (if I'm remembering what you look like correctly) they were self portraits or at the very least, self inspired. ;; By the way, ever notice how most drawings (in general, not just yours) portray people as either pigeon-toed or standing like Charlie Chaplin? By the way, red hair and blue eyes. Yum! Gotcha!
  3. HEAR HEAR! Perhaps the most unintentionally destructive things we do to teenagers are telling them that they must go to college and telling them that if they don't go to college they will amount to nothing. We also lie to college kids telling them that whatever major they take up, they are guaranteed a job. I know plenty of English, Womens Studies, Philosophy etc majors who work in call centers, grocery stores and other lower paying jobs and lament the fact that they went to college and "they should be making more money." On the flip side i know people who went into so-called stable fields like accounting and absolutely hate, loathe and despise their jobs. I also know plumbers, auto mechanics, carpenters, electricians etc. who make much more than I do. I also know others who are perpetually without enough work to make ends meet (this is especially true in the last few years with house construction way down.) I went to a vocational school and while it wasn't perfect, I believe it served me well. Unfortunately the current administration has been dropping trades, eliminating the dress code and, sadly, turning it into another crappy public school. Why? Because the state said kids coming out of the school weren't prepared enough for college. >_<
  4. The UN is absolutely out of its mind considering that the Internet is somehow a human right. A human right is something that you are born with under natural law (whether governed by God or by nature - whichever you choose to believe.) Thomas Paine in his wonderful Rights of Man stated that rights can never be granted by any charter as that would imply that they could be taken away. It's kind of sad when people think the internet is of the same league as the rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness.
  5. I can play it just fine ... I just really suck at it. I can get up to the third level on Normal mode and that's about it. I am very much out of practice and my GCN controllers all seem to be breaking down so that might be part of the issue. In other shmup news, I downloaded the Demos to Supercharged Robot Vulkaiser and Witch-bot Meglilo. They were fairly average shmups and I'm not sure they are worth the full $10 each on Direct2Drive. What's interesting is that I'd gladly pay $20 if both items were on a pressed CD with cover art. I'm odd like that ...
  6. I'm pretty sure War of the Worlds came before Magic. Also, LP - very nice work. Are these self portraits or is that unintentional?
  7. It depends on which historian you ask. Some will swear that he was dedicated to the British Constitution and look at his popularity with the people as proof of his reign. Others look at his horrible handling of the American Revolution (when I say the Revolution I take Adams's interpretation of 1760-1775 before Lexington) and of his later madness. What I will give old fat George was that once the war was over and the Treaty of Paris was signed he did wish to get trade routes and diplomatic ties to the new nation. He was perhaps the last to realize it but The United States and Great Brittan were much better as two separate countries than they were as Mother and Colonies.
  8. For my wife's wedding shower people gave her their favorite recipes. I started flipping through them and I realized that half come from the back of food packaging ... Thanks Aunt Edna, I know how Quaker makes oatmeal cookies.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. deanb


      Does america have Be-Ro books or anything similar? http://www.be-ro.com/f_about.htm

    3. TheRevanchist


      The Quake Oats oatmeal cookies are the best ones! I usually leave out raisins, and pig out. That is why I seldom make them.

    4. Battra92


      The QO cookies are the best. Dean, we don't have Be-Ro but we do have King Arthur here in New England. I have their cook book and they are very good about the hows and whys of a recipe. I also like that they include weight measurements for flour as volumetric is never accurate. I also have an edition of the Joy of Cooking from 1962 that has a diagram on how to skin a squirrel.

  9. Minish Cap boring? Wow, I really enjoyed it but I guess to each their own. One of these days I need to finish Oracle of Ages. Losing my save due to a battery failure really made me lose interest in it but I'm over halfway done with it.
  10. What's interesting is in history how WWI was known as "The Great War" or just "The War" until WW2. For my grandparents' generation WW2 was "The War." My dad's generation had Vietnam as "The War" and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are sometimes referred to by my generation as "The War(s)" After the American Civil War there was quite a difference of opinion in what the Civil War would be called. People referred to it as "The recent hostilities," "The recent unpleasantness," "The War of Northern Aggression," "The Great Rebellion," " War for Southern Independence," "War of Secession," "War for the Union," "Second American Revolution" etc. The only two that the United States Government has ever recognized (though never formally on either) is "The Civil War" and "The War Between the States."
  11. Thanks, I still haven't had the extra cash to pick one up yet. I have been playing the shit out of Satazius (thanks to GOH and Saturnine ) as well as the various Gundemonium games. I think the PC is slowly becoming my new shmup machine (before it was my Wii and 360) Also, last night I had some fun with an old CRT TV and my Gamecube ...
  12. Believe it or not, your feedback will likely influence my current house hunting. I'm trying to decide how important it is to get a big TV in the same room as the gaming computer, and your feedback will help. House hunting in the Capital region is totes unfun.
  13. Heh, yes and no. Of course, we also use presidents and administrations Pre-Columbian Age of Exploration Colonial America French and Indian War Age of Enlightenment American Revolution / War for Independence (some scholars and even John Adams split these into two although most American history teaches these as one unit Condeferation to Constitution (1783-1789) Washington / Adams Federalist Era Revolution of 1800 / Jeffersonian Era War of 1812 Era of Good Feelings Age of Reform / Second Great Awakening (these really went hand in hand) Westward Expansion / Manifest Destiny Movement Industrial Revolution **In the South, this time period up to the Civil War is called the Antebellum period** The Civil War / War Between the States (depending on who you ask) and that's just from 1492 to 1865. A lot of these overlap as well! Basically American history isn't really divided into nice neat little eras.
  14. I decided to have some fun tonight so I turned an old CRT TV on its side and hooked up my Gamecube. Fuck Yeah! Ikaruga!

    1. MasterDex


      Ikaruga is pure win. Good choice!

    2. Battra92


      It was my first time actually playing it on a sideways TV. It was a lot better with the larger playscreen, though I still suck at it.

  15. No, but for me, I've never found a smartphone to be practical. Hey I can post/twitter/facebook whatever from my phone! Whee! My phone makes phone calls. That's really all I need it to do. So ... avast ye maties?
  16. When showing my brother a movie I put on my PSP I showed off all the things I do on it ... except play PSP games. I should really get more of them to play on there.

    1. TheRevanchist


      My favorites were the GoW. Nothing like killing sprees to make you feel good on the inside.

    2. fuchikoma


      I'll back that. I'm not even into brawlers. I wasn't even a GoW fan, but Chains of Olympus is very well made, at least until you get near the end.

  17. Nothing I'm remotely interested in but the Razer Tron Mouse is $35 shipped from Woot. http://www.woot.com/sale/razer-tron-gaming-mouse-4
  18. Nitronic Rush reminds me that I have to upgrade my video card at some point.
  19. *Ring Ring. Ring Ring* Nice, though a bit impractical. Be nice if there was a straight adapter that plugged into the cable port in the back.
  20. I feel like this is the weekend for cleaning house! AS in I've literally been cleaning the house. This place was a mess!

  21. Two tickets to see this awesome show! I'll have to find something for them to sign as apparently after the show they will sign just about anything (MST3K or Cinematic Titanic)
  22. I'm really tempted to get tickets to Cinematic Titanic but do I really want to drop $70 on two tickets to a show?

  23. Feeling quite sick tonight ... so I had an MST3K marathon of "The Brute Man" and "The Violent Years."

  24. I'm more open to PC gaming than I was even say 6 months ago (due to lack of TV time) but yet I still prefer the Wii out of all my current gen platforms and prefer lounging on a couch and most console games over their PC cousins. I do like the abundance of shmups on the PC lately but the vast majority of my PC game collection have been free or cheap via Indie bundles. If I do more PC gaming, I am going to have to buy a new chair. The old rickety wooden chair I've been using is killing my back. :-/
  25. You kids and your posting from phones. Call me when your Crackberry or iTampon has an IBM Model M keyboard.
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