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Everything posted by Battra92

  1. And Tim Rogers and Lisa Foiles. Seriously, I'm sick and tired of their masturbatory articles. Of course I avoid them by just avoiding Kotaku. Plenty of places to get gaming news online.
  2. Just got my Tax forms from work. I am the 53% (of this country who actually pays taxes)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Battra92


      Umm, thanks ... I think. It's not paying taxes that bugs me so much (I use roads and bridges and stuff) it's the rate that bugs me. Massachusetts is 5.3% and New York is 6.85% So by moving I got my taxes raised. :-/

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      And you don't even have to pay NYC taxes. :P

    4. Battra92


      Goh, that I am thankful for! It makes me wonder with everything so much higher there why anyone would actually live there. I can see visiting but not so much living.

  3. Did some cleaning and organizing tonight. My 360 is now on an old TV where there is no Ethernet around and my Wii is proudly on the HDTV. Somewhere a fanboy is weeping.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Battra92


      Well I've been playing Bonk's Adventure and Skyward Sword on my Wii. I have a couple games in my Wii backlog (Sonic Colors, replay a bit more of Ultimate Shooting etc.) and the PS3 gets near daily use as a BD/DVD/Netflix player but I've been playing Castlevania:LOS on it. One nice thing about being cheap is that I can buy games for $20 after everyone else bought them full price at launch.

    3. Battra92


      My PSP is actually the only console that doesn't get ANY playtime. It gets time as a video player but that's it. The DS has Starfy and once I finish that, the new Professor Layton game!

    4. TheMightyEthan


      My PS3 gets quite a bit of use as a BD player (I use the TV's built-in app for Netflix), but I was just talking about games.

  4. Thumb, Index/Pointer (I've heard both but index more), Middle, Ring and Pinky.
  5. So Gamestop is apparently selling New PS2 Slims as used now. I'm tempted to buy one and mod it for imports but at this point I don't know how valuable that would be to me.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. fuchikoma


      I'm proud to have put a DMS4 chip in my PS2 successfully... but after that, I said "never again!" It's an order of magnitude harder than doing a PSX. I was so nervous. (But it does it all! Even on-screen boot menus and direct hard disk boot.)

    3. fuchikoma


      If you find an older "fat" model, I remember this issue. Other than that, I don't think there was much problem with reliability if everything stays in place. http://www.darkplanets.co.uk/la6508/

    4. Yantelope V2

      Yantelope V2

      Yeah, honestly, if you want to play imported games it's easier to use a loader and a slide tool like swap magic.

  6. For us that was called Civics class. For me, my class on the Constitution (at least the core and the Bill of Rights) was also combined with our post-Revolutionary War period studies. I have a coworker who is from Hungary and was asking me once about some stuff he saw on the news about a bill through Congress. I showed him this: Speaking of education, I am absolutely disappointed that most schools don't not include some sort of personal finance class. I guess that's why so many people can't manage money properly.
  7. Lemonade dates back centuries and as far as my research goes, and it appears the word limonade dates back to at least 1676 in France. Homemade carbonated beverages didn't come about until Joseph Priestley (founder of the Unitarians FWIW) discovered a way to make it in 1767. Carbonated drinks can also be made from yeast but that ends up with something slightly alcoholic. The French were also well known for their love of carbonation from their naturally occouring springs (think Perrier) so it's not outside the realm of possibility that the French used carbonated spring water. Also, Sprite, 7up etc. all contain lime so calling them lemonade seems a bit odd. By the way, did you know 7up contained Lithium Citrate (a drug used to treat depression, bipolar disorder etc.) until 1948? o_O Also, in the UK Cider is usually fermented and alcoholic. In the US cider generally refers to Apple Cider which is an unfermented and unfiltered beverage made when you press apples in a cider press. In the UK, cider refers to the fermented alcoholic stuff we call "Hard cider." If you were to add more fruit to that and let it ferment again you'd get Apple Wine. The reason that American cider is unfermented most likely is due to the fact that alcoholic beverages have almost always been taxed in our nation's histories (in fact, prior to Woodrow Wilson it was pretty much the main source of Federal revenue IIRC.) Therefore people simply consumed the stuff unfermented to avoid the tax. Apple juice is something that is filtered, pasturized, homogonized, sweetened and is quite frankly unfit for human consumption.
  8. Why can't more JPOP be like this? http://youtu.be/6Xh5I6MGIow

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. fuchikoma


      I guess it just changes over time. Kyu Sakamoto's fascinating because you can kinda hear the divergence between enka and Western pop. I used to listen to a lot of stuff like Judy and Mary, Pocket/Black Biscuits, Namie Amuro, hitomi, Ryouko Hirosue, Zard, or early Ayu, but now there's not a lot of mainstream I'm into. Mostly doujin groups. SYNC.ART'S has awesome vocals. Some great artists work on SOUND HOLIC, Syrufit/Poplica, and Alstroemeria Records.

    3. fuchikoma


      Going mainstream, Halcali's a cute modern duo... Chatmonchy's good too. She's not pop, but Shiina Ringo is awesome.

    4. Battra92


      Love Kyu Sakamoto! I tried to have the DJ play Ue o Muite Arukō at my wedding but I wasn't the only one who knew it was a sad song. I'm not into any mainstream American pop either. The only recent mainstream artist I really can dig is Adele (probably because she reminds me of Dusty Springfield)

  9. On your mark, get set, go!
  10. Part of me wants to upgrade my desktop to something nicee and part of me wants to build a HTPC instead. Decisions, Decisions ...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Battra92


      Ethan, that and playing a few indie shmups is about all I want of an HTPC. Perhaps I could do something semi-decent on a budget.

    3. Battra92


      Or I could just drop less than $100 on a region free Blu-Ray player ...

    4. fuchikoma


      An Atom + Ion based system is a little thin to do indie shmups well, but you should be able to find some great, cheap, quiet, low-power desktop stuff that can cut it quite easily.

  11. My wife was amazed that I had never really played Bonk's Adventure before. So tonight I got to the second boss before dying (and before American Idol came on and I was booted off the TV)

    1. TheRevanchist


      Idol is best at the beginning. I don't care who wins, but we are all winners when we can watch the crazies. And be thankful we aren't that crazy!

    2. Battra92


      Bonk is much better.

    3. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      American Idol is about as entertaining as a terminal disease. It's not.

  12. Forgive my ignorance but how can headphones be surround sound? You only have two ears. Also, how can a jumprope be "Hi-Fi?"
  13. If you're ever in the ALbany area bring some popcorn and I'll learn you some movies.
  14. Wanna clue us in on who he is? Anyway, I finally did a British DVD/BD order ... I've been thinking about this for a while but I figure I'll buy the BD when it comes out anyway so I may as well get the version with the nice book. Because, why the heck not?
  15. When I say things in jest, I thought it was quite clear. Oh well ... Guess I gotta use the old emoticon more. I think my Commodore 64 had a cent key. I do know that the @ symbol was saved from the ashcan of history thanks to email. Back on topic, at the moment I'm a little annoyed at how DVDs and Blu-Rays have different regions for the US and the UK. To me, it encourages piracy (although region free DVD viewing is so trivial these days) and yet they carried it over to Blu-Ray.
  16. I was being facetious. You weren't supposed to take it seriously.
  17. I'm still mourning the loss of the ¢ key. Imagine how much would be saved instead of typing $0.99 or 99 cents but you could type 99¢ and be done with it!
  18. I see your fake English and rasie you fake Italian. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JhuOicPFZY
  19. Yeah, without the work credit it would've cost us $115 (it was on sale from $250) It appears to be nice enough.
  20. Ya know, with the right equipment, FM Radio isn't bad ...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      I've never heard it but I'm sure the sound quality is a lot better. Satellite radio doesn't sound bad.

    3. Battra92


      I was listening to the Albany Symphony Orchestra so it was real music. I am a bit insulted that you think I was listening to "Top 40" or some shit like that.

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens
  21. Well, Cinematic Titanic was cancelled. Boo! Hopefully I'll be getting my refund soon. In the meantime, I was able to preorder this: I also got this for the wife (my awesome fitness credits at work paid for it) I just put it together this morning ...
  22. The Artist is my pick for Best Picture of the year! Not that its a surprise to anyone here ...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Battra92


      It's excellent. The crowd in my "local" theater all seemed to like it.

    3. BrainHurtBoy...2


      It's my second place.

    4. TheFlyingGerbil


      you tease... what's first place?

  23. I've seen some videos of Ikaruga on YouTube (even the guy playing with two sticks at once) and I really have to wonder how someone's brain can work that way. I suppose a lot of it is just practice and pattern memorization. Still, I like to go in guns-a-blazin' knowing I'll never be a champ but just trying to beat the darn thing.
  24. Setting my 2011 goals for work. Yes, I said 2011 ... I can't figure it out either but it's what the boss wants ...

    1. TheMightyEthan


      Figure out what you accomplished, and then set your goals 25% lower than that. Your boss will think you're the best worker ever!

    2. TheRevanchist


      No, he might try to hold him to that. You don't want to bury yourself.

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