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Everything posted by Battra92

  1. Nintendo: Your Zelda bundle makes me simultaneously love you and hate you.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Battra92


      FMW, hate because I have a wedding coming up and a lot of other stuff to pay for.

    3. Battra92


      Oh and Advent, no it's Skyward Sword, the Zelda Concert CD and a gold colored Wiimote for $70.

    4. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      It all looks kinda cool, but I'd probably never play it...

  2. I'm 75% through Epic Yarn and decided to play some classic Kirby. I have now beat Kirby's Dreamland 2. While I will say it is better than the first, it is not up to the masterpiece that was the NES's swan song: Kirby's Adventure. Really, KA is perhaps the best Kirby game I ever played. I've probably played it more than any other NES game that doesn't have Mario in the title. So I'm up to 9. I wish I had the kind of time you guys seem to in order to beat more of my games.
  3. I've never played any of the Touhou Project games but from what I understand they are free. Anyone want to point me where to get that. Also, it was nice to see a sort of shmup mini-game inside of Epic Yarn.
  4. I can't wait for this hurricane to be over so I can have an opportunity to post "Good Night Irene"

  5. Kirby's Dreamland 2. For some reason I remember Kirby games NOT being such cake walks. I just started yesterday and I'm already at world 5 of 7. :-/
  6. Had some extra money and decided to buy something non-wedding related. Also my first CD purchases in AGES!
  7. I'm not sure if this is nerdy, artistic, bland or hipsterish. http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/7995/30124954348426767516640.jpg

    1. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Nerdy/bland. Not ironic enough to be hipster.

  8. Rifftrax Live was effing AMAZING last night. Great time had by my fiancee and myself. Now to look for tickets to the Met Opera ...

  9. So when my fiancee and I go to London in two months, what do you think my chances are of finding copies of Pikmin 2 (Wii version) and Super Arcana Heart?

    1. deanb


      If you look in a bookstore you might have some good chances.

    1. Enervation


      Objective accomplished, begin Operation: Rake in the Virgin Tears.

    2. Battra92


      I'm fundamentally opposed to alcohol but I find it amusing how butthurt people get when a complete stranger tells them getting drunk is bad.

  10. I've been watching Ken Burns's documentary on WW2. Wow it's depressing.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. FredEffinChopin


      I'm ashamed to say that the two malls nearest me in Queens don't even have a bookstore. I guess literature is a dying passtime for most people, sadly. *goes to play New Vegas*

    3. Battra92


      I feel bad that Borders went out near me along with the great local bookstore my fiancee worked at. I refuse to go e-book as I think it's a waste of money to rent a digital file.

    4. Mr W Phallus

      Mr W Phallus

      Of course, books have little re-sale value.


      Besides if I was ever looting a bookstore the police would turn up long after everyone had left to find me still reading blurbs, flicking through novels and reading random excerpts to see if I enjoy the prose style.

  11. She goes from Nashville to Norway; Bonaire to Zimbabwe; Chicago to Czechoslovakia and back!

  12. Politicians have kicked the can down the road on entitlements for the last 80 years or so since these programs reared their ugly red heads into most people's lives. Kids grow up expecting free school, free college, free retirement etc. and when the pyramid schemes all collapse at once with "The Great Recession" (I hate that term but that's what people call the current extended recession) it leaves a lot of grown up babies at a loss and think that "the rich" should pay their way instead of looking to see how THEY can provide for themselves.
  13. I won't argue with that. It's also a civil case and not a criminal one unless you profit from it. I'd like to see an honest study show what really happens. I really don't know any pirates who then promote games to others to purchase. I always wonder why PC gamers bitch so much about how the companies treat them. Some games sell more on consoles. If you are sick of it, buy a goddamn console or shut up about it. Every market decision has to do with choices and tradeoffs. Going the PC gaming route has its tradeoffs (better graphics, different selection of games vs cost, hardware compatibility etc.) You made your choice and if the game companies don't want to cater to your market, find a different company that does or change your market position.
  14. It's too bad London property owners don't own sawed-off shotguns.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Connorrrr


      Shooting minors is not a valid response to damage of material goods. Helping our countrymen is. People aren't going to mind paying taxes and helping clean up the streets for this mess because we are better people than the rioters, and rue the day that the public ever become worse than those they're fighting against. You call it cowardliness and I call it having morals. Shooting people is not going to solve anything in the UK, regardless of what it does in the US.

    3. WTF


      Connorrr is quite right. Battra it's not cowardly when we're trying to prevent kids from dying. Some of them are stupid and misguided but killing under 18 year olds is not going to solve anything. Human life is valuable esp if they're young and misguided. You can change them. We are bonding and sorting stuff out. I'd rather sort stuff out and pay for it rather than guns in the hands of undesirables. You know what shopowners and criminals having guns would've led to more de...

    4. WTF


      deaths. We do not want martyrs. Right now we can have businesses back, communities back and a spirit of bonding and recovery. Lives lost cannot be replaced. And in the heat of the moment anything could happen. During riots people aren't likely to think sensibly. Arming them is like adding fuel to the fire.

  15. This weekend is a tax-free holiday in Massachusetts. While I'd love to buy a new laptop I have neither the real need nor the money. :-(

  16. Perhaps Metroid doesn't have the quantity, but for fans it sure is a well respected and requested title. You know what franchise I'd like to see more of: Pikmin!
  17. My answer is that I just don't buy all that many games. Buying games at full retail is silly. Here in the US we have outlets like GameFly or Blockbuster to rent console games. Occasionally my fiancee will borrow games from friends (I've never had friends with similar tastes) and plus there's always checking online reviews from places you trust (e.g. not IGN) No one says you have to buy the game the first day. In fact, you don't really have to have the game at all. In capitalism you as the consumer hold the cards in that you can choose to walk away and not purchase the product. Come to think of it, I don't know the last time I bought a new game on Day 1. Pokemon, I think? Most games I buy for under $20 and quite a few under $10. Call me cheap but I just know where I am in the market.
  18. Not sure this would help my SMB2:TLL game but it might make it somewhat more authentic ... http://cgi.ebay.com/280721167220

  19. The Sega Genesis version of Truxton. I confess I used Game Genie. No, I don't care. Truxton was downright CHEAP!
  20. Mario 2 (the Japanese version) is a very humbling game. Even getting 100+ lives in the first level isn't enough sometimes.

    1. Battra92


      And I died using up my last life. Time to start over ...

  21. Evolution of a Trust Fund Dumpster Diver

  22. Evolution of a Trust Fund Dumpster Dire

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