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Everything posted by Battra92

  1. Actually this stuff is pretty exciting to me as to how cheap it was for good quality stuff. Of course, you take the brand names and the big showroom away and you get decent quality stuff for less than the big box stores. Plus, I like to cook. I'd cook elaborate meals every day if my fiancee washed all the dishes.
  2. Restaurant Supply haul! TONS of parchment paper A new thermometer as a family member absconded mine a paring knife to replace my chinsy old ones. a cheap bread knife and some more boring stuff like a bowl scraper (lost my free one) and tongs and stuff ... On a side note, I almost bought a big-ass Chinese cleaver for when I cut up chickens but my fiancee talked me out of it. I think she was afraid I'd cut my hand off or something ...
  3. Truxton on Genesis just kicked my ass ...

  4. This afternoon my fiancee and I watched the 1927 version of Chicago. Now she's making me watch the 2002 version. May God have mercy upon my soul.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheRevanchist


      I like musicals. Sounds like something my wife won't do with me. She hates old timey stuff.

    3. Battra92


      It was painful because the movie was just so bad. It was cluttered, disjointed and full of anachronisms. I can see what they were going for but it just wasn't the movie for me.

    4. Battra92


      That said, cleavage thrust at the screen is never a bad thing ...

  5. They tell you to prepare for 20% rejection on wedding invites but it's hard to prepare for person after person from your side saying no.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Baconrath


      In the future we'll have hovercars so we can drive to Hawaii, granted you have enough POWAH

    3. Battra92


      Yeah, well ours is still local (about an hour away from many of them tops) and we're still getting "it's too far" from a lot on my side.

    4. TheFlyingGerbil


      could you organise a minibus or something like that?

  6. Why aren't Moleskines made out of actual moles' skin?

    1. VicariousShaner
    2. 「Advent Chaos」
    3. Battra92


      It was a rhetorical question. The truth is that moleskin is actually a kind of cotton fiber. but it was originally made from the hides of the worthless rodents.

  7. My thoughts exactly. The 3DS just went from "nice to get someday" to "On my list of planning to buy soon." I wonder what the Dsi and XL will go down to. I kind of wish the 3DS had the XL's screen size but I can live with the bigger than DS Lite size of the 3DS.
  8. 3DS is going down to $170! Thanks, SONY! (no, that's not a typo)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. P4: Gritty Reboot
    3. Battra92


      Yeah, I was expecting someone to say "You mean Nintendo." It's obvious that the 3DS is going down in price due to the Vita's pricing.

    4. TheRevanchist


      Only thing Sony is dropping is the RAM on the Vita.

  9. That goes double for me. ;; I wonder how long before IGN declares this as a game for pedophiles?
  10. Bought this as well for lower than the average price.
  11. Got mine. Not sure if I'll download them on my Windows install or my Linux install. I assume you can do both, right?
  12. Kirby's Dream Land. I never played this version as I never had a Game Boy growing up (my first GB was a GB pocket when I was in high school) and by then I just never seemed to pick up Kirby's Dream Land. My fiancee owned it and since our collections are now merged I acquired the cart of this game. Annoyingly enough, there's no save on this so you have to play it all in one sitting. There is a continue but I never had to use it. It was super easy and actually since my first Kirby game was the fantastic Kirby's Adventure, Dream Land comes across as a rather bland start to the series. Is Dream Land 2 worth hunting down? On a side note, I really need to organize my GB/GBC games better.
  13. Retro Game Master is actually giving me a reason to go to Kotaku again.

  14. I got this for the bedroom TV (which is an old CRT so I'm not worried about quality) and since my Prime Membership allows me to stream Amazon now I'm excited about being able to stream episodes of Mister Rogers Neighborhood. Well, that and I'm excited to be able to stream stuff without my laptop while my fiancee watches her dumb reality shows.
  15. What is so gross about maple syrup? Maple syrup is awesome on everything! I put maple syrup on vanilla ice cream.
  16. I believe streaky bacon (or belly bacon) is the closest to American bacon but IIRC it's not cured the same way but I'm not a British butcher. I am fairly sure that the French simply salt it and use it as Salt Pork (or Lardon.) Fun fact: During the American Civil War the Union soldiers were given rations of Salt Pork and hard tack (aka Sea Biscuits when they are round and on a ship)
  17. I remembered today why I don't like stereotypical D&D people.

  18. How can Yoshi lay eggs if he's a boy?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. toxicitizen


      Wait, didn't Yoshi lay his eggs after eating a bunch of fruits in SMW?

    3. CorgiShinobi


      There not actually eggs, but in fact are merely poops layered with a hard calcium coating.

    4. Battra92


      I accept Atom's explanation.

  19. And pork chops are delicious too. I'm French: we eat everything on the pig except the oink.
  20. BLASPHEMER! BURN HIM! I love tea, I couldn't go a day without drinking a cup. It can take a while to find the type or even the strength of tea you like but once you find it, you'll love it. Also, tea tip: Substitute sugar for honey, it's delicious. Tea is like coffee in that everyone tells me you need to get a taste for it. Why would I get a taste for something bitter that has to be consumed with large amounts of sugar (well, I'd have to use Splenda) in order to make it palatable? Speaking of tastes and flavors: Bacon In America bacon is taken from the pork belly and is smoke cured (usually with hickory or maple wood or even corn-cobs. This bacon is higher in fat yet is quite delicious. If the only edible meat on a pig was belly bacon, they'd still be worth raising and slaughtering. In the UK and other parts of Europe, bacon refers to the relatively lean part taken from the loin. We in America tend to use the pork loin more for things like pork chops and pork roasts (When we live "high on the hog" that is ) In America we have this as "Canadian Bacon" which is odd since Canadians eat a lot of American style bacon (they call so-called Canadian Bacon "Back Bacon")
  21. Goodbye to Borders. Now I have to stock up on the Picadilly Moleskine knockoffs.

  22. Tea is just fucking gross. That's the end of the story. I've had different varieties all made by people who knew how. I drink tea if I'm sick for the same reason I take Tussin.
  23. Last night I beat Sexy Parodius. It certainly was bizarre but I was expected a more difficult game. Oh well. I liked it just the same. For those wondering, I played as Hiraku:
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