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Everything posted by Battra92

  1. He's too busy being a "journalist" to play games.
  2. Isn't that true of Nintendo hardware generally? First party stuff is great and uses the hardware to the max, third party struggles to make any impact because Nintendo kept the hardware under wraps until 6 months before launch. I was just thinking more about how mutliplatform games tend to follow the standard 4 buttons, 4 shoulders, dual tumbsticks model which the GC kind of threw away. It's hard to do proprietary controllers without alienating multiplatform titles. Which is why I simultaneously appreciate and abhor multiple controllers for a system. The Wii supports Wiimote, Wiimote sideways, Wiimote + nunchuck, Classic Controller (and Pro), and the Gamecube controller. It's great that some games (like Smash Bros and Mario Kart) can be designed to work around multiple schemes. On the other hand, it means more stuff to buy, own, store etc.
  3. I count this as gaming as it's going in my PSP (via those handy dandy MicroSD to MCPDuo adapters.
  4. The NEMA 5 is good enough. If we need a safer plug we can use one of the NEMA L-series. As someone who a million years ago studied electronics engineering I don't see the need for putting a switch and a fuse in the plug. Sure it's safety but that's just overkill. I suppose having 220V as a standard might facilitate the need for it (and the whole 120 vs 220 goes back to the Edison vs Westinghouse fights and how copper in the US was (and still is IIRC) much cheaper than in Europe as most Copper comes from Chile, the US and Canada. I'm sure electronics companies would love if we were all on the same standard. Of course, we could be like Japan where Osaka was wired by GE and Tokyo by Westinghouse so they have two standards in one country. o_O Back to purchases: I got my Groomsmen each one of these: I originally was looking at the same knife with Mother of Pearl inlay but I was told that wasn't really masculine enough for groomsmen.
  5. Bought something for the honeymoon: This is so we can plug in our chargers into your large and silly 240V plugs. Sony was good enough to make their PSP power supplies of the switching sort so I won't have to buy another one. We also discovered that her cell phone charger (with a USB plug) charges her iPod touch just fine and that also supports 240V. I may just bring that with this plug in order to save on space in packing. Also we're hoping to book the honeymoon to London this weekend.
  6. If you can watch this and not laugh once, you have no soul: http://www.archive.org/details/OneWeek

    1. AgamemnonV2


      Myth confirmed: I have no soul.

    2. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      Say what you will about Michael Bay, but I'm glad I live now and not then.

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Amen, Thursday. Amen.

  7. Newegg Sales might be more fun if I had money,

  8. I didn't have an issue with SC2 but standard fighting games were an issue for it. For games designed for it, it worked great. I mean, I can't imagine playing Pikmin with a 360 controller.
  9. I'm trying to find a good knife to give my groomsmen. Any knife lovers out there want to help?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      I'm with enervation on this one. 'sides they would all be wearing suits right? It'd be like a wedding with spies.

    3. TheRevanchist


      Check out military surplus sites/stores. They sometimes have really neat-o knives.

    4. Enervation


      A word of warning, please check your national and local authorities regarding butterfly knives. They're classified as concealed weapons and in the U.S. certain states have banned them due to gang warfare. Regardless, the concealed carry is something that authorities aren't very peachy with.

  10. I think I'm going to start calling Lifehacker, "Ghetto-Hacker"

  11. I think my neighbors just spent their kids' college funds in fireworks tonight. I appreciate the show but I have to wornder what this cost them.

  12. Battra92


    FWIW the disc version is $9.99 at Best Buy ... http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Fallout+New+Vegas+-+Windows/9701395.p?id=1218152460888&skuId=9701395&st=new%20vegas&lp=4&cp=1 Same price for the 360 and PS3 versions.
  13. Well I have a wedding to finish planning and other such things to do but I have been working on a few games and refusing to buy many more console ones.
  14. Pac Man CE sucked using the D-Pad or the analog stick. Again, it's a game better played with a stick, though.
  15. I plan on spending the Fourth reading the Declaration of Independence and, at some point, watching 1776 (the musical.) This should be a good day.

    1. SixTwoSixFour


      I plan on watching watching Pulp Fiction, eating bagel bites, and hanging out with my dog. But uhm, have fun with that.

    2. Battra92


      I think I had the better day.

  16. Logitech Gamepad for PC for $14.95 Not sure if it's a great deal but I thought I'd pass it on.
  17. INB4 Hairy banjo. No, I used to be able to play a little piano by ear but I lost it over the years. Also, you look like Dante from Clerks. o_O
  18. I guess it says something that the NES controllers were redesigned to resemble the SNES controllers.
  19. I got King's Quest 7 running on my fiancee's laptop (thanks DOSBox) Sadly she can't play the better graphics version (for Win 3.1) but them's the brakes I guess.

    1. SixTwoSixFour


      ...Breaks, I think. Not to be a grammar nazi.

    2. SixTwoSixFour


      Unless you've got an enemy on your tail. Then you should use the brakes.

  20. Indeed and lots of 360 controller love that was quite unexpected on my part. I mean, it's a decent little controller I suppose but it's not my favorite. The 360's D-Pad is about as useless as the Gamecube's D-Pad. I think the Gamecube's grips and triggers are better than the 360's as well. I'm also not getting the "tumor" hate on the wireless 360 controller. It never bugged me when I used it, plus I like controllers that use standard batteries. I know it will be annoying when my sole DS3's battery dies.
  21. I just played the Arcade classic "Aliens vs Predator" by Capcom using an SNES controller hooked up via USB. It was the perfect fit (although the Genesis controller probably would work well too) but it shows that the SNES style is great for multiple platforms.
  22. I never got the Gamecube controller hate. For the games designed for it, it worked great. It just had a shitty worthless D-Pad. The Wavebird is the still the high water mark for wireless controllers.
  23. Roundabout? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPOTg-7pV64
  24. In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

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