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Everything posted by excel_excel

  1. This is just the worst. What on earth is this? I've never gone to Penny Arcade and thought 'wow that header ad sure is distracting'. This is just....what's the point of it? I've never in my life seen something so unneeded, especially on Kickstarter. This is just doing something just to do it. They made this comic last year. Pretty much sums up there kickstarter.
  2. So I'm back into the gym for a good few months now but haven't been going as much as I should do. I go like 3 times a week, sometimes 4 if its a good week. I think its partly because I just feel so hot all the time. Literally most of my evenings round here I have the windows open and no top on, not to mention I just feel tired all the time. Really have to push myself.
  3. So, Persona 4 Arena in its is region locked on 360, but more importantly on PS3. Its the first game to ever been region locked on PS3. Done so at the order of the Japanese publisher so as not to cannibalise the US release apparently, but that kind of screws over European importers of the US release.
  4. Here's what I'm hoping for..... a scenario that will probably never happen. Capcom kickstart a translated Western eshop release of Ace Attorney Investigations 2. I mean that seems to be all we have left for a chance. I know one publisher did a kickstarter for some JRPG release on PSN for the PSP....so Capcom. HELP US OUT HERE.
  5. Are the Square Enix devs capable of making only one damn game at a time? Final Fantasy X HD is simple, send it to Bluepoint Studios. As for XIII-3.....can we just like give the XIII world a rest for now?
  6. God I actually haven't played that many games released in 2012 this year. Its mostly been games released in 2011, like Witcher 2 and Xenoblade and Skyward Sword. Best game I've been playing that was released this year......Spelunky! on XBLA arcade is devilishly addictive. Its randomly generated levels are always different but always feel like real designed level that makes sense. Like, there is never a part of a level that doesn't make sense or a hole in a level that contains nothing. Its probably the best random level generator game I've ever played.
  7. WWF/WWE No Mercy 2 No wrestling game is a smooth and as deep as No Mercy was. God playing the current WWE games from THQ just makes me angry at how poor they are, so many basic mistakes and frustrating shit that should be caught in playtesting but nope, the same mistakes are repeating year in and year out. and its infuriating there isn't an alternative available today.
  8. What I mean implemented is a selling option for games on your Steam or DL service of your choice. Maybe a trade in option directly to Steam, eventually, but I can't seem them implementing directly selling games across accounts.
  9. Ordered Final Fantasy Theatrhythm on Shopto.co.uk. Loved the demo and the positive reviews coming out have cemented my decision to buy it. Within 6 minutes my order had been processed along with a picture of the package. Holy shiz, impressive. ALSO BOUGHT ON XBLA!!! SPELUNKY!!!
  10. fan incident at Best In The World
  11. I give it "I BRING YOU LOVE....I BRING YOU PEACE...." out of ten! Exactly.....hehe
  12. anybody get Spelunky on XBLA? I got it there today and I'm really enjoying it. Barely played the original but this version is fantastic.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Chewblaha


      UGH my body is just writhing at the thought of people actually wearing those.

    3. Mal



      Old BGM.

    4. Johnny


      So much better :3

  13. and the PS1 port has something off about the music, which was sucky. Its nostalgia though. Square Enix have kept VII alive in people's minds with all their different spin offs, not to mention Advent Children and its later Complete version.
  14. Yes actually Super Mario 64 The person below me believes the moon landing was FAKED! SHOCK! HORROR!
  15. Tried the egg bagel, turned out really well, but my mug that I use isn't microwave friendly, I need a wider one really. But realllllly damn nice. Making it for my girl for her lunch tomorrow, she'll love it. Tried also the choc cake in a mug, I added all the dry ingredients but added the egg at the same time so it didn't come out perfectly but it was good for a first try. Will definitely try these again and MOAR.
  16. I don't know how to feel about this either. I just don't see it being implemented by Steam or other DL services. I mean it sounds like a revolutionary ruling but I just don't see Steam doing anything seriously about it.
  17. I think I did. Maybe. I mean I was like in 3 years of age in 1990. And I guess I could have sold it off in the 90s at some point. So I suppose technically its possible. I never thought about it. Now I'm in bitter regret about those riches I could have had Person below me has never taken any illegal drugs.
  18. Man I am so doing this for lunch tomorrow. Looks so yum!
  19. Ok, Xenoblade Chronicles title theme is absolutely fantastic. Its like chocolate pudding for the god damn ears and the way it builds and changes and gets more epic as it goes on just so smoothly.....awesome. It doesn't stand a chance against other more nostalgic themes but it deserves the win. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNR-wsFAfiU Having a full orchestra do the soundtrack to the Mario Galaxy games was so fucking awesome. No theme represents the soaring epicness yet sheer cheerfulness of the series then the Gusty Garden Galaxy theme. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HpyOkKWpCM
  20. Basically they were making the game for ages and the same team making the game were working on making the Crystal Engine Tools, and they were taking requests from every person on the team as to what direction the game should take. It took the demo deadline to final make them settle on a vision for the game. If that demo had never happened I doubt the game would have even been released by now. http://finalfantasy....III#Development for the whole story.
  21. Yeah that's got to be it. That's why I kill so few people, because if I kept on doing it, it would lose all of its appeal. Its a choice! The person below me needs a hair cut.
  22. 3 tacos out of 4 tacos, ai ai ai ai ai!......seriously though that hat has got to go.
  23. Here's a english pic. Holy shit. Don't think I've ever wanted a special edition more. Price is supposed to be $100 so I'm guessing €100 over in the EU.
  24. Well most of the older tracks are remixes. This wasn't on my radar that big till I played the demo SO PLAY THAT NOW.
  25. well its still made by Square Enix. The visual style is supposed to be like all the clothes and shit are interchangeable. Not really cutesy but more like cartoonified No news about it that at all!
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