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Everything posted by TCP

  1. So the trailer is finally live (Dee's link wasn't working for me earlier in the weekend) and the gaming media sites have released their articles. Glad to hear that 60% of the game will be land based, as I still love the traditional Assassin's Creed formula. I do feel like someone at Ubisoft noticed the numbered games sell way better than just the subtitled games, and that's why this game got the number IV, especially given the Kenway connection. Which leads me to believe that Assassin's Creed V (or whatever they decided to call Assassin's Creed 2014) will star a younger Haythem, be set in London, explain his "twist" from AC3, and round out the trilogy.
  2. But I'll own it at launch, FDS. Me > everyone else.
  3. Why would you want them to half ass a PS4 port? To actually make a game that would use the PS4s power like an exclusive would isn't something that can be done by October. All you'd get is some better textures and other minor things while excluding the tens of millions who already own PS3s. Terrible, terrible idea. Because, games moved to another platform last minute are always awesome. In all seriousness, not a terrible idea, because this sort of thing happens fairly regularly, but by the time I get around to playing this game, PS4 will be out and I'd rather play it on the new system.
  4. Thinking about maybe getting some Windows on my MacBook to play some smaller/older games via Steam. However, I haven't owned a Windows based computer in years... what's the best OS to use?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      @DeanB I remember being surprised that some really recent game (Tomb Raider?) had XP support.


      Anyways, businesses, and anyone who didn't upgrade for the past decade.

    3. TCP


      Thanks for the advice guys. No Vista for me. Now off to see if I can find 7 or 8 for an affordable price!

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      You're going to buy a secondary OS? Doesn't seem worth it to me. Especially since you just want it for older games.


      7 is... easier to obtain.

  5. I'd rather they just make this look really nice and release it as a PS4 launch title.
  6. According to Kotaku IGN, the release date has been leaked and it's October 29, it's also going to be on next-gen platforms... PS4 Launch Game?!??!
  7. I approve of that decision! Speaking of which, I really need to play the George Washington DLC and finish Liberation. That fucking mission where you tilt the Vita and move the ball around a course soured me. And by soured me, I mean, ENRAGED me.
  8. I know lots of people have problems with AC, and yes, I'm excited for more naval missions, but please please please give us a nice, open world for us to explore on foot, the frontier and the cities was the best part of AC3! Also running in trees wad pretty great too. I do have to say, I'm surprised this is being called AC4, I thought they'd do some more "in between" games like Revelations and Brotherhood. Also of interesting note, it's the first numbered entry in the series with a subtitle. It's too bad, I really did like Connor. I felt like, while the AC2 games were Ezio's story, AC3 wasn't so much about Connor. Regardless of how this turns out, it'll be interesting. EDIT: also a PS4 version would be rad. AC4 on PS4, c'mon!
  9. Oh god Final Fantasy 12 on Vita would be amaaAazing.
  10. Beat the Dragonborn and Hearthfire DLC packs this weekend. By "beat" I mean got all the trophies. I'm happy to report that Skyrim runs surprisingly well on the PS3 now. After another 20 hours of playing I had only one freeze, and only one weird glitch where Lydia won't follow me (no big loss there). The load times do seem much longer than before, but I'll take it. Looking forward to Dawnguard tomorrow and hopefully a few more DLC packs in the future.
  11. Ideally if you put in a PS3 disc it would read the game and let you stream it. That could help sales for the late PS3 games released in the next few years. Unfortunately I doubt that's what Sony will do, they'll make it a subscription service. :-/
  12. I'd imagine it would be similar to remote play on PS3 to Vita, playable anywhere with a wifi network. In fact, didn't they say something along the lines "all your games, anywhere"??
  13. In my opinion, Sony nailed it, they did exactly what they should have, and left enough for me dying for E3. My favorite announcement: all PS4 games streamable to the Vita. Being able to be at work, go on break, and play Elder Scrolls 6, Red Dead 2, etc. THAT'S A FUCKING GAME CHANGER, PEOPLE. That completely out does Nintendo, with the only exception being price for a Vita/PS4. Knack looks cool, The Witness was beautiful, and the new inFamous was great. I didn't see the Killzone, Destiny, or Watch Dogs.. though awesome move on Sony's part in bringing in Bungie. Lastly (ok I'll probably post more after dinner), that controller looks beautiful.
  14. Did anyone get the free $10 from Sony? I didn't, which is weird because I buy a lot on PSN, must be because I'm Canadian... So discriminated against
  15. Take care of yourself Duke. Can't wait to see the new site. EDIT: 3 YEAR PSSSSYYYCHHEEEEE!!!
  16. Triggers are different and strange.
  17. He said a solid PS2 emulator. As in, an emulator that actually works.
  18. Apparently Sony is registering URLs for PlayStation Cloud.
  19. Sony's marketing since 2006 has been weird. I wasn't gaming much in the PS2 era, but I remember seeing commercials all the time for Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper, Ratchet and Clank, and tons of other first party games. Now they're like "oh a new game is coming out that isn't Uncharted or God of War, let's write up a PlayStation Blog post and call it a day". It was especially sad to see so little Vita promotion at launch, because, again, I remember the launch of the PSP very well, and I wasn't even following the industry.
  20. Mister Jack, you should try to Vita controller DLC for LBP2. It's the best use of multi-screen console gaming I've seen so far. But I do agree 100% with you, integrating the Vita and the PS4 together is vital (hehehe). If I could play every game on my PS4 HD / discdrive on my Vita remotely from the system, that would take the best idea of the Wii U and completely out do it. Course it's Sony, so they'll probably put this feature in the system, not make it mandatory, and then no developers will use it and we'll all forget it even exists in 3 years. :-\
  21. At this point, I don't want to play SD GCN games on my Wii U, same as I don't want to play SD PS2 games on my PS3. But PS3 games should hold up fairly well on the PS4, so BC would be a nice feature but if it removing it keeps the system in the 299-399 price range, I'm fine with that.
  22. I don't think it's like the people who would be developing new games are all of a sudden putting games on PS+ instead of designing games, I think it's just early in the console lifecycle, there's not new games every week, so re-releasing and discounting old games is a great way to fill that in. I'd suspect the reason everything is so quiet on the PSVita front, outside of the Spring, is due to the Vita being so connected with the PS4, so they can't announce any Vita projects without revealing PS4 info.. maybe? Either way, I'm looking forward to Tearaway, Killzone, and Soul Sacrifice a lot more than any 3DS game. I'd suspect some more game announcements at E3 or maybe even tomorrow night (maybe).
  23. Even if the sale price for the microSD card is the same (which it's not), that doesn't mean the Vita card isn't overpriced. Sony has to lower it, consumers have made that clear.
  24. I too bought a PS3 partly for both of those games, but even if they're both canceled and never released, there was more than enough great exclusives on PS3.
  25. I'm pretty sure, like four years ago, I got a 32gb microSD card out of Asia for like 5 dollars.
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