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Everything posted by TCP

  1. The 3G will probably get phased out for the 4G/LTE model that was rumoured awhile back... which is what should have happened in the first place. The Vita has a pretty great library for a system that's been out 12 months, and I think 250 for it is a reasonable price for a great piece of hardware. They need to drastically slash the price of the memory cards though. Whether or not they're expensive to produce, people aren't willing to spend that much on such little memory.
  2. BC would be nice if only for freeing up an HDMI input on my TV and removing some clutter behind my TV (well, I guess, since I'll be adding a system in, it would prevent clutter from increasing). I otherwise have no problem keeping my PS3 around.
  3. For what it's worth, games with push to talk are great. Not so much for the other people, but I like being able to keep my mic turned off 95% of the time but be able to turn it on the odd time I need to say something. TCP Official Outlandish Predictions: 1) They won't announce price (but when they do: 399) 2) They won't announce date (except for Fall 2013) (but when they do, two weeks before Xbox) 3) Games will be shown, but not playable 4) All games streamable to the Vita 5) It WILL be backwards compatible 6) Vita price drop will be announced 7) More Vita connectivity fun for PS4 8) It will NOT be called the PlayStation Four 9) The Last Guardian and/or Final Fantasy Versus XIII will be announced as a PS4 game 10) I'll have a nerd freakout panic attack due to excitement
  4. I get almost no lag on my PS3/Vita remote play... I would imagine if PS4 was built with Vita remote play in mind, there wouldn't be any problem. My prediction: every game in the blu-ray drive / on the PS4 HD was playable with remote play.
  5. TCP

    Wii U

    Price drop and ambassador program. Come on, Nintendo! The precedent has been set!
  6. Drogo as Drax? Andy as Star Lord? I'm getting excited for GotG.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. deanb
    3. toxicitizen


      Oh, I was thinking Office-Andy but just looked it up and it's Parcs & Rec-Andy. This is great news!

    4. toxicitizen


      Also, I started getting excited the second James Gunn was hired to direct.

  7. For whatever reason, it looks a lot more sexy from that angle.
  8. BEHOLD! THE CONTROLLER: I'll reseve judgement till we find out if that's the finished model (IGN says yes), and for Sony to demonstrate it. Still better than the boomerang! I have nightmares of them switching the d-pad and left stick around... Those sticks look concaved which is a bit of a surprise as I thought if that was the direction they were going to go, we'd see that on the Vita (and maybe we will on the rumoured HD output compatible Vita). It is more Xboxian in size and shape, which I'm not crazy about as I think the DS3 is the perfect size, but we will see.
  9. Single people depress me.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      awwwwwwwww ya it's mano-ela time

    3. TheRevanchist


      Make it classy. Buy yourself flowers first.

    4. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Pffft whatever I'm such a slut I would do anything without gifts

  10. My basset puppy decided it was a good idea to chew up my white DS3. It still works but there's bite marks all over the back. My original black DS3's battery is slowly going, so since I have a free trial of Amazon Prime, I thought I'd grab these two. I still wish there was more colour options... green, silver, or gold would be nice. Oh well!
  11. Rayman Legends just became multiplatform. Now my Wii U will go unplayed till Wind Waker HD.

    1. TCP


      Not complaining though, I'd still rather play it on PS3... or maybe Vita? The Vita port of Origins is lovely.


      I guess the Wii U will get some virtual console playtime though.

    2. TheMightyEthan


      Man, Wii U is by far my favorite for multiplatform games (putting aside PC). The ability to play on the tablet without using the TV screen is just too convenient. Pretty much the only time I'd get a multiplat on another console is if it's suited to mobile and I can get it on Vita.

    3. TheFlyingGerbil


      well, that explains the delay :/

  12. Yesterday I learned Billie Piper was once a 90s popstar in the UK. I will never appreciate Rose Tyler the same.
  13. Yeah, most, but not all Vita games let you take screen shots.
  14. I still think they'd be best to announce their price and date AFTER Microsoft. Then just release it a week or two before Microsoft for a few dollars less. CONSOLE WAR OVER!
  15. Wall Street Journal is reporting it's the PS4/Orbis.
  16. February 20th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Let's rank the console Zelda games: Ocarina/Wind Waker/Majora's Mask/aLTTP/Skyward Sword/Twilight Princess/LoZ/AoL

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      If you're not rating Link's Awakening then you don't deserve to rank Zelda games at all.

    3. TCP


      I said console games cause we all know the handhelds would be ranked as a three way tie between Link's Awakening and the Oracle games, followed by Minish Cap and the DS games off in the very distance.

    4. FMW


      Minish Cap > Spirit Tracks > Ages > Seasons > Link's Awakening > Phantom Hourglass

  19. I'm not going to lie... Cinnamon Cornpops are a colossal improvement over the standard, fairly bland, Cornpops.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mal


      Cornpops is sex. It can be wet or dry!

    3. TheMightyEthan


      Who's dead to you? Me or TCP?

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      I don't think I can eat them anymore but I used to love Corn Pops. Just the right amount of sweet and I loved that texture especially as they soaked up the milk.

  20. TCP

    Wii U

    Not me..... I keep forgetting I purchased a Wii U :-/ ......
  21. TCP

    Wii U

    I just really want Zelda to get out of this end of console-cycle pattern they're in with Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. While I loved Skyward Sword, the lacklustre response it got was at least partly because of it being released on a system people had moved on from. If they can have the new game out holiday 2014, that'd be ideal... Three year turnaround is fairly reasonable for most developers (except Team Ico!).
  22. TCP

    Wii U

    I'm almost more excited for Wind Waker HD than I am for new Zelda. But maybe because new Zelda won't come out till Christmas 2014 or 2015. I'll probably be dead by that point. (You know, from a sex overdose).
  23. TCP

    Wii U

    TFG nailed it. The more I think about yesterday's announcements, the more I think Nintendo is getting WAY more credit than they deserve. Ocarina of Time had a ton of cut content that wasn't included for the 3DS version, so I doubt Wind Waker would get those missing dungeons as well (though, that would be cool). I've heard people say that this was bigger than the past two Nintendo E3's combined... I call bullshit. As much as I love the SMT Persona games, I, and many other North American gamers, don't give a shit about Fire Emblem. The most exciting announcement was probably the new "X" game, but they didn't even confirm if it's a sequel to Xenoblade, or give us any idea on when it'll be announced. As far new Mario, Mario Kart, and Zelda games, no screen shots, trailers, or actual details given, just that they're all in some form of development... no shit. The Yoshi game looks kind of interesting, but again, another side scrolling platformer, I've played too many of those from Nintendo in recent years. (Also, I never gave much attention to the original Kirby Yarn game, but holy crap does that Yoshi game look a lot like LittleBigPlanet.) Having to pay to essentially have your ROM copies of Super Mario Bros. and A Link to the Past played in a new emulator that allows for gamepad support, is bullshit. Nintendo needs to look at Sony. I can buy Final Fantasy VII, transfer it to my PSP and my Vita, as many times as I want, and even back it up to my computer, it also goes without saying when the Orbis is released, I'll be able to redownload it on my new system, again, free of charge. The unveiling of a Virtual Console service should have been done at E3 2012, and been available at launch or close to it. The 30 cent sales are nice, but having games on sale is something they should already be doing (and more than one at a time, again look at the PSN). /rant
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