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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. Did we just get a Pause/Resume download on PS4?

    1. TCP


      It came with 2.0

  2. They split the Office Mobile apps into 3, Word, Excel, Powerpoint (i think, i never use it) a la Google Docs. Which is a bit sucky, since we now need 3 more apps. I now have a Docs folder with Docs, Sheets, Word, and Excel on it. Folders are fine I guess, but they just look ugly on the home screen. It's quite good though. The Word app offers the regular document view, just like how you'd see it on the desktop or on office online. It also has the stripped down view, which the old Office Mobile app offered, for easier reading. You can edit in both modes, it's pretty cool. It got a lot more usable for me since I need to view docs with tons of formatting sometimes and the streamlined/mobile view messes that up. Not sure if it's still free. Office Mobile, which really only offered a mobile view of your documents, used to be free for iPhone, but you'd need a subscription for the iPad apps (it counted as 1 computer against your subscription). I'm a subscriber so I wasn't able to tell.
  3. Found this on reddit. They all look good! http://imgur.com/a/OkwNO?gallery Samples:
  4. What I love about small companies: You know everybody. It's easy to get noticed. What I hate: Fucking chain emails and stupid jokes where the whole company is copied. Every damn day...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. deanb


      I'd consider 50 pretty decent sized company.

    3. SomTervo


      Yeah, 50 is definitely 'middle sized'. In the UK 0-49 is 'small or medium-sized'.


      My company is five people. The director is sitting about two feet away from me at all times. Hoo boy.

    4. deanb


      Ours is 6 (and freelance accountant). Though only 5 are in office, other works remotely from York. We don't do chain emails, but we do have Hangouts for sharing silly shit.

  5. Eleven


    How do I get back the side bar (status, release calendar)? I accidentally closed it.
  6. You might be kidding but I actually do this. I have 1000+ saves on a single walk through. I even have saves a few steps after the last one on difficult areas. I don't know why. Probably because I can.
  7. Eleven


    Yosemite is awesome.
  8. They're redesigning Luigi for the next Mario game.
  9. Isn't the ad-hoc connection using something like WiFi direct? So in theory it should be better?
  10. I don't think it has been mentioned, but PS4 will be able to play MP4 videos too. Not as good as Xbox One's though.
  11. Why oh why do I keep reading YouTube comments. deaddovedonoteat.jpg

  12. My PS3 just suddenly dies so I guess that's fine if it comes to next gen, however, wouldn't it be bad in terms of the old mechanics being used in the AC game after Unity?
  13. If you wanna smash FC: 4442-0495-5818
  14. How many of you guys watch rasslin'? I've transitioned from all South Park to all rasslin'. I've given up on video gaming.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      By "rasslin," he means large men in underwear pretending to fight.

    3. TheMightyEthan
    4. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Nah, in rasslin both parties are clad only in underwear.

  15. You're reading some article while the rest of the page loads, and suddenly as the page finished loading the whole webpage is dimmed, and this tiny box pops up in the middle asking you to register or just to remind you of something. Just close the tab, son... EDIT: And I know I mentioned this already, but goddamn it my post is on a new page again.
  16. Task Manager! Had to go back to 7 as that's what the company has a license for. I miss my task manager and tiles. Hopefully when we upgrade, we upgrade to 10. Took too long for the last company I worked for to get a 7. Windows XP is fine and all, but it sure does suck once you get a taste of 7 (as my home computer ran 7). While FDS might be joking (or is he?), I would, most likely, fill the start menu with tiles. I'll have different folder shortcuts, every single program I could possibly use for work, for procrastinating, etc. There is currently not enough space for my start menu shortcuts on Win 7.
  17. Was it explained? I've read articles, but it was never mentioned. The better explanation, certainly better than Ethan's at least, is that we're supposed to skip every other windows version. Microsoft just fast forwarded us to 2017/2018 or something.
  18. Which cloud storage service do you guys use? Dropbox? I like dropbox a lot, but my OneDrive has 1 TB of space due to my office subscription. So I'm thinking of just using that. And the interface, and gallery modes for pictures are a lot better IMO.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      dropbox because most people have it and doing shared folders is really easy.

    3. Baconrath


      i forgot i had my cloud-to-butt text filter addon enabled haha



    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      If you have a TB use that shit. They're all basically the same at this point. I have a TB w/ Google Drive but Dropbox matched their prices so go with whatever.

  19. South Park IMO was solid till about season 9 or 10? Got too much into current events in the rest of the seasons but still did have at least 3 solid eps per season I would say. The newest one, the redskins episode, falls under the current events problem. It had funny moments but let's hope they do more episodes where the boys do semi believable stuff, not outrageous stuff like this. Like the Black Friday Trilogy last season. Probably my favorite multi-parter. Or Investigative murder porn.
  20. Can't wait for that demo! Is the warp button the teleport one? He did it in the middle of combat, I hope they make combat situations designed around that ability. I don't even understand the Crystal thing in FFXIII. I understand that's supposed to be a central theme around the original 3 games for XIII but I don't remember them seeing in the 3 "new" XIII games. I might have to read up on that. I wonder if you can offroad that car. THAT would look really weird. It will probably have invisible barriers. Or one of your friends will hit you in the head and ask you not to do that. The "secret zones" sounds like you can look for them yourself as you drive around.
  21. Oh I saw that, but it was cancelled out due to your comment about the character design. The characters are toned down, by a lot, based on previous FF games. It's modern, but still has some fantasy influences, which matches like the rest of the game/setting that they've showed us. Lots of black though. It does not look like the usual FF game, or JRPG for that matter (think FFX, Star Ocean, Lost Odyssey, Resonance of Fate, Tales series). I don't remember seeing flowing robes, high collars, buckles and belts. It still looks "japanese". I don't know exactly how to describe it, it's just different than how western games are designed. But it certainly isn't standard fare. But I mean, the companions are all just wearing jeans and jackets! It's close to what FF7 peeps were wearing, probably because of the similar "modern" setting or all the black and dark surroundings. Compare that to how Basch, Ashe, Penelo were dressed. Or Auron, Wakka, Lulu. TL:DR It should be boring, but it's so different than the norm I think it actually works quite well.
  22. Opt-out language switch on talk like a pirate day. I like a lot of things about pirates. The cartoonish language is not one of them though.
  23. I don't know... I see a lot of complaining for something that honestly looks good and feels fresh, for an FF main game. Just go play Destiny guys.
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