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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. Reaper of Souls. A bow just dropped. My DPS just increased from 18k, to 77k. Holy shit.
  2. I guess I've just been playing a lot... but I just beat Diablo, and I'm now in the Reaper of Souls content... It felt really short.
  3. Hey! Welcome! And I'm joining this new wave of b/w sketch avatars.
  4. Diablo 3 is not the game to buy if you're trying to limit your gaming time. Been playing more than I should have and now back to losing sleep. lol. Shit is addicting. But it's cool, I guess. It's a very satisfying game to play. I never had downtimes or moments I find myself bored. Just keep on going and kill everything and it's all good.
  5. Facebook mutes it though so it's not that annoying. It's just like Vine and Instagram. It did make me at least watch the movies (even for just a bit) since it already started playing. Unless you really care about bandwidth and are actively managing it.
  6. I was having fun, killing everything on Expert difficulty, when Belial suddenly covered the whole fucking floor with green pools and I had nowhere else to go. Died twice so I looked up what that shit was, and it turns out it's the Enrage mechanic.

    1. Eleven


      That is such a stupid mechanic. Hopefully that's the worst one. I don't want to lower the difficulty on boss fights. I never had any problems with anyone except for that...

  7. Player invasions? For some reason it turns me off here, even though I enjoyed it a lot in watch dogs. Though it's probably because I don't really like zombie games. But it looks like they're allowing friends to invade. That's cool. Watch dogs should have done that.
  8. Isn't there some sort of infinite mode? And my friends just level up their paragon levels... Or play other classes. I'm not sure myself what I would do after my character's campaign...
  9. Someone on a ms technet thread said this would work (after doing what you did) https://logitech-en-amr.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/21706/section/troubleshoot/crid/428/lt_product_id/5870/tabs/1,3,2,5/cl/us,en/kw/ then further changes here (last post) http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/05744eec-9df6-4836-ba47-e8125c2172e1/cant-disable-mouse-from-waking-up-system-in-standby?forum=w7itproui so basically disable 2-3 options. haven't tried it though.
  10. I got this (digitally, of course) I was waiting for Xillia 2 for a long time, but it's busy at work and I feel I won't get to enjoy an RPG that much if I only have short play sessions. I'll reserve that later on the holiday, maybe.
  11. Will they be building behind the scenes? Wasn't Kari a builder behind the scenes? Also I think Grant twas too... I dunno...
  12. Shouldn't that key allow you to download the installer and from there create a media? You should be able to find and download the Windows 8.1 ISOs (untouched) somewhere if you want, if that's all you really need. Then make sure to check the hash to be sure it's an untouched ISO. https://superuser.com/questions/593366/where-can-i-download-a-legitimate-windows-8-iso-image Like for example, you can download the untouched ISO from pirate bay (or any other torrent site you want - because I don't think other websites actually host these on their servers). Then check the hash and if it's good, you're good to go.
  13. This might help: http://www.howtogeek.com/187525/how-to-perform-a-clean-install-of-windows-8.1-with-a-windows-8-key/ I haven't tried this. The last time I installed I was in the same situation as you and ended up installing 8, and upgrading to 8.1 through the store. Basically, the link says you just create an install media (USB maybe), then edit a file that allows you to install Windows 8.1 without a key, then you'll just activate it later after everything is installed using your Win 8 key.
  14. I guess technically we could argue the differences, but I think the use these terms are interchangeable as far as publishers and devs use them. They basically mean the same thing. Arkham City benefitted from being a metroid-vania too. I think that did a lot in making it feel like it's more put together. (Though i'd say it's not necessarily better, it's just different) Most sandboxes just puts you on different places on the big map. Games like GTA wouldn't make sense in making you go back to the same places.
  15. Arkham city got open world right??? I guess we view that differently. But for me, when you say sandbox/open world, you should be able to do stuff, a lot of stuff on an open game world. It doesn't even matter if missions point you to specific objectives. As long as you're not being forced to NOT explore the game world. GTA let's you do tons of cool, fun, silly things outside of missions. That's an open world sandbox game. Open world games don't have to have multiple paths to take to finish missions. That's a whole other feature. Though usually having the freedom to do lots of things inadvertently introduce clever ways of completing stuff. What do you do in Arkham City? You find easter eggs, some side quests, and you beat up thugs. The missions are still all pretty linear. That's not an open world/sandbox. It just has a big map.
  16. I have a few friends who have lots of unread messages on their work emails. I asked and turns out those are emails when they were on vacation. The first thing I do when I get back from vacation is to go through my unread emails. Only because I don't really feel like doing real work yet, and if anyone asks I can just say I'm just catching up on emails. On my personal account, I ended up making filters and unsubscribing to newsletters I somehow am part of. So I don't really get any emails unless I make online purchases, or my bills are in, or I need to renew some subscription. I don't get email from friends at all... Except when one of my friends sends me porn. I do have 767 items I need to read on my Pocket app. It's just sitting there on my homescreen. They will never get read.
  17. Vesperia is great. My first tales game, and so far still the best. Every character is likeable. Music is pretty good too! Xillia is good. Not the best characters, but still very enjoyable gameplay. Symphonia I have no idea. But I'm willing to bet it's Nostalgia talking when people say it's the best. Stay away from Graces. I'm willing to go far to enjoy my games, but... I should have just believed it when people saud it's bad... Now if I get some time off work, or on the weekend, imma buy Xillia 2!
  18. Anyone use the Google Drive app on their iPhone? or Android? I can't seem to figure out how to move multiple files (say a group of photos i've uploaded) to some other folder. The only option of moving files that I see is to Tap on the "i" button, then tap "move". But this moves files 1 at a time. It seems like a very big oversight. Dropbox has this, and most file managing apps have an easily accesible "select" option to pick out multiple files. Does Google Drive not have this?
  19. Yes, bring it back Sony. Also that is a huge list of compatible media types from Microsoft! That is what really makes this feature awesome.
  20. This soundtrack satisfies my hunger for more New Radicals. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5_9YPRJ7aw
  21. I watched Dollhouse when it was airing. It was ok. I understand why it got cancelled though, the plot really feels like it would only appeal to a niche audience. And they will eventually focus on more serialized episodes later (late season 1 or season 2). I think this was one show I enjoyed watching but didn't really feel sad about being cancelled (except for the fact that it's a show that stars Eliza Dushku). The show really was pretty meh.
  22. I've just discovered that South Park streams their entire catalogue on their website. I know it's old, and I actually may have heard about it before but didn't care. Looks like it's going away soon though. Damn...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Eleven


      Well, Hulu. The rest of the episodes will be for Plus only. So, yeah. Free streaming is out.

    3. Eleven


      ^ Once the new season starts, that is.

    4. Strangelove


      Don't embarrass yourself by telling people you think the world is flat. Shit will get awkward.

  23. There was this game Folklore, early in the life of the PS3. I thought it had the best use of sixaxis in any game, ever. I had fun twisting it around pulling souls. But nobody ever talks about that game, or the sixaxis controls on it.
  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBcnliSUtb8
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