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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. Eleven

    Your Rig

    Best gaming laptop right there! And I want one too. Is that new? Seems thick.
  2. Is this the blue Gmail Offline app in Chrome? I tried it, looks like it doesn't work. You may have to keep a gmail window open for that. That's the only time I see those notifications. I have a workaround that involves both IFTTT and Pushbullet. Though when you click the notification, it only opens a link to mail.google.com, and not the message itself... and it sends notifications every 15 minutes or so only...
  3. The ships make me happy. I wonder if they'll adapt the new mechanics here? Probably not... He's a former assassin and then became a Templar. I hope they make this game really about the Templars. I wonder if he'll eventually switch sides again?
  4. Xillia 2 is out in two weeks! Woot! Can't wait!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Eleven


      I think I should have written: "I LITERALLY cannot wait."

    3. Eleven


      Oooh I've heard of the remake but I didn't pay much attention, I thought it would use some old battle system unlike the recent ones.


      I did find a video for Hearts R vita and it looks good! Looks like I'll be waiting for that one as well!

    4. FMW


      I was interested in the original Hearts that didn't get localized because there were 2 versions. CG movie version and anime 2D movie version. For the cutscenes. Which is in the remake?

  5. Pretty cool wallpaper app. All sorts of interesting wallpapers, not just cityscapes or pictures of Korean celebs. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/kuvva-wallpapers/id558467718?mt=8 An image search of Kuvva would show the wallpapers that can be found in the app. https://www.google.com/search?q=kuvva&safe=off&es_sm=122&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=uDPgU669NpH0oASe3ICwCw&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ
  6. You missed a lot, my friend.
  7. And all the green forest doesn't help!
  8. Apparently my Lego MH installation is only 40% done! Download doesn't show up on the Downloads page, but on the game's information. Background downloading at work!

    1. Vecha


      Huh...that's odd. Maybe I haven't notices...but I thought I could look at current downloads...

  9. Usually extra batteries would cause an extra bulk, as you kinda have to work around the limitations of the current hardware's design, but wow those are huge empty spaces!
  10. Welcome Clusks! I was a longtime PC gamer too! Nowadays I'm more of a console guy, but I game where I can, those steam sales won't let you go. Man, I gotta get back on playing Bravely Default...
  11. The Vita does charge on a USB 3.0 port. It won't say it's charging, but it is, slowly. I lost my AC adapter so I have to charge it on a PS4 when it's on standby, or on my PC while doing other stuff... like work, ugh..
  12. I have been watching The Americans again.
  13. I think a lot of games are doing this now, but I want to say add some sort of summary of the story on the menu. Like in FFXIII, the Batman games, Tales games, etc. Or in your quest log (main quest) like in The Witcher 2. You should be able to read through every thing (or at least everything important) that happened. I like how they did loading screens in FFXIII, it showed a bit of what recently happened. I think in the Batman Arkham games they did that too. That would be better than showing "did you know" tips, I think (mass effect). In addition to that, dialogue log. Every single bit of dialogue. If they did that it'll make fan translations easier!
  14. LOL at our newest member. Introduce yourself!

    1. TheRevanchist


      The newest member already posted twice here. That's past introduction and more like a second date.

    2. TheMightyEthan


      Third base here I come.

  15. ^ I ended up not getting that, due to how underpowered the mobile graphics card is, thanks to Ethan's link. I did think about getting a Chromebook, but there are programs I use that are Windows or Mac only. I don't really need an internet machine as I have an iPad. That works well on the couch as it is. I still plan on getting rid of my desktop, but when I do I would go the route of the external GPU. It's pricier than a desktop, but cheaper than a gaming laptop, and I could have some portability (some because I need an external monitor). And I did just get a laptop from work. I'm still thinking about it though, and trying to read those links I posted. Back to keyboards though, I did get a cheaper $10 keyboard and used it for about a month. I miss the Apple keyboard but I the cheap keyboard was fine. It was a standard Logitech USB keyboard with no extra buttons or anything. Anyway, I did spring for the cheapest mechanical keyboard I could find on Amazon, the Rosewill one and it arrived today. I didn't really get how good mechanical keyboards feel as I was reading about them. But they really are a LOT better. I immediately felt it when I started typing. I type documents and code a lot so this improvement is very welcome.
  16. At least the steam app actually does things. The damn Playstation app kicks you out of the app and into the mobile site for everything! I had to login 4 times in 1 session I have no idea why. I just want to update my profile... #OfftopicRant
  17. Hmm... I'll look into that. I checked the website, it doesn't seem to do what I want it to do (push certain emails). But it looks like this one has a browser extension that can be used to push stuff to the phone, which is going to be very useful IMO. I'll try it out. Update: Wow! That pushbullet app is going to be extremely useful to me! I use dropbox to transfer files (images mostly, wallpapers) and Apple's Notes to sync text, but this is going to be faster and a whole lot easier. Thanks! And it uploads the images to one of those amazon servers. Works well for temporarily hosting images. Like this one right here: Though it wouldn't really work for my use case above. I just want notifications for specific emails basically... Update again!: Well apparently it can work. I just need to use IFTTT to push it to pushbullet... Probably the final update: I tried it with IFTTT and it works. Though IFTTT is on a 15 minute trigger so... I guess I'll have to decide if I want instant push notifications (they're push notifications after all), or I can wait 15 mins.
  18. "Who placed the order?? Who placed the order!?" Edit: forgot to add the accompanying text it had.
  19. There's this app, Pushover. It's a service where they assign you a "User Key". You could send emails to that user key, like a regular email address, and I think you could use that as a service too, to link to other apps. One I kept seeing is how it's tightly integrated to IFTTT, which is an app I really want to use but I don't really get. Maybe I'm just on an iPhone and the options are limited, but I've read there are even more things you could do with that app on Android. But that's not the topic! So, Pushover. Anything sent to your Pushover account, you get a push notification on your device. You could push certain messages to certain devices only, or to all of them. I have multiple email accounts, for different purposes, and I don't want to get push notifications for all of my accounts. So I set up a gmail filter to filter out certain messages and forward those (a copy) to my pushover "email". So I get notifications for certain things that way. I guess I could have done that with gmail filters alone... and the app is 4.99 after a 5 day trial. I'm just trying it out for now, and I'll see if there are other services like this later for free. But this one looks good though and seems to do exactly what I want.
  20. "Why I left Facebook" posts. Seriously. No one cares! The Verge published one just recently, and I don't know how that shit got into that "top stories" box they have at the top. It all goes the same way. Overly done introduction, describe how facebook is bad for me, describe a time before facebook when we were all happy and free, describe all the things I could do now that I could still have done with a facebook account but I'm going to ignore that anyway. Close of the article feeling superior to everyone else. And to top it all of, the writer's responses to the comments have been idiotic. Actually, that's not the worst. I was on Facebook this morning, and it was on top of my newsfeed, shared by none other than The Verge. "We share all our article on facebook!". Fuck you.
  21. I don't usually get my electronics in white, except for earphones, but wow the white version of that headset is really cool looking.
  22. Been listening to this while I work. Helps with concentration since there are no lyrics, just music. Of course it's not going to work if you hate wubs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oKyhEc8Gf0
  23. You guys didn't like the Deathstroke fight?? Since Mister Jack mentioned he was the first boss, I rushed him to see what the fuss was about. At first it was pure counters, with a few punches thrown in before he attacks. But with a little effort it became good. I alternated the batclaw (clothesline, pretty cool!), jumping and attacking him from behind, and just punching him head on after counters. Not a button mash either, you kinda have to time the punches and jumps to keep the combo up. Good choreography, too. It was pretty good. I wonder if you guys were really just burnt out when you played this.
  24. Fine. I take it back. We're cool now, right? Want some combos? It's all the rage these days.
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