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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. Because I can't just let the sale pass without buying anything. I WILL actually play these games though.
  2. If you guys somehow get invaded by me, this is where I'll be. Poor guy had no clue. This works about maybe 4 times out of 5 with the triangular billboards.
  3. I think I'm addicted to Watch Dogs' Online Hacking. I just wanna do that all day. Can you target a specific friend?

    1. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      don't think so. and it got old for me whenever you invaded the world of a guy who had zero decency and just shot everybody in the vicinity.

    2. Eleven


      I signed the petition to have them add that feature!


      I haven't run into those guys. I had gotten into a few where the dude tries to find me, then gives up and gets into a car and drives away. And some dudes who get into hidden places where the only way you can hack them is get close and show yourself. But the latter I guess is good strategy.

  4. Having a lot of fun online hacking in Watch Dogs. There was one with an awesome chase scene but fucked up and lost the video.
  5. But enough with the keyboard woes: What do you guys think of this laptop? It's an Acer Aspire I can get for ~$870 USD. Intel® Core™ i7 Processor 4510U Haswell (15W, 2-Core, 64-bit, 2.0-3.1Ghz, 4Mb L3) Windows 8.1 15.6" LED Backlight HD 16:9 Gloss (1366x768) 8gb DDR3 ram memory 1tb 5400rpm sata hdd, Card reader nVidia® GF 840M E.Grpx, Pipelines:96 (2gb/64-bit, Core/Mem: 938/2000Mhz) I'm also wondering how the 840M would fare against my GTX 560 Ti. I'm not really looking for an extreme gaming laptop, but if it holds up nicely against my desktop card then I'd know if the whole laptop is worth it or not. And I'd be able to better judge the type of games I can run on it.
  6. Oh god it does! I've tuned out the blue fonts. I never expected them to have other functions on the arrow keys. My other laptops always had those separate.
  7. I wonder how that would work out... I assume they would date at home. Maybe they should order take-out and surprise the delivery guy. There's an existing show where to people who don't know each other meet on an island, naked, and they attempt to survive for a month (i think). I watched 1 episode and man, the dude was almost dead in like 3 days, due to extreme sunburn and the lady was doing all the things and being resentful for it. I'm too lazy to look up the show.
  8. 12 hours? Really? I should get it... I thought it was about 4 hours max...
  9. I got Muramasa last month as I was desperately searching for something to play. Then I forgot about it. Though I have been looking at Strider everytime I open up the Psn store on my PS4, trying to decide if I should buy it, but realizing I probably wouldn't play it. So I'm still good.
  10. I remember when I started playing Morrowind we had an old video card, then later we upgraded it and the water looked so amazing. I called my brother and we just followed the river for a while, just looking at the water. Other than that I don't have anything for this topic.
  11. Lol. All this time I thought it was called "Downtown" Abbey.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      holy shit everything I know is a lie

    3. TheMightyEthan


      It's spelled "Downton", no second w.

    4. staySICK


      I still call it Downtown Abby

  12. this does not have an "End" and "Home" key, which I really need to use a lot. I was gonna put that info in I forgot cause I pressed the wrong keys because this doesn't have an End/Home key so after I fixed the typos I... just forgot!
  13. Fuck this keyboard. I was content using it with remapped keys. But then the middle keys died, just like the last one. Currently using my logitech k400r, my wireless one that I connect to any other PC I need a keyboard on. Thinking of getting one of those mechanical keyboards. The Razer BlackWidow Stealth seems to be the cheapest among my options. I know Razer doesn't have that good of a reputation but I've liked their mice a lot. Either that, or just go big with the Das Model S Pro, which apparently seems to be the best. There are other cool choices like the CM Storm ones, too. Then there's the apple keyboard like Logitech K750. It has the same layout, with keypad, but it's wireless and solar powered. Or maybe I should just get one of those normal keyboards for around ~$10. I'll do that anyway temporarily tomorrow, as I still don't know what to get. Maybe in a few weeks I'll forget all about this and stick with that.
  14. True Detective. This is a good show. Started of kinda boring, at least for me, but it does pick up on the 2nd and 3rd episodes. They had to set things up and that's not always exciting. The show gives me a "Twin Peaks" feel. They're both murder mysteries, people move hella slow, the score is creepy, and honestly the whole thing they're dealing with is fucking creepy. I'm typing this at night and I'm creeped out I need to turn the lights on. Anyway yeah, it has that twin peaks creepy feeling but then it hooks you at the end of each episode and you just want more of it. Haven't watched the finale yet, but yeah if you haven't watched it yet, well, i suggest you give it a go. Edit: Oh, and also, Alexandra Daddario... Wow...
  15. I guess these things die easily. So after almost a year, the keyboard died again. This time, the lower keys on the keypad as well as the down and right arrow died, if only the down and right arrow survived I could have used it without the keypad. I love it, but I'm going to have to get something else.
  16. I watched the first season, I'm curious and I'll eventually watch the rest of it but I didn't really think it was as good as I've read it was. I think it's the lead's attitude that throws me off. She's a druggie (or former) with a daughter, and she never seemed to do anything right (before the show, that is). Thankfully, the situation she's in is really, really interesting.
  17. Orange is the New Black. Season 2. I finished watching the whole season a few days ago, just forgot to post some thoughts. I rarely, if at all, read interviews and articles talking about TV shows. If I do, it's when I'm specifically looking for something. Anyway, it was mentioned last year that OITNB would focus less on Piper, instead the attention would be divided among the rest of the ensemble cast. After the first episode, which is still Piper-centric, I kinda felt sad, because I do like watching Pipers... activities... in the prison. Turns out, those other women are interesting too. Especially Lorna (the italian driver, with the lipstick). That is such a fun episode. She seems like a nice girl, why would she be in prison? What else... hmm... It turned out the later Piper plot/story were BORING AS HELL. I hate Alex Vause. She is boring. Piper is boring when they're together. I wanted to fast forward with this shit. Oh, and boobs. There must be some kind of rule in that everyone should show boobs. Seriously, you think she won't show her boobs? She fucking will! Goddamn. I'm not a boob person, but I never thought I would react badly to seeing boobs.
  18. Today, i learned what a Kreayshawn is.

    1. TheMightyEthan


      Now my life has been blighted with that knowledge as well.

  19. Welcome! Hope you guys stay!
  20. I think it's the angle of your head actually. I set up mine like Ethan's. My head hurts looking up like that, but maybe i just have a shit couch.
  21. I started playing Bravely Default, and went out of the first town with the Default items, because i was feeling Brave (geddit?!). Got stuck on the 2nd map of the first cave, down to 3 health and can't get anywhere without dying. LOL! Damn autosave. Why the fuck do i have a Phoenix Down instead of a health potion? It does nothing! I'm alone!
  22. I never played the Souls games 'cause it looks like something I won't enjoy, so I may have been playing games with stamina bars that shouldn't have been there (it's mostly those games that limit your sprint, which just makes it take longer to go where you need to go). So I guess I have to agree with you. Indoor arenas?
  23. Oh god I just liked old posts. I just found it so funny because I just watched that Superman/Darkseid scene in JLU where Superman let's loose, and sends Darkseid through a lot of buildings, which probably cost a lot to repair and most likely killed some people.
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