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Everything posted by Yantelope

  1. I thought you posted that already? Oh, that was pikmin 2. Sorry.
  2. And here we get to one of my burning questions. http://www.joystiq.com/2011/09/15/the-hidden-costs-of-playstation-vita-3ds-esque-battery-life-and/ $100+ for a 32GB memory card and not letting us use SDHC cards? You were so close to batting 100% on this Vita. Considering A class 10 SDCH 32GB can be found for under $50 on amazon the 100% Sony tax pisses me off a bit. This makes the entry price essentially $300-350 before you even buy a game. This might force me to cancel my preorder.
  3. I've heard of "The Day Today" but not Time Trumpet. That was one of the very few on that list I hadn't heard of. I think British comedies are mostly relegated to nerds in the US.
  4. http://www.mcvuk.com/news/read/vita-can-play-ps3-games-remotely/084792?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+mcvuk%2Fstream+%28MCV%3A+Home+Stream%29 Oooooo, actual remote play. These features sound awesome.
  5. Netflix losing more customers than expected. Don't know how they didn't expect people to cut when they hiked the price 80%. I dropped DVDs.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CorgiShinobi


      People are cheap, but I'm still a member. Honestly, with how many shows I watch on streaming alone, the price hike seems more reasonable than "out of the blue."

    3. Yantelope


      Except that they'd already hiked the price by $2, which I was okay with and this new hike was another $8 on top of that and that was too much for me.

    4. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      Something is only worth what people will pay for it. Netflix are finding out how much the majority of people think their service is worth. A lot seem to be saying "Not *that* much."

  6. $14 from amazon warehouse deals. "Like New" usually means new.
  7. Just in case you haven't seen it. I LOL'd at this Stopping to punch every tree along the way.
  8. So you just buy a box of quaker oats and eat them raw?
  9. Yeah, I have a desk job so I should probably not consume that much food. That diet also sounds expensive.
  10. That is a crapton of protein. How do you get 200+ grams of protein without chugging shakes all day?
  11. Interesting, I picked up some protein shake mix to put in some skim milk to drink after my workout. I'm going to see if that makes a difference.
  12. Yeah, I'm not a VGCats fan but Super Effective is Super Effective on me.
  13. Do you guys eat before or after your workouts? I read that it's good get some protein right after your workout to replenish your muscles.
  14. Sony needs to make it so you can play your one copy of MGSHD or anything with "transfarring" on both systems without having to purchase 2 copies of the same game.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. toxicitizen


      That's definitely something that could work. But I was thinking of getting a Vita download with a physical PS3 copy.


      Hell, I kinda wish they'd come up with a way to give a digital copy of Vita games to those who buy them retail. Even now, the smart move is to buy PSP games through PSN for the Vita BC, but I still hesitate and lean towards physical copies...

    3. Yantelope


      Yes, and I find it very hard to believe sony on the UMD transfer program because that's exactly what they said about the PSP Go.

    4. toxicitizen


      Yeah, when I read that they were "thinking about it", I instantly thought "bullshit".

  15. Gripe 1: HH won't share his pretzels.
  16. Well that's just because soccer is really boring. And yeah, there are some awe inspiring videogame performances out there.
  17. The word Ewok is never mentioned in Return of the Jedi. That's how over publicized the movie was.
  18. http://www.destructoid.com/battlefield-3-will-ship-on-two-xbox-360-discs-211281.phtml?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Destructoid+%28Destructoid%29&utm_content=Google+Reader Sweet! Now we can sell the crappy singleplayer disc when we're done and keep the multiplayer. How does this fit into the whole Project 10 dollar thing?
  19. and yet I still haven't bought it. I think if I could get all the equipment with the move controller for around $50 I'd bite but since it's more like twice that even with the discount I'll continue to pass. Maybe I can find a cheap doomsday version of Resistance 3 at some point.
  20. Can we please start up the Uncharted is overrated rants again! I miss those days.
  21. @Johnny and 6264, I agree with you that it may just be a misconception but the fact that that void between the great and the elite is hard to see makes it harder to sell. I don't claim to be a master Halo player. I've been bested plenty of times. At the same time I've never seen anyone do something in Halo that I've thought "Wow, that's just amazing, I'll never be able to do that." You see that all the time when LeBron jumps through the air and slam dunks the ball. You see it when Randy Moss would make a flying catch in the end zone and you see it when someone cranks a 500ft out of the park home run. It's spectacle, it's awe and it's lacking in the virtual world. http://mlb.mlb.com/video/play.jsp?content_id=19127709&topic_id=10025018&c_id=mlb
  22. Yeah, I have a hard time caring about watching pro gaming events. I think there's a level of athelticism associated with pro sports that changes things. I have no hope of ever being LeBron James because I just wasn't born that way but I could (I tell myself anyway) be a pro gamer. I think the lack of athletic awe hurts the observability.
  23. Advance Wars: DOR is really good. I'm so late to the DS party.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RockyRan


      I definitely liked it until I got a little past the halfway part when the game became fucking impossible in difficulty. Don't really have the time to waste half an our on a map and still lose because I made one wrong move 10 minutes ago.

    3. Yantelope


      yes, gone are the days of OP CO powers. I love it.

    4. Harri


      I really raged when chapter 23 came up. Made me stop playing the damn game.

  24. Yeah, I still have my Vita preorder too but I've made a deal with myself which is twofold. One is that there has to be a launch title I'd be willing to preorder and second is that I'm not spending an additional $40-60 on a proprietary memory card. So far it's looking like I'm going to cancel.
  25. The reason why esports haven't taken off is the lack of observeability. Until they load the matches with groups of observer cameramen and have a controller switching angles to show you the views of what's happening in different areas it's going to be difficult. The hardest part about FPS is that there's no central point of focus. In most sports you just follow the ball but you can't do that with a Halo match. All the money is made in observation of the sport. If you want to make money for the MLG they need to create events with lots of large screens with multiple viewing angles so you can see the events. You'd need to be able to do on the fly replays and such. All this of course sets up what stadiums are which is just giant vending areas. If you can't get nerds to come buy beer and nachos you can't make money.
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