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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Ethan, I've never disagreed more with someone in my life. The sticks feel just right on the DS3. Also 360 controller's left stick is in the wrong place and it feels wrong. WRONG! WRONG! YOUR OPINION IS WRONG!!!!!!!!
  2. L1 to aim R1 to shoot. Works perfectly on this generations best shooter... Uncharted 3.
  3. Tried playing 3D Dot Game Heroes again this weekend. I love Zelda, the art style, the retro humour, but I just don't find this game that fun. Maybe I'll just wait for the Oracle Zelda games next month on 3DS if I want classic 2D Zelda gameplay :-\
  4. Thoughts on Infinite: Tried the original Bioshock the next morning. It's good, but I definitely can't stand shooters that use R2 to shoot on the PS3. C'monnnnn!!!!!
  5. Easily my favourite episode since the show returned.
  6. I play by my own rules, WAS, just like
  7. Count me down as finishing Bioshock Infinite.
  8. That whole thing with the
  9. Easily my favourite episode since the show returned.
  10. Keep on preachin' that sarcastic gospel, Frosty. I wish they'd have kept it sprite based. Maybe just really nice, but still retro looking sprites, à la the Final Fantasy IV PSP remake:
  11. Yeah the actors on the cover is interesting. A sign of things to come, I think.
  12. Yeah but until they give it a proper title, I'm going to give it a terrible title.
  13. Strangelove is dropping straight up truth bombs, y'all. BACK TO THE TOPIC AT HAND THOUGH. Hopefully they don't take to long bringing ALTTP to the Wii U VC, I'd like to play through it before "A Link 2 The Past".
  14. For the record, Uncharted Golden Abyss was great. It's not UC2 or UC3, but it's a solid 8/10 IMHO. It had a long campaign, good game play, and was basically more Drake/Sully goodness. The only problem is, since it was a launch game, it had some unnecessary touch screen controls, mostly for fighting. For the most part, it offered console quality gameplay, on the go, which, in this day and age, is exactly what I want out of my handheld devices.
  15. Maybe this morning. But I think people who own the Vita, are pretty happy with their purchases. I have both handhelds systems, grew up on Nintendo, was even happy with my Wii and DS, but Vita is obliterating Nintendo in my books these days. :-\ I don't know where this myth that the 3DS has games (?!?) and the Vita doesn't came from. Anyways, didn't Nintendo say there was going to be a 3D trailer on the 3DS? Has that been posted yet?
  16. I don't want to start an argument but what? A strategy RPG game? No thanks. New Super Mario Bros was nice, but not as a well designed as the Wii U version. Mario Kart 7 was great, but that was release around the same time as SM3DL. Theatrhythmn was sort of fun for a few minutes, but is probably more at home on the iPad. Compare that to Vita, which seems like every month is getting great games, this month Guacamelee! alone is better than any 3DS game I've played, and we have Soul Sacrifice coming out at the end of the month. Even today, the most exciting news besides ALTTP2 was rerelease of old GBC and SNES games. Anyways, I'm looking forward to a traditional, handheld, top down, Zelda without stylus controls, with a traditional overworld structor. No more trains or boats, yay! Frosty could be right, maybe I'm just burnt out on boats/trains/wolves/giant birds, which weren't integrated well into the game (except for WW boat). I remain optimistic!
  17. A Link to the Past 2! For the first time since Super Mario 3D Land there's a promising looking 3DS game. Though I don't know how I feel about turning into a painting. Why can't they release a straight up Zelda game with no dumb gimmicks?
  18. A new Nintendo Direct? You better be launching the Wii U VC, Nintendo, or I'll riot. Seriously. Just want to play Super Metroid and A Link to the Past on my gamepad. Seriously.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. TCP



      Meanwhile, Frosty the naysayer, was wrong. I can practically taste his tears.

    3. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      they please the cowboy

    4. TCP



  19. Yeah it was. Confession: I never played Bioshock 1 or 2. But I'm loving the living shit out of Infinite, so I'll be playing through the rest of the series next. Hopefully Bioshock isn't too dated.
  20. What? Why? Didn't you snag Bioshock 2 off PS+? And Bioshock comes with Infinite on PS3.
  21. That's weird. It didn't play till the credits for me.
  22. I saw Django Unchained this weekend. It definitely lived up to the hype. It also made me hate white people.
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